Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, February 28, 2020

Forgotten Friday #62 - Nishinne Soshi / 二進音素子

I wanted a cookie, and I thought, I deserve a cookie. I have eaten really well today, including an entire bag of riced cauliflower. I used ketchup on it, which isn't ideal but it was so yummy. That probably says a lot about my upbringing that I just put ketchup on plain imitation rice and was over the moon. But, the cookie was a health-food cookie with two hundred calories and like eight grams of protein. That's healthy, right? I'm still hungry, but I might make myself a 60 calorie mug of coffee after I finish this. So, if this seems rushed, I really want coffee.

Forgotten Friday #62 - Nishinne Soshi / 二進音素子

The Wikia page says that Soshi is an SRSloid. Maybe? But SRS's name doesn't show up once anywhere. The link to the creator on the Wikia takes you to a random Japanese MMD user. The voice provider publicly quit in 2010, but the most recent bank was released in 2012? So, like, I don't know.

Who is Soshi Nishinne?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #51 - 座頭イサ / Zatou Isa

Last week, I complained about how hard it was to navigate a website based on frames. This one is based on modern principals and it's somewhat worse. Actually, I was really, really lost and had no idea where I was or where I was going. I was really, really confused.

Wiki Wednesday #51 - 座頭イサ / Zatou Isa

This UTAU was originally going to be part of an investigation, but then I stopped doing those. The way I picked her was because her two website-mates sandwiched her in my spreadsheet. The first UTAU had the link to the website, and the third one had "END OF GROUP" next to it. So, I went straight for Isa in the middle.

Anyway, I'm going to have fun just trying to figure out what Isa is all about.

Who is Isa Zatou?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Friday, February 21, 2020

Forgotten Friday #61 - Kazumi Kawa / 川カズミ

There are two things that almost always cheer me up. Obtaining useless items and eating. Of course, being sick, I ate until I got an awful tummy ache yesterday. Two days in a row of eating around 2,000 calories means that I know I'll balloon up if I don't put my foot down and eat less. So okay, food is out. Obtaining useless objects? That's where this blog comes in. Feel ill and can't write well? Download UTAU banks. Sadly, my internet is metered and I don't know when I'll be up at 2 AM again. So... What do I do? Live with feeling this way, I guess.

Forgotten Friday #61 - Kazumi Kawa / 川カズミ

Kazumi is a 2010 UTAU. I remember 2009 pretty well and can put names to avatars, but once the floodgates opened, I really just don't remember much at all. Probably has to do with the fact that I actually can't remember the majority of 2010 as a human. I mean... Was I a sophomore? What classes did I take? If I really, really think hard, I can remember doing things that were obviously manic, meaning that I was too manic to actually make and store memories that could be accessed when I wasn't manic. I mean, you might dig up an article written when I was manic that had me listing off everything I knew about 2010, but I wouldn't remember that either because I'm not manic!

Who is Kazumi Kawa?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #50 - 来咲ライカ / Raika Kurusaki

I really tried to break my diet, but the one pound of lasagna took a few hours to digest, and then I drank a Soylent and went off to bed. I woke up around 10pm and I wanted coffee, not Soylent. So, I was well under 1,500 calories. My attempt to fail my diet failed.

Wiki Wednesday #50 - 来咲ライカ / Raika Kurusaki

Eh, I listened to the demo on the site and knew what we were dealing with instantly. The voice provider, Yukiyuki Yuki, has another UTAU. That UTAU is a young man that you'd confuse with a tomboyish young lady. As a woman with a deeper voice, I get it. When you get told you sound like a boy when you really sound like a woman, you overcompensate when you try to sound like a girl. On the Wiki, Raika is listed as over 15, but she has the Haruka Nana voice. (Baby Macne Nana may be the closer comparison? Am I imagining baby Macne Nana was a thing?)

I totally get it, but maybe I'm wrong and I'm projecting. But, as Yukiyuki Yuki is a Japanese user, I doubt she'll see this to contest me.

Who is Kurusaki Raika?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Friday, February 14, 2020

Forgotten Friday #60 - 鉄音コナル / Konaru Tetsune

So, I failed at pushing Wiki Wednesday out an entire year, but I did get all the way to June! So, pushing this out to June also will keep me safe for half a year about, and then I'll be able to try and push Wiki Wednesday out to January, and then I can push Forgotten Friday to January... I wanted to go all out and achieve my goal, but this is being written on the 27th of January... Cutting it really close here.

