Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, April 29, 2022

Forgotten Friday #175 - 田中ノリ / Tanaka Nori

 175 was a number that meant something to me at some point. It was all based on randomizing usernames, but it stuck. That's a story for another day!

Forgotten Friday #175 - 田中ノリ / Tanaka Nori

Nori had three banks. As far as I can tell, only two were released. Act 3 had a video posted, but no link I could find. Act 2 was released, but the file was taken down. That leaves us just with the act one. You guys know how UTAU historians are, though! We would always take the 2010 Act 1 over the polished 2020 Act (something other than one). It's about history. 

The voice provider is UTAUpm. Nori is apparently a woman who is twenty years old. That's all I got for ya. She's on the Visual Archive, but not on the UTAU Fandom site.

Who is Nori Tanaka?

Official art from Visual Archive

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #164 - Chiki Kami

 boo uar files. I don't think I will ever register a bank into UTAU again. It's one extra step of using 7zip instead of the default unzipper, but still.

 Wiki Wednesday #164 - Chiki Kami

Whatever could Chiki Kami mean? Could it be Ookami without understanding that the "oo" is important? Maybe not - she looks more like a fox.

You'd assume it would be one of those cases where you just pick actual words. Kami can mean like nine different things - from delicious taste all the way to paper. What about Chiki? There's less options, but still a lot of different meanings.

Chiki Kami has an adorable design. She's a light pink furry. She's twenty years old and has no set personality.

Who is Kami Chika?

official art from wiki

Friday, April 22, 2022

Forgotten Friday #174 - 歌十言葉 / Utato Kotonoha

 Whoo! I'm actually going back to my roots, and I'm going to focus on banks from ruto dot yu as opposed to stuff from the Visual Archive. Here's a fact from my research: 56% of UTAUs released during October of 2010 are lost and gone forever. I kind of want to get people together and start putting together a post 2013 version of ruto dot yu, because I can't do that all myself!

Forgotten Friday #174 - 歌十言葉 / Utato Kotonoha

Despite being a 2009 UTAU, the only bank I could get my hands on was a 2012 VCV! Not even kidding, that's so cool! Now I just have to decide if I'll include her in my VCV to CVVC conversion project...

She has a grey counterpart who looks like a mermaid named Utagane Sakana, but I don't think Sakana has an existing bank as it was packaged with Kotonoha's original bank. That one, I don't know how to find.

She is apparently a fifteen year old ghost. She wore a kimono, but now she wears a hoodie.

Who is Kotonoha Utato?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #163 - Fukaina Shinpai / 心配 不快な

heh. Happy 4/20. 

Wiki Wednesday #163 - Fukaina Shinpai / 心配 不快な

Fukaina isn't a word. "不快な思いをさせる" means to hurt someone's feelings. "不快" means discomfort. I mean, Fukaina is a really cool sounding name that reminds me of a specific song about an illegal drug. But the "na" is just a particle that got stapled on, hence why it's in hiragana.

I believe she's part of a closed species? She lives in a… pocket dimension? She is really strong and accidentally breaks things, but she's really kind and sweet. She loves tea, baked goods, and meeting new people. Her canon age is 26.

Her design is really pretty and cool.

Who is Shinpai Fukaina?

official art from wiki

Friday, April 15, 2022

Forgotten Friday #173 - 風見シズク / Kazami Shizuku

 Whee! Nyoom!

Forgotten Friday #173 - 風見シズク / Kazami Shizuku

So, Shizuku here is actually... She doesn't have her own concept art, I don't think. The only image I know of is the one on her distribution video, and that's with KAITO.

She is sixteen years old. She likes sashimi and hates honey. That's basically it!

Who is Shizuku Kazami?

Shizuku singing Magnet with KAITO

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #162 - Dr. Leaf / ドクター・リーフ

 I have decided to make everything much more complex. I think it will save me time, but it's silly. I'm "swiping" this on my phone into a Google docs and then copying it over to the blog itself and… I found a flaw in my logic, why not just do the first part on my phone? Well, I have no answers.

Wiki Wednesday #162 - Dr. Leaf / ドクター・リーフ

I should save the complaining for the section containing the information on the banks, but dang it. I was converting a UST to test Dr. Leaf with, and he was missing "ae y" and "ae iy", so how am I supposed to make him say Time?! If the answer is to use a diphthong, that's not my tuning style.

Dr. Leaf is a dude with an unknown age. He works at the SCP Foundation and is basically a self insert for leafy-p. My utau was my self insert character, and I always here for people feeling like their utau is really a reflection of them. Dr. Leaf is a jerk with a very Polish name. The information says that he likes metal, and I misread it at thinking he liked Deli Style - Jugga Jigga Wugga. I think it meant he likes actual metals like gold. His theme is tea.

Who is Dr. Leaf?

official icon from bank

Friday, April 8, 2022

Forgotten Friday #172 - 解音ソル / Kaine Sol

 Now that I'm less panicked, I can say that the crunch I feel is just because I had a bad week and did nothing and then I was really far behind on everything. Right now, I'm getting more behind because the blog is the furthest pushed out, but the blog is what I have the most anxiety about!

Forgotten Friday #172 - 解音ソル / Kaine Sol

Kaine Sol is a nineteen year old dude voiced by Danrroar. He is really lucky. Even though he is an old UTAU, he has gotten a really spiffy new design and is hosted on a fancy pants site: ReVoiceLoids. A fun thing is that his original Eastern name was messed up a bit. It had the line things after each katakana, meaning he was souruu, which is pretty far from Sol. It was fixed!

He is very kind and never gets mad. He loves curry buns and Coca-Cola. 

Who is Sol Kaine?

Official Art from Site

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #161 - フックスケッキー / Keki Fökkusu

 Ya see, there's a difference between depressed anxiety and manic anxiety when you're bipolar. The real kicker about depression anxiety is that it would be so easy to fix if life just lined up or you had the energy. Kicking yourself to just get 'er done!

Wiki Wednesday #161 - フックスケッキー / Keki Fökkusu

Focus Cake. Why is there an umlaut? What is a WHD file? When used in English, the two dots over a vowel is dieresis. It's why Zoey can be written as Zoë. It's "Zoh - ee", not "Zoh" or "Zoi". (English can have fun and be crazy with names!) Dieresis shows that two vowels which come one after the other are two separate syllables. Keki is from Brazil. When I went to look and see how Portuguese uses umlauts, the internet suddenly stopped internetting.

Keki's character item is cake. She likes ramen, sweets, drawing, singing, dancing, cats, and cute things. She doesn't like some vegetables, ill tempered people, and tiredness.

I have reached a new level in which I copy directly from the Wiki. She is fifteen years old.

Who is Fokkusu Keki?

official art from bank

Friday, April 1, 2022

Forgotten Friday #171 - 紫音ユリネ / 紫音百合音 / Murasakine Yurine

 I said I would be more specific last week. So, today I go very fast due to feeling a crunch.

Forgotten Friday #171 - 紫音ユリネ / 紫音百合音 / Murasakine Yurine

This is an UTAU that you would swear is lost. However, very luckily, if you search hard enough, you can still find her! She is a fourteen year old girl created by Karasx3 and voiced by their little sister it seems! She loves singing and protecting her friends.

Who is Yurine Murasakine?

Official Concept Art