Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, December 31, 2021

Forgotten Friday #158 - NFT project's -KATSUHO-

 I did it!! This is the last article of 2021, written at 4:14 PM on the 26th of December in 2020. I still have one more article to do before I take a well deserved break so that it is literally pushed out into 2022, but wow! I'm proud of myself!

Forgotten Friday #158 - NFT project's -KATSUHO-

I have an honest question about why Chitose is number four, her genderbend released alongside her is number eight, and this UTAU is number twelve. 

Were there a ton of UTAUs that were culled?? Anyway.

Who is Katsuho?

Official Art from Site

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #147 - 風南メル / Meru Kazeminami

 Yes!! I was so confused. I did a silly and put his Japanese name in the word doc for my drafts, but his listing in my spreadsheet and the filename of his bank were both the romaji version. It was extra aaargh because axfc is currently being awful and I didn't know if I could get his bank downloaded if I didn't already have it. I had it!! 

Wiki Wednesday #147 - 風南メル / Meru Kazeminami

Just one more article, and Wiki Wednesday will be pushed out to 2022, officially! Which sounds silly now that I think of it, because the absolutely earliest you will read this is when it airs, and you could assume I wrote this the night before... but I know :)

This guy's site includes an option for Chinese text. I think that might mean that the character is related to China in some way. 

I… there's nothing really to say, but there is a minimum word count. There's not going to be anything to say if I start this tomorrow or the next day. So, let's go.

Who is Kazeminami Meru?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, December 24, 2021

Forgotten Friday #157 - 主飼エヌ / Nushikai Enu

 This draft was written before Christmas of 2020! Hopefully when this publishes on Christmas Eve 2021, I'll be super hyped up for a wonderful Christmas with twice the cheer!! Because this Christmas was basically just watching TV and trying to forget it was Christmas because it really wasn't Christmas because of COVID.  

Forgotten Friday #157 - 主飼エヌ / Nushikai Enu

I was unsure on whether I should write on this UTAU or not because it's strange. She's a multipitch VCV with only vowels I think??

There is utility in a bank with only vowels, actually. But I haven't tried out the bank yet. So, of course, it will be useful to test out if it has utility.

But dang it. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and my mom is too sick to do anything, and I can't even be in the same room with her for too long because she's afraid I'll get sick when I already think I'm sick! I'm really lucky because my stepdad has recovered and mom is checking her oxygen levels often to make sure that she's safe… but dang it. Christmas is cancelled.

Who is Enu Nushikai?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #146 - 歌苗ダダ / Kanae Dada

 There is a small chance I messed up the dates and will need to move this back, but!! I am writing this on 12/22/20, but if all goes as is planned, this will be released on 12/22/21!! A palindrome! And exactly one year out! Just two more, and these articles will be pushed out into 2021! I'm happy!

Wiki Wednesday #146 - 歌苗ダダ / Kanae Dada

So, here is a huge difference between utao and usa utau. With usa utau, if one UTAU is the counterpart to another one who has a full biography, their biography is just "oh, and he's just here to protect so-and-so."

Dada, however, has a full biography, just like Yaya had a full biography. 

Who is Dada Kanae?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, December 17, 2021

Forgotten Friday #156 - 森音むぃ / Morine Mui

 I'm going all out of order again so that I can end the year with strong articles that don't go into rants about that time I went voting back in November!

Forgotten Friday #156 - 森音むぃ / Morine Mui

I did and didn't work on my blog today. I wrote five drafts if I'm counting correctly! That means that surely I'll be able to push my blog out until 2022 before 2021!

That is if I don't get sicker. Quick recap. Stepdad caught the virus at work and gave it to my mom. My mom has been militant about not coming within ten feet of me and always wearing a mask, but I still think I have it. I was like la di da, I have tummy problems and my throat is sore!! I'm sure that I'm infected but asymptomatic, as 80% of people who catch it are! But now I'm honestly feeling sick. If I had a thermometer, I would take my temperature. But I don't have one, or at least I have no idea where one is. I recently used painter's tape as a bandaid dang it.

Who is Mui Morine?

official art from site
alt title: hat go monch!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #145 - 歌苗ヤヤ / Kanae Yaya

 I am so close to my goal of at least getting Wiki Wednesday pushed out until 2022! It's December 22, 2020. That gives me plenty of time to do it, especially since Christmas is cancelled this year.

Wiki Wednesday #145 -  歌苗ヤヤ  / Kanae Yaya

So, I should finish Usa-utau before I start on another massive collective. But I'll be entirely honest: usa utau is tiring. Either you need to fill five hundred words with nonsense because there's no character beyond it being a rip off of a vocaloid… or your brain breaks because they are a little bad at writing and their AU is just so confusing.

All of them have Japanese names except for a few, but Eve lives in the EU? I mean, does that mean something else in their AU? Not the European Union? How do they keep hoofing it from Japan to Germany?! Planes are never mentioned!

Utao is not like that. They don't openly rip off vocaloids. I may be wrong, but I believe they consistently put in the same work for each UTAU. I started at the top of the list, so I may find out that's wrong near the bottom of it. I believe I've written about some of them before, but there are still about eleven on the spreadsheet to go over. It may deteriorate.

