Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Forgotten Friday #114 - 浅尾木タダミ / Asaoki Tadami

 I'm keeping on pushing, making these articles for as long as I can. I only had written about twenty, and I'm processing the 11th article. So, dreams are in reach if your dreams are small??

Forgotten Friday #114 - 浅尾木タダミ / Asaoki Tadami

This UTAU kind of… I think he's based a bit on Buddha?

It's weird. That's not my religion, and I have no horses in that race. Regardless of who I am now, I was raised hybrid Church of Christ and Southern Baptist. (Yes, I was insufferable.) Someone making an UTAU based off of Jesus, even after years of undoing that toxic upbringing, would make me say, Ayo, that's jacked up. 

But, Buddhism isn't my religion, and I'm not Japanese. I don't know what they think. 

As a note, Gautama Buddha is depicted with hair on all the images that showed up on Google. I think that Tadami is just a monk that identifies very much with Buddha and not based off of him. But, I found out that legend says that when Buddha shaved his head to become a monk, it grew into neat curls that never had to be cut again.

Who is Tadami Asaoki?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #103 - 頭音直時 / Kashirane Naotoki

So, I'll admit that I've been balking at this UTAU's existence a bit. I counted wrong in the article. Not including the "old banks" (if they wanted us to use them, they wouldn't be segregated!), there are eleven and the archives take up 2.14 gigabytes in my download folder. I need to clear these out, ASAP. My poor baby computer is running out of space! Right now, I can't go fast. I wasted so much time last week just lovingly giving an UTAU beautiful samples to show the world her very best. I want to use UTAU and enjoy it right now, in the back of my mind, so now's the time to bite the bullet and get through eleven banks in one sitting. 

Forgotten Friday #103 - 頭音直時 / Kashirane Naotoki

You all know my rules by now - every article has to be six hundred words. As I'm writing this in bed on my phone, I kind of realize I need almost no introduction or character description. There are nine banks. Maybe more, since the visual archive may be out of date. If I were to give each bank fifty words each, that section alone would nearly get me to that goal. But, you know, if I slack off and just put the picture in the who is this UTAU section now, how lazy will I get in the future?

Who is Naotoki Kashirane?

official icon from site

Friday, February 19, 2021

Forgotten Friday #113 - 魔法幼女★まじかるさおにゃん / Magical Saonyan

 The full English version of the name is Magic Little Girl Magical Saonyan. That's too long.

Forgotten Friday #113 - 魔法幼女★まじかるさおにゃん / Magical Saonyan

So, two seemingly unrelated people named their UTAUs using the same exact structure and they're rivals now. The previous one with this naming convention, I had to put the article on hold.

Even with ad block, it kept showing me gross ads and I didn't want to look at that mess. I could elaborate and sound less like a sister in a convent, but naw.

Thankfully, this UTAU's site is safe! It is hard to navigate, but I don't care as long as I'm able to look around without being assaulted by icky things.

Who is Magical Saonyan?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #102 - 金歌トラ / Kanaka Tora

I got a lot done yesterday, but I feel like it wasn't enough. Mania is just the way mania is, especially with the extra fun of regression and autism. I feel like I can't break my own rules, and I really want to get past this stage of the blog writing. I want to clear the spreadsheet so that I can move on to working on Forgotten Friday using the Visual Archive. I need a consolidated list of who was written about, with the kanji names. Copying and pasting the titles of the articles into a text file would give me that, and only that would give me that with the way names are no kanji on the wiki. The method would not work without the articles being done.

Wiki Wednesday #102 - 金歌トラ / Kanaka Tora

Hurrah hurray! Continuity is messed up because I have to break up the last few articles because they were all from the same family. So, I'm in bed writing this. I've been doing this off and on tonight. Last night? Since I woke up, or something.
Anyway, I'm done with that one family. This UTAU is second fiddle to one named Usagi who won't be covered for probably… a year? Or so? Her voice provider said stuff would be done for Usagi around 2021, and this article was written in 2020. I'm going to keep pushing it further and further out because using my computer gives me anxiety right now. That's why I'm on my phone!

