Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #160 - nemu's Neev / ねふ

 I am so confused about the hiragana given for this name. I read it as "Knee-v" like Nev from Catfish. But this hiragana says "neh-fu". There is katakana for the "v" sound, so I would write how I saw the name as ニーヴ.

Wiki Wednesday #160 - nemu's Neev / ねふ

Here's a question I have for you! Why am I so bad at typing on the wireless keyboard on the couch? Are the key sizes too off? Is the position of the keyboard (resting on my knees) the issue? Neev is a fifteen year old guy who hates noisy people but loves lizards, plushies, and the color orange.

Who is Neev?

icon from bank

Friday, March 25, 2022

Forgotten Friday #170 - 金魚ロイド / 紅音きぃ / Akane Kii

 So! I'll be more specific next week, but I am go nyoom!

Forgotten Friday #170 - 金魚ロイド / 紅音きぃ / Akane Kii

See what I did up there? I included the name of the folder! Her name is Akane Kii, but her voice folder is called Goldfishloid, as her voice provider is Goldfish.

Kii is seventeen years old and likes milk tea. She hates cockroaches. She enjoys cooking and dressmaking.

Her voice library has no text files, no OTO files, and no image files. Only frq and WAV files. She looks nothing like I expected, also!

Who is Kii Akane?

official art from visual archive

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #159 - MiNai's VESTA

 Wow! I've been so stressed out lately. This article is being written on the 18th of February, 2022. I'm usually not this late, but like I said! Stress!

Wiki Wednesday #159 - MiNai's VESTA

This UTAU is exactly why I switched to the current format where I just write stories. The information given on the Wiki is "Height: 171cm; Weight: 57kg". That's it! When you download the bank, you learn "Gender: Female. Age: 17 years old. Date of birth: August 28."

Her design is so pretty, it's silly-pants how pretty it is. 

Who is Vesta?

Official Art by Mitsuko Naito

Friday, March 18, 2022

Forgotten Friday #169 - 真白結菜 / Mashiro Yuina

 I can't believe how many spoons working on my blog has used today. I can barely get one sent... I can't go three words without a massive typo. Thankfully, the bulk of the words have been written.

Forgotten Friday #169 - 真白結菜 / Mashiro Yuina

I said that that this would be material for when I don't really talk about the UTAU because all of the online information was hard coded into an image. Google Translate has tools for reading images, but I was like, naw. Now that I have the 400 megabtye bank, I can see she has quite a bit of character information.

So, she suffers from albinism and is sadly bullied by being called a vampire but uh. Let's pretend we didn't have access to her character information. She's apparently a legal adult at 23 years old, but is mentally and physically fourteen. If you want to find out what's making me uncomfortable, you gotta download the bank to find out yourself!

Who is Yuina Mashiro? (get it? because her skin is whiter than snow, and mashiro means like absolute white)

official art from bank

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #158 - Kloudberry's Sindre / シンデレ

 Back in the day, I wouldn't have done two UTAUs from the same person in a row. Now, I do that. I had actually deleted Sindre from my spreadsheet for some reason? So I don't even have an entry to write "DONE" next to! So Sylva's entry is the only one that will have "DONE" next to it, as Sindre's doesn't exist. 

Wiki Wednesday #158 - Kloudberry's Sindre / シンデレ

Sindre is twenty-one and lacks the ability to understand neither math nor time. He completely ruins knock-knock jokes by inviting everyone inside, and will always try to make a lame joke given the chance.

Here's a fun trick you can pull. Tell someone you have a great knock-knock joke, but they have to start it. So they say "knock knock!" Then you ask "who's there?" And that's it! Either they complete  the joke with whatever they think of, or they laugh at the situation you had created.

Who is Sindre?

Official Art by Mili

Friday, March 11, 2022

Forgotten Friday #168 - ぬこ山のすず子 / Mt. Nuko's Suzuko

 Okay so like, rendaku rules, a lot of sushi isn't actually... like okay, Rendaku is this thing where " gets added to kana that come after ... I'm not sure the entire rule, sometimes it feels random. But like, maki sushi is makizushi. I thought "What if the kanji is using the on'yomi and not the kun'yomi?" Then she'd be Suzushi, and she would be sushi made of Sue. I don't know my brain at the moment. The kanji would mean she wasn't sushi, but puns? But it's the reading "ko". 

Forgotten Friday #168 - ぬこ山のすず子 / Mt. Nuko's Suzuko

Suzuko is twenty-one years old, despite looking younger. She's apparently a big jerk. 

Who is Suzuko?

official art from website

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #157 - Kloudberry's Sylva / シルバ

 Man, my internet is slow. I have dreams of moving to the medium-sized city and having good internet. Funny story, though. I've never had good internet. My ex's parents had good internet and we would watch Netflix there, but the room we rented literally didn't have wifi. 

Wiki Wednesday #157 - Kloudberry's Sylva / シルバ

I love this design. It's really, really pretty. It's just a nice, slightly retro red-orange dress and with black accessories. Sylva is a very bright and upbeat twenty-one year old woman. She loves making people smile, but she does get annoyed at her brother's lame jokes. 

Who is Sylva?

Official Art by Mili

Friday, March 4, 2022

Forgotten Friday #167 - レアン博士 / Dr. Leanne / Rean Hakase

I really liked the "romanization" of Dr. Leanne over Rean Hakase. Though, I would transcribe Leanne as リアン, I can see it being said as "Lay-anne" also, which is what the katakana says. Hakase is a suffix that means Dr. (in this case, PhD holder specifically) and not a last name. Writing it as Hakase and not Doctor implies her last name is... expert.

Forgotten Friday #167 - レアン博士 / Dr. Leanne / Rean Hakase

Rean / Leanne is an eighteen year old robot maker who makes female robots in specific. Her design is so cute I can't believe it.

Who is Dr. Lean?

official art from website

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #156 - Scourge Dreemur's Candy / キャンディー

 I have such a huge problem with "falling behind". I'm constantly freaking out because I'm so insanely behind and everything is going to fall apart! That's just because to me, everything has to be sorted months in advanced. This article will be posted in March, and it's January 12th. But that's still so far behind!

Wiki Wednesday #156 - Scourge Dreemur's Candy / キャンディー

What is it with Yanderes? They are this unstoppable force that never goes away. You would think people would have gotten tired of them by now, but no. Candy was released in 2019 according to the wiki page, but she's still a yandere.

Candy is either fourteen or fifteen. She likes knives and candy. She has unnamed parents, an unnamed crush, and likes cleaning. Her personality is a criminal yandere who also hates long car rides and the cold.

Who is Candy?

Official Art from Bank