Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #164 - Chiki Kami

 boo uar files. I don't think I will ever register a bank into UTAU again. It's one extra step of using 7zip instead of the default unzipper, but still.

 Wiki Wednesday #164 - Chiki Kami

Whatever could Chiki Kami mean? Could it be Ookami without understanding that the "oo" is important? Maybe not - she looks more like a fox.

You'd assume it would be one of those cases where you just pick actual words. Kami can mean like nine different things - from delicious taste all the way to paper. What about Chiki? There's less options, but still a lot of different meanings.

Chiki Kami has an adorable design. She's a light pink furry. She's twenty years old and has no set personality.

Who is Kami Chika?

official art from wiki
"Supposedly" fictional Chia here.

What happened to Paosin still breaks my heart. Before I continue, I want to get it out of the way so that no one feels undue anxiety. I was able to get her address and send her a heartfelt, handwritten letter with my mother's address as the return address. My mother received the reply and accidentally opened it. They began speaking, and now my mother is working with the Nuisaul people in the same way she works with the Aaiiu people. The Nuisaul are actually doing better than the Aaiiu, as apparently their planet is stunningly beautiful. Paosin is living a lovely life, working as a manager of a zoo.

I begged Paosin to turn around and leave. I was nearly crying. This poor teenager was going to strip herself of her identity and risk becoming extremely ill due to a whole host of possible issues. However, she didn't believe me.

I guess I had a reputation. People had told her not to believe the gatekeeper, because the gatekeeper will lie about anything to keep people out. I don't lie, but people who are rejected can be bitter.

I left her and went about my business. When I came back, she was laying in her bed. She was curled into a ball and shaking.

She looked human. Her skin was pink from irritation and her hair was unusually sparse. But if she was dropped onto Earth, no one would suspect she wasn't human.

I asked her if it was cold. Through chattering teeth, she confirmed that she was freezing. I grabbed a blanket and draped it over her body. I explained that the temperature is just the temperature. It is controlled by the people in charge, and no one else can change it. But, and I emphasized the but, she could go to the sick bay and be put in a nice, warm room. She perked up. She deflated as soon as I explained that she would be put on the next ship to her home planet. She wasn't going to quit.

I left her be to get her food. If she hadn't been on a visitor's pass, she would have been forced to go to the cafeteria and eat what was available. Instead, I went to the sick bay.

Every species that joins the Union tends to look identical with a few cosmetic changes. However, no two species have the same digestive tracts. The intake information only said that the Nuisaul eat their own moss. That meant that I couldn't rule out anything other than what grew on her own body as an allergen.

The nurse was sweet to me and understood. She gave me basic starch mash and a bucket.

When I entered Paosin's room, she looked catatonic. The shaking had stopped, but she wasn't moving. I sat down next to her. She looked at me, her large black eyes shimmering. I held out the plate and she took it.

It was only a few minutes before she started retching.

I held her and cried with her as soon as I cleaned up her face. Even the most benign and inoffensive food in the universe upset her stomach. It may have been entirely mental, but the pain of throwing up doesn't care about that.

I fulfilled the promise I made her. To get her to go to the sick bay, I promised that she wouldn't be the reason Nuisaul was banned from the Union. I reported that, as a cancer survivor, her body was too weak to adjust. She was the problem - not her people. I added a special requirement for her people: must live without moss and eat Union food for one month prior to application.

The Nuisaul never sent another poor soul. 

How are Chiki Kami's banks?

Chiki Kami has two banks: a one pitch CV and a one pitch VCV. Boy howdy! A one pitch romaji encoded two mora VCV.

The vcv is recorded in a way that says that the voice provider didn't understand exactly what worked the best. I'm really wondering what it will end up sounding like or how it was OTO'd.

But first! We will look at the CV bank.

So, the voice is very nice. OTOs aren't great, but CV OTOs take no time to fix. Sadly, there are samples that are broken. For example, "ta" has the "t" cut off. It kind of sounds like "da" when OTO'd correctly, but that's an issue. 

Her voice is absolutely adorable! It's very young and gentle.

Next, we'll look at her VCV. There's a lot of… no configurations in the oto. 

I heard her roll her R's and decided that she is perfect and no one would be able to get me to say otherwise. Are there issues? Yes. But do I care after hearing her? No. I love her and she is perfect. (Note: "a ta" is somehow broken the same way "ta" was in the CV, but it's worse in the vcv because there's no way to fix it with OTOs. Whoops.)

Where can I download Chiki Kami?

You can download her from her wiki page! Her VCV could be cut down to CVVC to fix any issues from samples that weren't properly recorded, which would make her officially perfect!

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