Who is Tora Kanaka?

Official Art from Website

Friday, February 12, 2021

Forgotten Friday #112 - 京音ハルカ / Kyoune Haruka

 Oh cool. Three identical digits in a row. That won't happen again until 222! Will I still be doing this blog to be able to get to that point!? Yes. I'm disabled. I have very little to do with my life. (note: I had messed up the numbers. This was 112 all along.)

Forgotten Friday #112 - 京音ハルカ / Kyoune Haruka

So. Many. Families.

My original idea of writing the articles in order and processing them in order went out the window when I saw that so many of these UTAUs are from families. I'll do my best to go in some semblance of order, but boy howdy. This is number twelve of UTAUs in a family, and I'm only to number sixteen on the spreadsheet.

Who is Haruka Kyoune?

Official Icon from Bank
taken from the visual archive
because it was originally a bmp

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #101 - 存在愛と / Sonzai Aito

I'm writing this one fully on my computer. I guess I need a quick break! All of the information on this UTAU was scrubbed from the web, so I needed to get my hands on the actual bank to find it. As a note, I really dislike UARs. I haven't installed an UTAU onto my computer since 2013! I use them once and then toss them out in most cases, though I think I will install a few for easy finding once I get my head on straight and possibly start making actual covers again. Won't that be grand!

Wiki Wednesday #101 - 存在愛と / Sonzai Aito

Alright, so. Wiki Wednesday articles are primarily awesome to do just because everything is right there. Older UTAUs, you have to poke around and such to find everything. It's a process. But with Wiki Wednesday, it's just... there. On the Wiki or on the Archive. But, this UTAU had the same issues as a Forgotten Friday bank. All of the information was locked away in the bank itself. On my phone, the information might as well not exist. But on PC, I can write the article no issue!

And, I mean, this is actually an UTAU that would qualify for Forgotten Friday... So that makes sense.

And, honestly, I'm glad I'm calmed down from the work of doing four articles in three hours. There's some stuff that I would say that is entirely unrelated from the UTAU or the voice provider, but I'm chill now. Tired and chill. 

Who is Aito Sonzai?

art by AliceCupcakes

Friday, February 5, 2021

Forgotten Friday #111 - 愛琉家のおらーだ / Airuga's Oraada

 I love Huel. I really love it. 

Forgotten Friday #111 - 愛琉家のおらーだ / Airuga's Oraada

So, I searched the airuga site up and down for information on this chica. Nothing! Her download and character art are there, but that's it. No stories. No biography. I was so excited to learn more about another airuga UTAU after writing about Niita, but nope! She's just a design and a voice and that's it.

Who is Oraada?

Official Art from Site

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #100 - 印音神楽 / Shirushine Kagura

Okay, so, I thought hard about this. I had no idea this UTAU was taken down until after I wrote the first two parts on my phone. There were still two banks up when I downloaded them, but now there's none left. I have uploaded the two I had for safe keeping in case it was not intentional. I will not share it publicly, but it still exists.

Wiki Wednesday #100 - 印音神楽 / Shirushine Kagura

Allow us to take a moment to rejoice! A Shirushine that looks nothing like Hina!

The internet is working perfectly inside, but I came outside again. I was just burning up inside something awful, and it's nice and cool out here. I don't think the temperature changed inside, but with my bipolar disorder sometimes my skin gets so hot that when I put my hands on a cool surface, the moisture in the air clings to the warmness around my hands, and when I pull my hand away, there's a damp hand print. 

It also made science class difficult at times. My goggles would instantly steam up. When it happened one time, I think the teacher was annoyed but kind of realized I had no physical way of making it happen to be difficult. It just did happen. 

What does this have to do with… oh no, I have no idea what his name is pronounced as. His real name is Natsu Kagura, but he's forced to go by Shirushine Kagura. What does this have to do with Kagura? Nothing. But his bio is short to the point I need padding.

Who is Kagura Shirushine?

Official Icon from Bank