Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Forgotten Friday #49 - 甘い音カリテ / Karite Amaine

Why does this UTAU looks so familar?! I remember seeing that face around, but I honestly have no idea. Maybe it's just that she looks quite a bit like Ankoku Kenmotsu drawn in the style of that one girl who was obsessed with USloids?? Either way. On to the article!

Forgotten Friday - 甘い音カリテ / Karite Amaine

Karite's voice provider now goes by Kuripu on Deviantart, but uses her legal name on her Twitter. I've been having a tendency to just ignore the fact that the voice provider exists recently, but I bring her up because her art is amazing and I love it. In under a decade, her art went from the icon you will see shortly to the masterpieces on her dA account.

Don't feel like you'll never be a good artist, because hard work and dedication can make your art into something you never imagined!

Who is Amaine Karite?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #38 - 探歌すぴ / Supi Tanka

Operator! I need to report an emergency! . . . An amazing UTAU is getting slept on! . . . Well, yes, I know this is Pizza Hut. . . . I wasn't going to call 911 for the sake of a joke!

Wiki Wednesday #38 - 探歌すぴ / Supi Tanka

Supi Tanka's VCV is over 500 megabytes zipped. You know my hard drive is going to feel great with that weight off of its shoulders. Or... I'm not sure how to make this analogy work. Regardless, this is a huge bank. Her voice provider states that it is because she accidentally saved the samples in Stereo and not Mono. But, it's a four pitch bank. Switching to mono wouldn't make this tiny, though it would help.

So, here's how this went down. I saw the design and fell in love. I love this design so much. Then I listened to the voicebank.

Spoiler: the OTOs are wonky but I love this UTAU. Anyway, onto the article!

Who is Tanka Supi?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Friday, November 22, 2019

Forgotten Friday #48 - 白牙マナ / Byakuga Mana

I found a blog that does something similar to me - it's even also on Blogspot. They claim to have archived 631 UTAUs at the time of writing this. I think it would take roughly five years to overtake them as the main source for archiving UTAUs in blog format... But, you know, they don't have a scheduling thing going on and I do. I could technically dump five articles in one week to become the "winner" of a contest that doesn't exist. That's just silly and not something I'd think of doing. But, you know, it's fun to do math. 

Forgotten Friday #48 - 白牙マナ / Byakuga Mana

Here's to another footnote at the bottom of another UTAU's distribution page! And, even sillier, I'm talking about this girl before I talk about the UTAU she's actually overshadowed by! I was poking around the bank and saw that there was a UST that came with the bank. Cool! I opened the UST and saw the flags "g-28n100K50Y0h40a0".

I am not going to make this user happy with my complete aversion to flags.

Who is Mana Byakuga?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #37 - 柿崎冬哉 / Kakizaki Toya

So, I'm not sure what to write up here. I'm kind of... ouch ouch I need to keep thinking or the headache starts creeping in!!

Wiki Wednesday #37 - 柿崎冬哉 / Kakizaki Toya

So, Toya here shares a website with an UTAU I will cover later named Nashine Natsuka. While she is flashy and has insane outfits, he is plain. Very, very plain.

I think both of those UTAUs are voiced by the same person. To which I say how?!?! This sounds like a boy! Not just a boy, but a man! I'm not Nancy Drewing なつめ, but either way, if they provide the voices for both Natsuka and Toya, they are super duper talented. I'm not sure which is harder, even! A man doing a perfect teen girl voice, or a woman doing a perfect teen boy voice?!

Who is Toya Kakizaki?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Friday, November 15, 2019

Forgotten Friday #47 - 阿井植男 / Ai Ueo

Remember last week when I said that there is a maximum number of Jiisans that you need in life? This one is different! He has a ReaPeaks file in his voicebank!! Just one, but it's enough to see that this Jiisan uses REAPER! And he called out Grandpa Nakamiya as his inspiration!! Grandpa Nakamiya is the best Jiisan, and this guy was giving him props! How can I not be excited for this bank?!