Who is Yaya Kanae?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, December 10, 2021

Forgotten Friday #155 - 久度ヤフカ / Kudo Yafuka

 It is so frustrating that while she has a VCV bank, I can't get it to work. It was hosted on Microsoft Drive, and now it doesn't work at all. There's a chance that it's an issue with the link shortener, and the bank is still just hanging out in the Microsoft Drive account. That would be so frustrating!!

Forgotten Friday #155 - 久度ヤフカ / Kudo Yafuka

I swear I interacted with this voice provider in 2013. I probably did, but maybe I probably didn't. I don't even know!

Who is Yafuka Kudo?

Official art from site

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #144 - 猫音ジン / dyslexia-q's YAKU / Ling

 I think that Nekone Jin is an abandoned name because of the fact that it wasn't the best name, but I still included it because that's literally the file name for the bank.

Wiki Wednesday #144 -  猫音ジン / dyslexia-q's YAKU / Ling

So, dyslezia is a silly pants! Their p name is dyslexia-p. Which I thought was silly. Someone else probably picked that one! But then I read the page a bit more and looked back. It was dyslexia-q the entire time! Oh, how silly that was!

Little jokes like that are the best. You can't be offended by them when they work on you!

Who is Yaku?

Official Art from Wiki

Friday, December 3, 2021

Forgotten Friday #154 - 楽音キヨ / Rakune Kiyo

 Here's an actual Forgotten Friday article about an UTAU from 2009! I had that last word document all nice and in a row, so I just powered through it so that I could reach my goals faster!

Forgotten Friday #154 - 楽音キヨ / Rakune Kiyo

So, I decided that next time I start a spreadsheet, I’m going to order it so that I can write from one to one hundred and then post the articles in that exact order.

Well, I didn’t do this for this spreadsheet. That’s because, well, I need to just have filler between the families without doing advanced calculus to see where to fit what in. I think it would be okay to space out family members by three articles, right? Well, I’m not entirely sure I have enough.

And, most importantly, all of these banks in this document are also already on my computer. I don’t need to download anything else.

Also… These are actually old banks. Not Wiki Wednesday but from five years ago, but 2009 and 2010 banks. I had a feeling people missed those.

Who is Kiyo Rakune?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #143 - kibousingers' MIYA

 There were two articles in a row that I had to skip because I hadn't downloaded all the banks. The really odd thing was that the second one... the name wasn't even in my spreadsheet. And I hadn't downloaded her. So strange!

Wiki Wednesday #143 - kibousingers' MIYA

Alright, so, kibousingers is gone. Their tumblr was taken down. Googling the name just brings up this UTAU. Googling the name of this UTAU brings up other ones that have Miya as a given name. Because, ya know, Miya is a pretty nice name for an UTAU.

Her wiki page has almost no information at all. With all the information scrubbed, I really thought that the bank would be gone too. It isn't!

Since you can still download the bank, the article is still on. It's just, you know, there's nothing really to say. I can say things about other things, and I definitely will. Just. You know how it is.

Who is MIYA?

Official art from Wiki

Friday, November 26, 2021

Forgotten Friday #153 - 麻理子ちゃん / Mariko-chan

 Oh my! This is the last draft from that specific word document! It's so crazy how productive I am being and I really like it! Also, I don't know if I noticed before - her name is Hemp Logic Kid.

Forgotten Friday #153 - 麻理子ちゃん / Mariko-chan

Hurrah hurray! This is the last UTAU in this spreadsheet! 

Sadly, this doesn’t mean I get to go on an awesome download spree. First, I need to process all of the UTAUs in this spreadsheet, write up 20 UTAUs in a different spreadsheet, process those, and then finish all of the Wiki Wednesday articles I have already started. 

Then, and only then, can I go on a dope download spree. I really, really look forward to that.

This specific UTAU was the one that I was trying to download in my video where I was begging for help to figure out why Axfc was such a jerk. 

This is also the UTAU where I realized that tumblr’s redirect link system is completely broken. You can figure out how an Axfc link is supposed to look and use that, but why. Why is everything vocal synth breaking. I know tumblr redirects have nothing to do with vocal synths beyond the two broken links I’ve tried… But bleh. Yeah, this hurts other fandoms way more, but my lip randomly started bleeding. No metaphor, I’m just not the best place.

Who is Mariko-chan?

Art from Distribution Site

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #142 - ひつじっぽいの / Hitsujippoino

 Ya know what I'm most excited for? Downloading more UTAUs. It is basically my favorite thing to do when I have this specific personality. But I can't for a while because it's kind of ridiculous how many UTAU banks I have in my download folder right now. 

Wiki Wednesday #142 - ひつじっぽいの / Hitsujippoino

Because this is a Japanese UTAU and the voice provider is unlikely to ever see this, I can be a silly pants and just talk about anything and everything. A voice provider may want to see me speaking on their UTAU and talking kindly.

If they won't see me speaking on it, I feel there is less need to be kindly and go over all of the details. As always, the picture, samples, and links will be hanging out to be scrolled down to, no problems at all. 

Who is Hitsujippoino?

Official Art from Website

Friday, November 19, 2021

Forgotten Friday #152 - HANAUTA-PROJECT's 琉花 / Ruka

 I can't believe how fast this goes when each UTAU only has one bank! I might be able to reach my goal before the sun rises! But I won't state that as a goal because then I'd really feel like I had to do everything in one night. Which I don't. Unless...