Forgotten Friday #60 -  鉄音コナル / Konaru Tetsune

So, real talk here. Forgotten Friday is a lot less fun than Wiki Wednesday. With Wiki Wednesday, I can literally just click on a random link on a random site and find an UTAU with ten five pitch VCV appends that just never got a video uploaded to YouTube. That bar of "Just not YouTube famous" (in the most basic, lowest bar sense) means that there is an entire, beautiful world out there for me to explore. With Forgotten Friday, I'm limited to banks that are like... Old. I have one source to go off of, and I can't stray from it until I hit 2013 and get to choose between two different spreadsheets. (Joy!)

Forgotten Friday is more integral to this blog than Wiki Wednesday, though. Forgotten Friday is about nostalgia and the 'memberberries. If I had to cancel one series, it would be Wiki Wednesday, regardless of how much more fun it is. My internet just got reset, so I can't have fun searching for forgotten banks until I stay up past 2 AM again. So, I just have what's in my download folder to play with.

Who is Tetsune Konaru?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #49 - Inane Love / 伊奈音ラブ

Is it normal to eat one pound of food in one sitting?! How much even is a pound? When I drink two bottles of water in a row, that's apparently two pounds? Is that normal? My stomach is yelling at me for eating an entire pound (and some change) of lasagna and I'm just like, is this normal?? It was made for one person to eat!

Wiki Wednesday #49 - Inane Love / 伊奈音ラブ

When I double checked that Love and her sister were eligible, I was going off of the Forgotten Friday rules on accident and I don't know why my spreadsheet said "you know better than this". What does it even mean.

So, Love and Soul were created by AoToRiii. It's a bit confusing to look into who made them for a second because AoToRiii started out seeming to be an average overseas user with decent English, but now their Twitter is 100% Japanese. The answer is that they are from Hong Kong, but they live in Japan now.

So, let's jump into this!

Who is Inane Love?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Monday, February 10, 2020

Do I need an expensive microphone?

Let me get it out of the way - I will always suggest the AT2020 USB. It is more expensive than a comparable microphone from Blue, but I never really liked how the Blue Yeti in particular sounded. Both microphones seem really expensive at over $100 (Yeti seems to have dropped to sub-100 used), but that's because they include an audio interface inside of the body of the microphone.

I didn't know what audio interfaces were, at all, for probably my entire career making an UTAU. An audio interface will allow you to get a higher quality microphone for less money (AT2020 USB goes for $149, but XLR goes for $99 according to Amazon), but the audio interface (especially with phantom power) will likely cost more than just getting a really nice USB microphone.

If you really, really want to spend money on a microphone, ask yourself what you will use it for. If your only answer is UTAU, I would cap spending at under $200 USD and go with an AT2020 USB. People do buy thousand dollar microphones for UTAU. (Of course, used and from eBay so it's closer to $600.) If you have the money, and you can see yourself using it for singing, streaming, or podcasting, then go for it! But please never feel like you need to spend anything for this hobby.

inb4 mae wants to drag us all down to her level - remember that there are different economic levels. You may be able to afford a lot of audio equipment, but not everyone can. This article is to help people who can't afford that audio equipment be happy with what they can get. 

Do I need an expensive microphone? 

When people in the fandom want to insult you, one of the first jabs is microphone quality. It doesn't even have to be true - they just go there. That can make you feel like you will never get anywhere in the fandom without paying big money. That isn't true!

Below, I'm plopping down a comparison between three banks recorded with three different microphones. I made choices I'm not exactly proud of that keep the comparisons from being one to one exactly, but they're close enough. 

Which sample do you like best? Which feels the most clear?

To me, it's the second sample. The first sample is a little tinny and in some places abrasive to the ears. The third is muffled (and is recorded at C#3, but that's irrelevant here).

The second sample is clear. It has some issues with sibilants, but that can be edited out using equalizers.

Knowing that, how much do you think each microphone cost?

For the first two, it's a big, whooping zero (additional) cents. The first microphone was my laptop's embedded microphone - the same one I use for all of my "let's play" videos on YouTube. The second microphone is my phone's microphone. The third... I tried out someone's setup and I have no idea how much it cost. But, I believe their audio interface alone might have cost more than my phone, which also plays Stardew Valley and calls my mom.

