Why am I asking for donations?? Is Wiki Wednesday at risk?!
Why I Set Up a Patreon and What It Means
Before I get started, I want to make one thing super clear: Wiki Wednesday and Forgotten Friday will go on no matter how few donations I get! I write those because if a time traveling version of me was plopped down in the present day, I would want those articles.
When I was younger, I kind of treated UTAUs like Pokemon. I wanted to fill up each Pokedex as much as possible, resulting in projects like my
100 UTAU Koe Chorus. A resource that would help me fill up my UTAdex and let me hear samples to decide if I want them on my team? YES.
With the fact that my two main series will not be held hostage out of the way, the Patreon isn't just for this blog, but it is primarily made because of the blog.
I'll break it down a bit. If I were to avoid multi-pitch banks and appends, I could probably write both the Wiki and Forgotten article in about two hours per week. That's just eight hours of work, and under $60 per month that I'd be missing out on if my time was worth $7.25. $60 is a lot when you're low income, but it's a loss I'm happy to take if it means that time traveler Mae is happy.
The issue is when I go beyond that minimum. In the Patreon, I make clear that the work will be based on what donors ask for. It just works out that the minimum for each of those three projects (in-depth UTAU tutorials, investigations, and MMD tutorials) is five hours. (I've spent up to ten hours on investigations before - there are some collective with an insane amount of UTAUs. I've also spent up to ten hours on LearnMMD articles, and that's not including supplementary videos.)
I'm not looking to make a fortune making these videos and articles. All I need to make this venture financially viable is roughly $35 per month for one "extended" bit of content, and I have a feeling that is enough for most people. For me to produce the work weekly as opposed to monthly, it would take $145 a month.
The reason I set up the Patreon now, whereas I was just happy doing everything for free before, is simply for the same reason I stopped Investigations to begin with. When you're low income, life throws you curve-balls. Just because one month you think everything is looking up, the next month everything may fall apart. I need to spend my time on things that are practical, because the thing my family was holding out hope for ended up not happening.
If anyone donates, I will be extremely grateful and figure out a way to shout each of you out! Even if I don't get up to that $35 mark, I'll do my best to make my donors happy.