Forgotten Friday #152 - HANAUTA-PROJECT's 琉花 / Ruka

 This UTAU is named Ruka. The reading could be Ryuuka. But they named him Ruka. Now, what’s the issue with this? Megurine Luka. The katakana is “Ruka”. This feels like a bad idea, and would be torn apart in the overseas fandom circa 2010. 

But, ya know what? There’s worse names. There’s names that just don’t work as an UTAU, because you’ll never find the videos of the UTAUs. This UTAU has unique kanji despite the unadvised reading. So, you can google for this, but not for an UTAU with a katakana name with no kanji like “shina”. 

Who is Ruka?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #141 - 鉄音敦人 / Atsuto Tetsune

 The last article I did seriously took over an hour just for the processing! I converted an entire Arpasing bank to use MEL phonemes, but dang it. It was just broken because it was OTO'd by Moresampler. Thankfully, this is just one lone CV!

Wiki Wednesday #141 - 鉄音敦人 / Atsuto Tetsune

You know what's hilarious? "Al Sharpton's Casa de Sushi".

It's a random Saturday Night Live sketch from 2003, and I feel like not many people would recognize it. You see, it's funny because "house of' is in Spanish, but sushi isn't Spanish! It's not Castilian and it's not Latino. It's from Japan!

And they don't like it, but they serve it. How do they know it's good or bad if they don't like it at all! That seems like a bad business model!

Also, is silly. Sushi actually blew up in America as early as the sixties. But I guess it took a long time to bleed into middle America. Sushi was being treated like this Johnny Come Lately back in until 2000s if I'm remembering right.

Anyway, this is an UTAU blog.

Who is Tetsune Atsuto?

Official Art from Wiki Page

Friday, November 12, 2021

Forgotten Friday #151 - Dr.シダマ / Doctor Shidama

 Boy howdy do I sure love Huel! I drink chocolate flavored Huel Black so that I get all the protein I need despite being vegan!

Forgotten Friday #151 - Dr.シダマ / Doctor Shidama

Just two articles after this one, and I will be done with this spreadsheet as far as the “on my bed” portions go! 

I have another spreadsheet with about twenty UTAUs who actually came from the original spreadsheet. I verified the banks were up, made sure the biographical data was easily available online… I have to get through that list before I can download more. So, bittersweet that I’m almost done with this spreadsheet, but that doesn’t mean I get to download anything new afterwards. 

I really, really like downloading things.

Who is Dr. Shidama?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #140 - Kikuro Johatsun

 Day two of trying to get this blog pushed out until 2022 before 2021 starts. Sadly, I want to go all in with Wiki Wednesday and get it pushed way out... but then Forgotten Friday wouldn't be pushed out until 2022, so that would miss the point. But at least I've got a few more Wiki Wednesday articles until 2022!

All Editor's Notes are from Dec 22, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #140 - Kikuro Johatsun

So, my dyslexia kicks my butt. Spent years thinking this was Kikuro Johnson. It obviously isn't, but that's just what dyslexia does.

I am annoyed, though. On television, whenever they were illustrating dyslexia, the words boogied and shaked all over the page. They were little noodles of lines that came to life.

Naw, not for me at least. I can easily illustrate what it is like.

Read this sentence. "I like to read along with older books."

Read it again. Read it three times. Now, you notice someone says something entirely unrelated to that. So you look back and now it says:

"I caught it along with older hooks."

It is just like the text was edited while you looked away. It was there, then it was something else. No fun jiggling around, just… entirely and utterly wrong. This is probably why I actually have the ability to read in dreams.

Who is Kikuro Johatsun?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, November 5, 2021

Forgotten Friday #150 - honoca_2's 空架-kuuka-

 Whoo! I think I might actually be able to reach my completely arbitrary and meaningless goal!

Forgotten Friday #150 - honoca_2's 空架-kuuka-

On one hoof, I’m really glad that the family I just wrapped up got wrapped up. On the other hoof, this UTAU has no bio data beyond the fact that she sounds like a woman, but you’re allowed to just give her whatever gender you want. And I picked her.

Apparently, her name means “empty shelf” in Chinese. I pasted it into Google Translate when I meant to paste it into Jisho. If that is the case, why does Google Translate say that her name is “fictitious” when translating the entire page? It can’t even figure it out when I mash the “listen” button on Google Translate. The romanization at the bottom is the correct “Kūka”, but the voice says “soraka”. 

And I still have two hooves to consider other possibilities! See why saying on the other hoof is fun and useful? Though, given that I currently posses zero hooves, it is just as realistic to say on the other hand four times. 

I just like My Little Pony a lot.

Who is Kuuka?

Art from Visual Archive 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #139 - 甘音セト / Set Amane

 Hurrah hurray! This is the last usa-utau bank in this word document! So that means, going in order of the word document as I have been doing, no more usa-utau banks for almost twenty articles straight! Pretty cool! 

Wiki Wednesday #139 - 甘音セト / Set Amane

Just one more article tonight. If I do five a day, I'll hit my goal of winning Nanowrimo during the wrong month by not writing a novel! Also, the daily exhaustion kicked in and my current computer chair requires effort to sit in because there's no arm rests or back. It's a roll-y stool at this point.