If you look at this like an audio engineer, the stupidly expensive microphone is better and sounds the closest to real life, of course. But, there's two important notes here. The first is that the fandom tends to celebrate bright vocals compared to darker vocals. The phone microphone UTAU would likely be more popular than the expensive microphone UTAU due to that. The next point is just that the difference in quality is not worth the money to me. It's not night and day - it's just slightly better. This isn't even comparing it to the AT2020 USB, which likely costs only as much as the audio interface itself. (My stand broke, so the best I can do is give you a sample from my UTAU's last bank. The AT2020 bank definitely would be more popular than the expensive microphone's bank due to tone.)

How can I make my current microphone better?

There are two main things that will affect your recording quality: frequency response and background noise. Other than using equalization after the fact, the only thing that will change frequency response is changing the microphone itself. Background noise is a lot easier to deal with. Here's a quick list of ways to help with it for free:
  1. Turn the volume/sensitivity of your microphone down in volume settings if possible. You'll need to be a bit louder, but it will stop it from picking up a lot of background noise.
  2. Turn off all fans and heaters.
  3. Don't put your microphone on the same surface as your computer without some kind of buffer, like a pillow. (Your mileage may very - people told me this, but all I really noticed was my microphone falling on my face.)
  4. Try using a blanket as a makeshift sound booth. (Never worked for me, but I only tried using OREMO, meaning my computer was under the blanket with me... Getting hotter and making the fan run harder... I was a dumb kid.) 
  5. If possible, hide in a closet. If there aren't enough clothes to buffer sound, put up quilts or blankets.
  6. Record as far away from your computer as possible.

I did all that and it's still noisy!

If you tried to get rid of noise as best you could, but your samples are still noisy, try making a whisper bank or a soft bank. That layer of noise actually improves a whisper bank by allowing it to stay nice and whispery as opposed to getting normalized to being quite loud by the resampler / wavtool.

However, don't feel like you have to do that. You can make a strong kire bank with your muffled samples. You can experiment with noise removal (ReaFIR is bae).

UTAU isn't a contest. You can make amazing things without paying a single cent (assuming you have a phone or an embedded microphone on your computer). Don't let people bring you down just because of microphone quality!

Friday, February 7, 2020

Forgotten Friday #59 - 金平糖押し売りPのモル / Moll

So, there are about twenty things I want to do, but can't get up the gumption to do. I want to "livestream" painting in Corel (quotes because I'll be recording and upping later), but I just don't feel inspired. I want to study, but my brain says "haha, I won't retain information!" And I really, really want to get a head start on my entry for LearnMMD's video expo, but I just don't can. But, I promised myself I'd kick this can down to March. So I feel an urgency to it. So, I am doing something when I just want to sit still.

Forgotten Friday #59 - 金平糖押し売りPのモル / Moll

So, all my fellow grains will appreciate when I say "But Moll, you're doing it wrong!" I can't be too bent out of shape when a bank from 2010 attempts English in a way that gives me almost everything I need. But I can be really concerned when separate phonemes are denoted with suffixes. Boy howdy, would setting up a prefix map be a bad idea.

And while I'm complaining, virtually none of the downloads were actually named. The names were "001, 002, 003..." And should I complain? I think that's a flaw of the uploader they used, and the images I upload to this blog have the same issue. When you open the archives, they do have named folders so that you aren't extremely lost... If you have any idea what's going on. I don't! I tried hitting up the website and just gave up when I saw that the recording equipment looked like it was from the 80s. No shade to the 80s! No shade for using things until they break! Moll's recording quality is good. But I was just like, "The thing that logically should tell me what bank does what has Pikachu in a medical mask."

Green Bug put a lot of effort into recording Moll, and I respect them so much for it. They did everything they could to get noise free recordings, including pausing every time a car passed. Living in the country with moo-cows (screw cows, by the way. I hate cows) means that I don't have to deal with cars as much, and I still can't be bothered to put in as much effort as Green Bug. Anyway...

Who is Moll?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #48 - スティーブ明日 / Steve Ashita

I'm kind of in a weird place, so like, that's why I'm exclusively calling this UTAU Ashita. I'm starving myself on my diet and my mental health is just a roller coaster, so I'm just giving myself this small concession due to personal reasons that I am uncomfortable thinking about.

Wiki Wednesday #48 - スティーブ明日 / Steve Ashita

A Latino furry UTAU! There are preconceived notions about Latino UTAUs, and there are preconceived notions about furry UTAUs. Well, there were in 2013. Now, it's a whole different ballgame. What were those preconceived notions? I... I'm taking the fifth.

Who is Ashita Steve?

Official Icon from Bank