Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #160 - nemu's Neev / ねふ

 I am so confused about the hiragana given for this name. I read it as "Knee-v" like Nev from Catfish. But this hiragana says "neh-fu". There is katakana for the "v" sound, so I would write how I saw the name as ニーヴ.

Wiki Wednesday #160 - nemu's Neev / ねふ

Here's a question I have for you! Why am I so bad at typing on the wireless keyboard on the couch? Are the key sizes too off? Is the position of the keyboard (resting on my knees) the issue? Neev is a fifteen year old guy who hates noisy people but loves lizards, plushies, and the color orange.

Who is Neev?

icon from bank

"Supposedly" fictional Chia here.

One of the "laws" of the Union is that all crew members must be capable of their duties without the help of any assistive technologies. That's basically illegal in most civilized civilizations.

The way the Union gets away with it is by saying that they are a military. The whole thing where everyone understands everyone else because of translators thing you see in science fiction? Not a thing. Don't get me wrong - even humans in your day and age have that technology. We have it too, but we can't use it on Union ships. We learn English and we speak English. If a sapient slime ball needs a translator, though, it's a small price to pay for cheap nuclear ores.

Aside from using a translator, it is actually possible for my people to speak English without the surgery. In fact, it can be done with technology that exists on 21st century Earth.

Before my joining of the Union, my mother was able to get her hands on an Electrolarynx. It was a nice model that had pitch controls, but it sounded very robotic sounding and scared me as a child. It didn't matter that it scared me, though. Every morning she would pinch her nose as tightly as she could and wait. She would look extremely pained as the pop of her bone plate flipping sounded out through her open mouth. She would grab the electrolarynx, jam it against the bottom of her jaw, and start speaking to me in English.

When I joined the Union, I gave my people access to technology they would have never dreamed possible. One of the magical technologies was an electrolarynx that mimicked the pitch and quality of the human voice nearly flawlessly. I did come to miss her old robotic voice, but she was extremely thrilled.

You see, my mother met an Aaiiu woman while I was enlisted in the training program through the newly installed Union Net. (Obviously, the internet, but for Union members.) The Aaiiu people are also good people, but all of the attempts to join the Union have been in vain. However, their efforts got them connected to Union Net.

My mother cares deeply for Iira. Iira was a fellow mother who wanted to help her people by raising a child to go into the Union. However, her child was outright denied.

Let's not pretend the Union isn’t awful. One of the "laws" is that your appearance must never be upsetting to others, as that could lower the efficacy of the crew. (Did I mention the sapient slime balls? If they didn't have a superiority complex, I wouldn't be so upset about them.)

The Aaiiu will scare almost anyone. With their masks on, they are stunning. They are tall and thin, with snow white skin that thickens instead of tans. They have large black eyes and flowing black hair. They are always wearing the most beautiful silk dresses thanks to the giant silk producing spiders they domesticated. With their masks off, they take some time to get to used to.

The Aaiiu do not have a nose. They simply have a large, unmoving mouth that is perfectly circular. They cannot close it, as there are no lips. To be polite, they generally press their giant tongues against the bones that create the opening so that no one has to look into their mouths. Their tongues bob up and down just enough to breathe.

They have tried surgeries to become "human enough", but none have ever worked. Masks are against Union regulations, as they're somehow assistive technology.

It's unfair, but I guess that's life.

How is Neev's bank?

Neev has one one pitch CV bank. The OTOs are wonky, but I'm on the mini PC, so they will remain wonky in this sample.

His voice is absolutely adorable and soft with decent quality. However, the voice reads more as feminine than as the voice of a young man in case you were looking for a voice that sounded like a young man.

Where can I download Neev?

You can download him from his UTAU Wiki page. The bank is only CV, but it is still nice!

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