Who is Amane Set?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, October 29, 2021

Forgotten Friday #149 - 八重華&辰巳 / Yaeka and Tatsumi

 I did end up taking Christmas off. I watched some TV and was in general very cold. I miss having central heat and air.

Forgotten Friday #149 - 八重華&辰巳 / Yaeka and Tatsumi

This is the second time in this Google Docs word document that people completely missed the point of Yokune Ruko. 

Ruko has male and female banks. Both are still fundamentally Ruko. But Tatsumi and Yaeka share the same bank, only Tatsumi is g+20. Ruko is one character who can be drawn differently depending on which bank is used. This UTAU and Shallwill (I stan Will) miss the point and just make entire characters for the genderbend. Genderbends are supposed to be like, bends of the original character, not someone else entirely!

You can pull this and get it right, though. It’s harder for bodies that have been feminized with estrogen, but anyone can attempt to mimic the voice of the opposite gender. If you do poorly, there are formant filters in ReaPitch that will make it sound more like the gender you want it to be. Make two banks - they can still be packaged together as a unit! Heck, you can just run a formant shifter on the original samples band save it as a new bank. Twice the storage space, but it’s still a different library! (It’s as simple as setting the track default in reaper to that formant shifter, dragging in all the samples, and then exporting as stems.)

But two entirely separate characters for a flag setting? Naw, man. I do my best to be really positive and to say “you do you!” but like, please don’t make a virtually unrelated character the result of adding flags. (Traditional genderbends like Kasane Ted and Hatsune Mikuo are totally fine being nothing more than a flag. I have no issue with that at all!)

Who are Yaeka and Tatsumi?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #138 - 獏音サク / Sack Bugne

Where ever did the name Sack Bugne come from? ばくね is the reading given on his distribution page, and I don't get it.

Wiki Wednesday #138 - usa-utau's 獏音サク / Sack Bugne

In the last Usa UTAU article, we learned of Yata. She was a story of the destruction of humanity. Every major event in her life outside of Eve nursing her to health caused her to lose more of what made her something resembling a human.

Now, we have Sack. That is the official romanization of his name. He has no backstory. He seems to not even have a personality beyond the standard like, dislike, and hobby. Anyway.

Oh. I finally got where Sack came from, though. Peacock. 孔雀 means peafowl, and the second kanji has a reading of Saku. Okay.

Who is Sack Bugne?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, October 22, 2021

Forgotten Friday #148 - CODE:@ / Code At Mark

 The last article was so frustrating, I thought, write another. Get that taste of sadness out of your mouth!

Forgotten Friday #148 - CODE:@ / Code At Mark

His name is Koodo Atto Maaku. Or, Code At Mark. I kind of thought his name was cool until I read the full version. Why is that last part there? I don’t like it. 

And worst of all? He bears no resemblance to an animal for me to ramble about. 

Who is CODE: @?

Official Art from Site

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #137 - 馳音ヤタ / Yata Hasene

 This is my sixth article tonight! So cool! I think it took about three hours to get to this point. I think I only need six more to be in 2022! I definitely have that many drafts lined up, so yay! I'm excited!

Wiki Wednesday #137 - usa-utau's 馳音ヤタ / Yata Hasene

This one is a doozy! It's an usa utau, of course, but it's one of the ones that has a full backstory. Japanese tends to just leave out pronouns, and translate webpage is always worse than Google translating sentence by sentence. Translate webpage will just sprinkle in pronouns for the fun of it, even if they make no sense. 

I'm going to editorialize and recount the story with some details changed just based on the inferior translation. As a big note, according to what I read, there are major grammatical errors in some of the biographies that will screw up translation. (The error was leaving out "ni" after a "zu form" verb, which is supposedly incorrect in all cases, though I was going off of English language resources and not Japanese resources themselves.)

Mind you, I know how to write English well and I know all the rules. I will make grammatical errors all the time to emphasize a friendly tone. After I figured out what "zu form" was, I understood fully what they meant. It could have been a typo, or it could have been informal. (The biographies aren't proofread well - at one point they use VOALOID.) I don't have the vocabulary to ask whoever wrote it what the deal was. 

All of that is just to say, I know they will sometimes do things to make automatic translations wonky. That's why I cannot guarantee that my retelling is correct.

Who is Hasene Yata?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, October 15, 2021

Forgotten Friday #147 - teiravani's -OGATA-

 This will be my tenth article today! Wow! And then there will only be about 12 left before I reach my goal if I am good at counting. If I kept this pace tomorrow, I would reach the goal! If I could only do six a day, I would also reach my goal! I am hopeful.

Forgotten Friday #147 - teiravani's -OGATA-

I’ve got a question for you, Teiravani. Do you think I resemble a juvenile specimen of Felis catus? Do I look like a young member of the family Felidae?


Then why are you kitten me?!

Who is Ogata?

Official art from site

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #136 - 馳音ユト / Yuto Hasene

 I can't fully go one hundred percent in order because I somehow forgot to download one of the UTAUs... and now axfc just won't let me download. What is even with that site?

