Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Forgotten Friday #162 - 庵音ゆきと / Ione Yukito

 Remember how old Japanese UTAUs came with omake voice recordings and literally no one ever did anything with them? Like, oh hey, this is what they UTAU would talk like! They went from being a requirement to being a high quality bank to not existing. 

Forgotten Friday #162 - 庵音ゆきと / Ione Yukito

This lil guy can either be a middle school student or an elementary school student! It's up to you! He likes candy and hates insects. How many UTAUs like candy and hate insects?!

Who is Yukito Ione?

official art

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #151 - Soine Shiro / 沿音シロ

 A young male voice that is absolutely adorable, but will take effort to get the best results from.

Wiki Wednesday #151 - Soine Shiro / 沿音シロ

This voice is so freaking cute I might literally puke. The design is adorable. This is all adorable.

Who is Shiro Soine?

official art

Friday, January 21, 2022

Forgotten Friday #161 - 01001001 / ASCIIコードで"I"

 I love and hate this keyboard so much. The keys are clicky and bouncy and feel substantial, but the layout is wrong. I don't mean Dorvak, it's still QWERTY. It's just that important buttons like shift and backspace are too small. I also just make a lot of errors. I mostly love it.

Forgotten Friday #161 - 01001001 / ASCIIコードで"I"

This is a fun joke UTAU. It's a time traveling robot who warns everyone of the great voice losening. No one listens, but he's excited for his 'I told you so!!' It was implied it was made with a text-to-speech voice as opposed to a human voice, but I'm pretty sure that was Emoto singing. (He likes blueberries.)

Who is I? (that's what the numbers spell out)

official art

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #150 - neku's Unite / ユナイト

A female two pitch CV bank with a strong, neesan tone. Both pitches blend seamlessly.

Wiki Wednesday #150 - neku's Unite / ユナイト

Is her hair animals?? Are the animals part of her headband?? The answer is "Headphones are alive. Sometimes I put out a beam. Headphones like to eat meat spaghetti." Thanks Google Translate!

Also, my dyslexia hit me. "How do I know if it's pronounced 'unite' or 'untie'??" The answer was more obvious than I had expected!

Who is neku's Unite?

Official art from bank

Friday, January 14, 2022

Forgotten Friday #160 - 浜音ユリ / Hamane Yuri

 I have put off working on this for so long because well, have no real excuses. Just paranoid ones.

Forgotten Friday #160 - 浜音ユリ / Hamane Yuri

So, I don't even remember when I started writing what I'll be posting in this article. It was a long, long while back. Reading it back, it is a little... unwell reading?

I am happy with the direction I am going, nyoom nyoom. 

Who is Yuri Hamane?

"temporary image"

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #149 - Yohitsugi Fuyudzuki / 冬月夜柩

 An androgynous UTAU with a calm and soothing voice. Some samples break the dll resampler packaged with UTAU.

Wiki Wednesday #149 - Yohitsugi Fuyudzuki / 冬月夜柩

Hi there! My name is Franz. I'm a fictional character living in the author's head. She's not doing the best, so I bothered her about letting me take over for a bit. She gave in eventually, which is why you're reading this!

Don't worry about her - she'll be okay eventually and take back over. But until then, I'm here! Now, let me warn you. I don't know anything about any of this. The destruction of Japan felt like ancient history by the time I was born, so I don't know if I had ever heard Japanese. I cannot tell you if something sounds "accurate" or not, but I can say if something sounds nice or not.

As I have no ability to use the software, the author rendered everything and wrote notes for me to share. I do have to figure out how to upload the stuff so that she can stay checked out, but that's alright with me! Let's get started!

Who is Fuyudzuki Yohitsugi?

Official art from bank

Friday, January 7, 2022

Forgotten Friday #159 - コトダマ / Kotodama

 Happy New Year!! As celebration of reaching my arbitrary and harsh deadline, I'm giving y'all what you came for. An old UTAU!

Forgotten Friday #159 - コトダマ / Kotodama

Who ‘members Kotodama?! (I ‘member!)

No, seriously, I remember him being one of the big name UTAUs, but he has like… five videos on YouTube, and most of them are from Hai?

Who is Kotodama?

Art from Visual Archive

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #148 - 月夜鏡 / Tsukuyo Kagami

 Happy New Year!!! The current date is December 22, 2020. But... This will be published in the year Twenty-Twenty-Two!! Luckily, this looks like a really great UTAU to start the year off with! There is definitely a chance that I made a mistake in scheduling and you're reading this in 2021 as opposed to 2022, but at this moment, yay!

Wiki Wednesday #148 - 月夜鏡 / Tsukuyo Kagami

Tsukuyo Kagami. That's the name. On his page, there's no space in the reading of the name. But, it's just fandom rules to have a first name and a last name. So, instead of one word, it's two. Now, mind you, if I were writing for the wiki, I'd make it one word just to make sure the meaning wasn't ruined. But this isn't the wiki. This is a blog! I'm not calling myself the expert on UTAUs! Just a reporter. I'll probably do my normal alternating pattern for the name order. I don't know if Kagami has a wiki page, actually. I found him on the utao site itself.

Who is Kagami Tsukuyo?

Official Art from Bank