Forgotten Friday #47 - 阿井植男 / Ai Ueo

Usually I switch up the order of the names when I'm writing the article so that, if Google crawled my blog, there would be instances of "Kasane Teto" and "Teto Kasane" (If I broke all of my rules and wrote about Teto, that is.) But I am not messing with Ai Ueo. Ueo Ai is just wrong. 

I believe that his name is written with Ateji, but I'm not smart enough to know if this is the proper time to use that terminology. Regardless, this UTAU actually has some form of character! So on to that section!

Who is Ai Ueo?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #36 - Mal-Cat's Autumn Leaves

Whoops! I wasn't paying attention and wrote a few more articles between the parts of this series than I intended to! Oh well, we're here now!

Wiki Wednesday #36 - Mal-Cat's Autumn Leaves

Good news!! This bank comes with a readme and character file! Bad news... Still no icon. It's time for another Mal-Cat UTAU! This time, however, the voice provider is not Mal-Cat, and is instead SombraShadow.

I'm not exactly sure what to say, so...

Who is Autumn Leaves?

Official Art by Mal-Cat

Friday, November 8, 2019

Forgotten Friday #46 - おさコレPoid / Osakorepoid

I beg of you. Please zip your voicebank's folder and not just the contents. Nothing is as mildly inconvenient as unzipping a voicebank and it flooding the folder it is in.

Forgotten Friday #46 - おさコレPoid / Osakorepoid

I Nancy Drew'd, and I think I found the voice provider of this UTAU. I think this is their Nicovideo page. The release video for Osakorepoid has been taken down, but the description with the download link still remains. 

Other than that, there is no information on this bank. There was a website for this bank, but sadly it has went offline and the Internet Archive never saw it. So... Well..

Who is Osakorepoid?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #35 - 芽目めめこ / Memeko Meme

Sadly, her name is not pronounced as "meem", the way it is pronounced in English. It is, in fact, pronounced the way that lame grandparents pronounce meme. (Well, as opposed to their mei-mei, this is just meh-meh.) This is getting away from me.

Wiki Wednesday #35 - 芽目めめこ / Memeko Meme

So, the Twitter given in Memeko Meme's ReadMe has been set to private, but it has KuroNeko's new handle in the bio. That is really awesome and considerate! I don't really have much else to say, other than I can't wait until I can read Japanese so that I can understand what her tumblr bio means.

Who is Meme Memeko?

Illustration under the break. The girl has eyes all over her body and one cyclops eye on her head. I did this before with Maron-chan, because I don't know. I have no problem with a character only having one eye, but cyclops eyes freak me out. (Fun fact, it is believed that the legend of cyclops comes from people who found elephant skulls and confused the nasal cavity for an eye socket.)

Friday, November 1, 2019

Forgotten Friday #45 - Kiwi Fukane / 不可音キウイ

So, I'm not going to Internet Archive the voice provider, credited mononymously as Katie. Most of her stuff has been taken down, and I won't go search for it. The only thing that matters is that we have Kiwi!

Forgotten Friday #45 - Kiwi Fukane / 不可音キウイ

I clicked on one of this UTAU's samples because it was named oddly. I heard the sample and smiled. This bank was recorded on a very bad microphone and that's why I love it. I don't feel bad pointing it out, because her name literally means "bad sound".

Anyway, let's not mince words!

Who is Fukane Kiwi?

Icons from UTAU Wikia and Bank

Hiatus Over!

Hey guys! I have a confession to make. I had no idea how long this hiatus had been going on for. I had been focusing on my YouTube channel so hard, I forgot to work on the blog. It was mostly because I knew I was safe until the end of November. I didn't realize that I literally had let this blog rot since mid-August.


That being said, my YouTube hiatus started just one month later.

I upped a video I made about tracing after this, but it doesn't really count

In general, I used this time to take a hiatus from life in general. I felt really frustrated in general that things weren't coming together as I had planned. I had a Patreon, I had a ko-fi. Nothing on the money front other than one friend feeling sorry for me. I had my English list and people promising to record it, but I still only had Cynpoids to play with. (And two banks that I recorded, but I'm not the biggest fan of my voice in UTAU.) As a note, one person promised to record, but got sick. I don't hold that against them, and I'm still vibrating over how happy I am that they are going to record tripitch English for me.