Wiki Wednesday #136 - usa-utau's 馳音ユト / Yuto Hasene

So, let me tell you what's what at this moment. I'm working on writing all the articles for the usa utau group. I can't post them all in a row because of my spamming single families rule. There's about nine more of these I think? These will just randomly go between other articles. So, other than these usa articles going in the order I wrote them, there's no continuity here. I might post two in one month. I might post one in two months. So, whatever feelings I say I have in them, it will be surrounded by something different. I kind of didn't fully think the situation through, still using these as a diary but having no logical thread of what starts where.

Anyways, there's nothing really to say about this guy.

Who is Hasene Yuto?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, October 8, 2021

Forgotten Friday #146 - teiravaniの陸玖 / Riku

 I wonder if they wanted him to be Rick.

Forgotten Friday #146 - teiravaniの陸玖 / Riku

See, part of the rule about not spamming families is so that we don’t run into a situation where I just have nothing to say because no one in the family has more than five lines of biography.  (I'm sorry about breaking that rule in this time of time crunch.)

Who is Riku?

Official art from Bank

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #135 - usa-utau's 謎人 / Meito

 I wonder if I made any jokes about tomatoes when I wrote the draft for this.

Wiki Wednesday #135 - usa-utau's 謎人 / Meito

Oh look, it's zombie virus KAITO.

So, since I break these up, and there's no telling when the last usa utau article was, usa utau is a collaborative effort with over one hundred collaborators. 

They are a mixed bag. Sometimes their art is stunning. Sometimes it is bad. Sometimes their characters are compelling. Sometimes they make no sense. You literally never know what you're going to get with them.

Most of the ones I have written about lately are "virtual bodies". They tend to be either viruses, junk data, or hacked copies of vocaloids. Because of that, they tend to be a bit flat as characters. But, you know, sometimes they end up being way more than you expected.

Who is Meito?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, October 1, 2021

Forgotten Friday #145 - サオリ・ウラスジンスキー / Sao-kun

 The family name isn't romanized anywhere, and the title was looking way too long already.

Forgotten Friday #145 - サオリ・ウラスジンスキー / Sao-kun

In the last article I wrote here on Google Docs, I actually was so excited by the UTAU’s design, I typed so fast that I had written nearly a paragraph before it showed up on screen.

This isn’t one of those cases.

Who is Sao-kun?

Art from Release video

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #134 - 余音ジュン / Jun Amarine

 I'll probably know in a few articles if I'll be able to, at the very least, get Wiki Wednesday to 2022 before New Years. I have like ten days, I think. Maybe nine. I don't know how to count time.

Wiki Wednesday #134 - usa-utau's 余音ジュン / Jun Amarine

The last usa UTAU article I wrote was insane. There were so many questions, and so little answers. But it ended with me wanting to read a novel about it to learn all those answers in due time. I mean, the novel doesn't exist… but if it did! I'd even take the time to read it in Japanese!

Wait. Why did a woman created in a lab in the European Union, based off of a socialite from the UK, have a Japanese name?! You see the questions that needed answering?!

This isn't one of those cases. There's no questions. 

Who is Amarine Jun?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, September 24, 2021

Forgotten Friday #144 - しょぼんぬ。のU-vα / U-va

 I initially did the math to prove I could do this by saying I needed to do six articles a day. Well! I already did six today! But that's no reason to stop. Though, I might stop if I get sleepy after this article. 

Forgotten Friday #144 - しょぼんぬ。のU-vα / U-va

I am trying so hard to figure out how this name was based off of grapes. Well, the Visual Archive says that it’s based off of “ぶどう”. “ぶどう膜炎” means “Uveitis”. 

And… Because I’m allergic to just typing the right thing in to Google, the uvea of the eye is the part where the iris lives. It is named after uva, the Latin word for grape due to its grape like appearance.

My excuse is that my brain is broken. Half of the sentences I say out loud either have the wrong words or I just give up and slur out the last few words.

Hopefully by the time I process this I will be better.

Who is U-va?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #133 - 灯音フミ / Fumi Tomoshine

 I hope I can be on a roll and get article after article done right now! I apologize for spamming usa-utau at this moment.

Wiki Wednesday #133 - 灯音フミ / Fumi Tomoshine

I first saw the design and thought, wow! I love her! But then I looked closer and I was so confused.

For those who don't know what Usa-utau is, it's a giant mess. A lot of the UTAUs are meant to be references to vocaloids. One is a copy of KAITO that got attacked by a virus. One is a copy of Rin that was given a book. I believe, for the most part, it is an attempt at a collaborative effort. 

This UTAU seems cohesive enough as it was only worked on by two people if the byline on the piapro page is correct. But then again, I see the pentagram and I'm wondering what's going on here.

Who is Tomoshine Fumi?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, September 17, 2021

Forgotten Friday #143 - v.m.g.のシキアイ / Shikiai

 Okay, this is the last v.m.g. UTAU in a good while!! Hurray! I know I broke one of my most fundamental rules here, but like I said, time crunch. If I don't meet my arbitrary and pointless harsh deadlines, what am I even good for?! But, I believe after this that's just fifteen articles left to process. I can do five articles in a day! Then I need three days, and it is December 24th, and my goal is to get the blog to 2022 before 2021 starts, so mathematically I can do it!

Forgotten Friday #143 - v.m.g.のシキアイ / Shikiai

My mom asked me what I did today. I explained that my brain is broken and I can really only do one thing: work on my blog.

