Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Forgotten Friday #171 - 紫音ユリネ / 紫音百合音 / Murasakine Yurine

 I said I would be more specific last week. So, today I go very fast due to feeling a crunch.

Forgotten Friday #171 - 紫音ユリネ / 紫音百合音 / Murasakine Yurine

This is an UTAU that you would swear is lost. However, very luckily, if you search hard enough, you can still find her! She is a fourteen year old girl created by Karasx3 and voiced by their little sister it seems! She loves singing and protecting her friends.

Who is Yurine Murasakine?

Official Concept Art

Previously on A Spectrum of Apple Skins, Apple Bloom got her first phone!

Apple Bloom jumped awake as the disembodied voice of Linfrin announced, "Wake up, Apple Bloom! It's time for work!"

She looked around the industrial loft before remembering that she was stuck in a world where it was always grey and people lived on the moon. Emily had helped her change into pajamas, showed her where the towels were, and emphasized very heavily that humans had to wear clothes that covered up specific parts. Emily helped her pick an outfit, but all of the outfits were the same for some reason. A white blouse, a brown vest, and a green skirt. There were folded pairs of jeans and t-shirts on the shelf, but Emily assured her that people wore nicer clothes to work. Emily also supplied her with white tights until Apple Bloom felt comfortable shaving her legs. Emily had been extremely kind in showing Apple Bloom her own hairy legs that she covered by wearing tights. In her words, shaving your legs is dumb, but people are dumb and want you to do it.

Apple Bloom sighed. She didn't like the mattress being on the floor. She looked over at her phone and asked, "Linfrin, please tell me how to get a bed that isn't on the floor."

There was a beep of acknowledgement as the phone tried to parse her request. It finally answered, "Apple Bloom, you have insufficient funds to purchase a new bed frame online. You can wait until you are paid."

She balked as she stood and made her way to the refrigerator. She opened it and grabbed a life sustaining drink. She shook it before opening it and taking a large sip. She cleared her throat before asking, "Linfrin, please tell me how to get good food."

"Funds are insufficient to order from a restaurant, and you would not receive the food before you go to work." The phone helpfully chirped, "Your workplace should provide food, and you have credits to purchase food at the government run food bank."

"Where's that?"

"The food bank is several blocks away. The journey can be completed by foot."

Apple Bloom sighed before thanking Linfrin and finishing her life sustaining drink. She took a deep breath before asking, "Linfrin, please tell me it's okay to go to work in pajamas."

There was a beep of acknowledgment, but then there was a short melody on bells that played. "I consulted my server-side artificial intelligence and cross-referenced your current outfit. Legally, you can leave your house in your pajamas, but your boss may fire you for unprofessionalism."

"Cool! Thanks!" Apple Bloom threw on her shoes and popped a piece of teeth cleaning gum that Emily had shown her in her mouth. She grabbed her phone and bolted out of the door. She paused as she realized that it was rather cold, so she went back inside and grabbed a coat from her closet. She also realized she forgot how to get to work. "Linfrin, please tell me how to get to work." 

The phone made a few beeps before guiding her to the office.

Will Apple Bloom make it as a programmer?! Will she get fired her first day for showing up in pink pajamas with drawings of horses on them?! Find out in the next installment of A Spectrum of Apple Skins!

How is Yurine Murasakine's bank?

Yay for Yurine having an OTO file! I'm shook, because other than the "how do plosives work" problems, it's actually really good! 

If you are obsessed with UTAU History, you need to try out this bank. The voice is adorable! The pronunciation is very, very 2010 and the quality is on the nostalgic side. (Not great, but it's a specific kind of not great.)

If you're not obsessed with UTAU History, then you may not want to check this one out. I'm totally in love with the voice, but that's nostalgia. It's very youthful as in it's a child's voice. Also! She recorded the "r" samples as "l"! That's pretty huge!

Where can I download Murasakine Yurine?

The link on the UTAU Wikia pointed to a deleted file. However! It just took a little digging to find it! The link to the Act 2 bank, which I believe is the only one and therefore the one I used, is on Karax3's Youtube's About tab. This is a very wonderful bank for those who love history!

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