She asked what I do on it, and I gave the slightly snarky “write!” with my arms hung in the air as punctuation to my really dumb joke so that she would know it was a joke. But then I explained that I wrote about the free voice characters, and how every article had a minimum of six-hundred words. That blew her mind! Six hundred sounds like a lot!

Though, I spent more time on the research portion today. The reason that post-2013 UTAUs are easier to write about is because, well, I’m only finding them because someone took the effort to make a Wiki page for them. Some older UTAUs didn’t have that honor. So, I went through the start of my original spreadsheet. I found the best and most complete source of information for each one and verified the download links still worked. I even made four Wiki pages for it!

I’m always worried that my work on the Wiki will get taken down due to fandom politics. I’m just over here trying to make writing articles from bed easier!

So, of course, I’m padding the article so that I have less I have to say about the UTAU themselves. And it’s for a silly reason. I do not like zombies. 

Who is Shikiai?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #132 - 鈴音ハナ / Hana Suzune

 So, I am going to try to get this pushed out to 2022 before the stroke of midnight on the last day of 2020. Or, I could say, I'm going to try to get this pushed out until 2022 before New Years Day 2021. As part of that, I'm just going to run down the list of UTAUs and let families stay together. I know that I promised I wouldn't, but I'm in a weird space where I just one added aspect of going out of written order is enough to make me quit because things are too hard. So I apologize!! Especially because this family will be a doozy. 

Wiki Wednesday #132 - usa-utau's 鈴音ハナ / Hana Suzune

If you're wondering how many words can be in a Google docs document before it's so unstable on my phone it won't stop crashing, the answer is 30,000. It was crashing once or twice, but only when I was selecting stuff too fast. But, the last article it was crashing constantly. So, I really needed to make a new document so that I could easily switch from Chrome to Docs and back. So here it is! I mean, it won't look any different once it's on the site, but I'll know the distinction.

Editor's note: Some of the things referenced won't really make sense because this was written in my drafts after other articles about this family, but will be published later.

Who is Suzune Hana?

Official Art from Site

Friday, September 10, 2021

Forgotten Friday #142 - v.g.m.のウィル/シャル / shallwill

 I got really distracted for a really silly reason, but now I'm back at doing articles! I think maybe the distraction will speed me up in the long run! 

Forgotten Friday #142 - v.g.m.のウィル/シャル / shallwill

I really like vmg UTAUs. Like… a lot. I even commented on one of the vgm UTAU’s release videos, and that made the manager happy. That makes me happy!

I am so confused about this one, though. There’s two characters, but only one bank. There are two strong pitches and two weak pitches. I believe that the intention is that the lower pitches are Shall and the higher pitches are Will. (Note! I did finally look at the visual archive page. It’s a little sloppy because the bio for Will isn’t there. But, Shall is just Will with “g+15”. I don’t do the gender bend thing due to my no flags rule, so the sample will just be for Will.)

Who is Will?

Official Icon from Bank

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #131 - にんとね れいちぇる / Reicheru Nintone

Okay so, I was confused because Reicheru Nintone was on my list, but she was giant in popularity. Huge. How did she get on my list?! Well, here's how it happened. Reicheru was originally a super adorable black haired girl who wore yellow and white that no one knew about. That bank was from 2012. After I made my spreadsheet and downloaded the bank, Reicheru's new design and banks dropped. And people loved it the way I love it. She does not belong on this blog in any shape, form, or fashion with her current status... But look at her! I just want to protect her and keep her safe!

Wiki Wednesday #131 - にんとね れいちぇる / Reicheru Nintone

Okay so, future Mae here.

How did this UTAU get on this spreadsheet?! I searched if this Chiquita qualified in 2018 or so. Well, one of her videos that disqualified her with multiple thousand views… was from seven years ago. Was there a sudden jump in interest? And, I don't even know if I downloaded her, because everything is an exe and I wouldn't download those! 

But, her voice provider was a sweetheart and answered immediately when I asked if they would be willing to upload as a zip or RAR. That behavior made me say, "This little chiquita is worth breaking the rules for."

Okay now back to past Mae!

I was just looking at the early entries on the list and seeing how many of them I was unsure about writing on at this very moment. Some had no information, one had no kanji name, and a few just stopped being. So when I saw Rachel here with no kanji in her name, I started looking for a way to contact the voice provider to ask if there was kanji until I saw her site. It is, by far, one of the prettiest UTAU distribution sites I've seen, and her name is stylized without kanji, fully on purpose. 

Then I really looked at her design…

Who is Nintone Reicheru?

Official Art from Site

Friday, September 3, 2021

Forgotten Friday #141 - v.g.mのヘイス / Heiss

 My grandmother just brought over food for us because it's Christmas Eve and Christmas is cancelled. It was chicken and gluten free dumplings for my mom. She brought nothing I could eat, but it's okay. We literally never told her anything she could make for me that was vegan because we were going to take care of that to make sure there were no mistakes. 

Forgotten Friday #141 - v.g.mのヘイス / Heiss

I thought I’d just address the fact that I am fully aware that chiquita isn’t the correct word to use in this context. It’s “Chica”. But then I see the little chica and she’s so cute and little, so she’s a chiquita!

It always made me feel happy inside when the manager of the room I rented added the “ita” to the end of my name. So, I guess I just think about how I felt when that happened, and the word reminds me of that time, and I feel happy. 

Learning time? Learning time. First tangent that goes nowhere: modern Filipino in general was heavily influenced by Spanish (as y’all know), but Filipino doesn’t have “c” and Spanish doesn’t have “k”. This does kind of go somewhere. In Spanish, “c” does double duty. It covers hard “k” and soft “s” at the same time. When the “c” is “s” or “k” is entirely context dependent. “ci” will always be soft. “Ca” will always be hard. So, how do you say “ki” if there’s no “k” and “c” doesn’t work that way?! “Qu”. Que for “ke” because “ce” is “theh”. Qui for “ki” because “c” is “the” (if you’re in Spain, at least.)

Who is Heiss?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #130 - リャパミュパ / Lja pamju pa

 Well, I realized after writing this that this UTAU was a "fictional language" UTAU, or, as many may say, a joke UTAU. I was like, well, uh, I guess I won't write an article? But I'm also like, I dunno. Let's see how usable it is. 

Wiki Wednesday #130 - リャパミュパ / Lja pamju pa

I am so confused right now. This UTAU says it's a fictional language. I kind of thought. Oh. Esperanto. But no. The name is gibberish in Esperanto. I listened to a sample and… it just sounded like Japanese? Garbled and I didn't just… I had no idea what was going on. The voice is absolutely adorable, and if it's some garbled mess that doesn't have the required samples, I'll be annoyed. But I think, and this is my guess, all the samples are recorded as something else, so what comes out is a fictional language… I guess? I'm really not solid on this at all.

Who is Lja pamju pa?

official icon from site

Friday, August 27, 2021

Forgotten Friday #140 - v.g.mのマヌー / Manuu

 I was curious, because this is stringed CV, if it could be used as a CVVC. I did run it through moresampler to generate a CVVC OTO, and I do believe if you are willing to mix palatalized consonants and the regular versions, with the exception of "n C" samples, you are able to use it as CVVC! But that was just a silly test, because it was intended to be CV, so I will treat it as CV.

Forgotten Friday #140 - v.g.mのマヌー / Manuu

I love singular they. I even conjugate it to be grammatically correct sometimes. That’s definitely not because I was raised around people who butchered the English language while being completely monolingual… haha…

Seriously, I did some Duolingo and had a few years of Spanish class in elementary school. Had an easier time talking to an old Mexican man who barely spoke English than my own grandfather half of the time. The real problem is that my grandfather doesn’t always wear dentures, but ya know, that’s less humorous.

But, sometimes he becomes default because Google Translate makes it default. Manuu is genderless and asexual. But Google Translate puts “he” in there. I’m going to try and make an effort to use singular they because I believe that Manuu is a three pitch bank with the pitches being labeled as “male, normal, female”. 

The design also makes me think singular they is better because the design is really androgynous. The outfit and curves make the design look male, but the visual symbols included in the face make the design look female.

This isn’t addressed in the biography because gendered pronouns are 50/50 a thing. Because I’m on my chromebook, I don’t know how to type Japanese. So, “kare” is “he”. I believe this is the same as the English singular they in that it’s the default when you don’t know. “Kanojo” is “she”, and only applies to women. “Karera” and “kanojora” make them plural. However, it was explained to me that “kanojora” only applies when every person referred to is a woman. If one man jumps into the mix, it’s “karera”. 

But those don’t really come up as much as you’d think, because once you say someone’s name and they know you’re talking about that person, you can just… not use pronouns or nouns to refer back to them at all. Or just use their name.
Japanese is confusing.

Who is Manuu?

Official art from Bank

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #129 - 伊佐田優志 / Yushi Isada

 I have no idea how it works out like this. I just prefer Wiki Wednesday to Forgotten Friday, even when the Forgotten Friday articles are virtually the same as Wiki Wednesday.

Wiki Wednesday #129 - 伊佐田優志 / Yushi Isada

The UTAU wiki claims that this UTAU has no set character. Well, yes and no. There's a characterization given as a starting point, with "I think this…" "Fans think this…"

However, I won't call out the person who wrote the article, because it's possible those characterizations were posted after the wiki article as posted.

Who is Isada Yushi?

Official Art from Site

Friday, August 20, 2021

Forgotten Friday #139 - v.g.mのルキ / Ruki

 I think this is the last article for a bit that has more than one bank! And even though it has more than one, it only has two. So yay!

Forgotten Friday #139 - v.g.mのルキ / Ruki

On the visual archive, the name is just Ruki, but on the website, Ruki is just the subtitle following “紫蜜庵”. I don’t know what that means. 

I actually adore the biography and design of this UTAU, but there is one major issue: the name. Though the name is longer on the menu on the website and on the URL, it’s listed as just Ruki on the Visual Archive and the biography itself on the website.

But, ya know how it is. Some UTAUs just have traits that will ban them from ever reaching notability. It’s lame, but that’s life.

Who is Ruki?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #128 - گلنار عطار / Golnar Attar

 Okay so, I'm breaking the rules for a good reason. My computer is really running low on space, and some of the Wiki Wednesday UTAUs take up like a gigabyte of space. Well, I need to write about those ASAP! But, I need to space them out so that not all the cool stuff happens at once! There are three really cool ones to write about, and maybe put two in between each... who even knows anymore! 

Wiki Wednesday #128 -  گلنار عطار  / Golnar Attar

Even though she's been on my computer for a long time, I had never seen her picture until I started writing for this article.

I love her. I don't know what she sounds like yet, and I don't care. I love her. She is an adorable cutie pie! I got in a lot of trouble with my ex because I love lamp.

I love everything that I like and enjoy, because I'm just that kind of person. Why use a word like "like" if I can love it?!

It's at times like this that I wish there were more words for different kinds of love in English. I love UTAUs the way I love cats. Kitty-love? That's the name of a dating simulator where you turn into a cat at night. So maybe not that either.

Who is Golnar Attar?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, August 13, 2021

Forgotten Friday #138 - v.g.m.のムラサキ / Murasaki

 It is Christmas Eve and Christmas is cancelled. Without losing a day to celebrating and two days to recovering from emotional exertion, can I process twenty-four articles in one week?! Unless the COVID gets worse.. I say yes!

Forgotten Friday #138 - v.g.m.のムラサキ / Murasaki

Okay. So, I go through phases. One day, I can listen to trap and the next day it gives me a panic attack. 

I'm going through a phase right now where it really bugs me when people don't research and draw animal legs correctly. 

If I didn't say this and tell myself to shut up and that no one cares, there would be a three hundred word rant on how a canid isn't a plantigrade.

Who is Murasaki?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Wiki Wendesday #127 - 未来狼 / Mirai Okami

 I'm just waiting for the clock to roll over to two AM to get some downloading done. This is likely the last Wiki Wednesday article I'm going to write for a good while. Simply because this article is pushed out almost an entire year from the time of writing, and Forgotten Friday is barely pushed out at all. Though, the next Wiki Wednesday article will show up one week from the publication of this one!

Wiki Wendesday #127 - 未来狼 / Mirai Okami

This UTAU is an Android! However, bring an Android has nothing to do with being an UTAU. She was taught to sing and survives from money gotten from singing, but UTAU doesn't come up in her bio. 

She's an Android that happens to be an UTAU, not an Android because she is an UTAU. The connections users make between humanity and being an UTAU always fascinate me.

Who is Okami Mirai?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, August 6, 2021

Forgotten Friday #137 - 黒丑ミキ / Kuroushi Miki

 I did take a pretty long leave of absence from my blog this year. But, I really want to make up for it with this final push to get it out to 2022 before 2021. But, there are more important things I should be doing with my time. Well, relatively. I need to make more USTs and stuff. Like, it makes no difference if the article going live in 2022 was written in 2020 or 2021... but I just feel the need to set seemingly impossible goals and then crush them and feel special.

Forgotten Friday #137 - 黒丑ミキ / Kuroushi Miki

Ninja! Miki is a female ninja!

So, nin always makes me think of 人. So I looked up the kanji for ninja. Because I was like, person-something, right?

Well, the kanji is 忍者! It basically means sneaky spy person. Apparently Shinobi is another term for ninja. I feel like if I actually watched anime, I'd know this stuff.

Who is Miki Kuroushi?

Official Art from Site

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #126 - usa-utauの轡 / KUTSUWA

I set my computer to hibernate last night so that I could just jump back into the articles. I woke up wanting to play Stardew Valley, but I also want to get started on Forgotten Friday articles like Yesterday, because I do love writing. I can't even do more Wiki Wednesday on Google Docs until I finish this batch, because I don't even know who I've written about by now!

Wiki Wednesday #126 - usa-utauの轡 / KUTSUWA

Kutsuwa means mouthpiece, or the bit you put in a horse's mouth. "猿轡" means gag. The last one looks like it fits the design more, but who am I to judge?

Who is Kutsuwa?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, July 30, 2021

Forgotten Friday #136 - だすこ*ちゃん / Darso-chan / Dasco-chan

 I had just pushed Wiki Wednesday out all the way to January of 2022, and I was so excited to get on the train to getting Forgotten Friday to the same place. There's an issue, though. I need to do twenty-four articles to get all the way out there. One word doc has eighteen drafts ready, and another only has three. The one I was writing based off of the original spreadsheet has seven ready. So, technically I do have enough written to do it... but wow, that's a lot. Or is it if I can do six articles in a day? At that pace I could do it.

Forgotten Friday #136 - だすこ*ちゃん / Darso-chan / Dasco-chan

So, I am fully aware that giving details like "I just started a new word document!" is at best confusing.

I wrote some articles on my phone and then moved to my computer to process them. (It also stopped me from binge eating! Yay!) I got ten done and had just saved the icon to upload for the 11th article when the internet went out. Oh joy.

Well, I sucked it up and drank some coffee while I watched Drag Race: Vegas Revue

I thought about it, and I'm in a zone. The articles are of lower quality. I tended to go deep into small details in the how is the bank section before, but now it's a simplistic mess that says almost nothing. And I think that's probably okay.

I don't really know how to explain my specific anxiety around my blog at this moment, because it's not normal anxiety? Like, it's a wall. And I can one by one remove bricks. And every brick gone makes my insides feel a little happier. So, a ding in quality for happy insides? I'll take it.

Who is Dasco-chan?

Official art from site