Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, May 31, 2019

Forgotten Friday #23 - Hikaru Hoshi / 星ヒカル

Who is Hikaru Hoshi? Where can I download 星ヒカル? How many acts does Hoshi Hikaru have?

Forgotten Friday #23 - Hikaru Hoshi / 星ヒカル

Today is another case of "I should know you, I feel like I know you... Why don't I know you?" I recognize the icon on the YouTube channel, and I vaguely recognize the name Ulquorraet10, but I don't even know the name she went by and I never used her UTAU. (As we'll see below, I was somehow wrong.)

The design has also changed throughout the years, though the most recent design was not included in any of the banks. In a quest to find more information, I found that the readme of Act 5 was left blank. The only information on her I've really found is that she's colorblind, sixteen, and loves being the center of attention. 
Official Icon Packaged with Bank
This article will be strangely formatted because otherwise the flow of information would be wonky. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #12 - LemonJay

Who is LemonJay? Where can I download LemonJay? No, seriously, I don't think this is helping the SEO.

Wiki Wednesday #12 - LemonJay

So, like the previous Wiki Wednesday, the only thing that comes up when you search the name given for the creator of this UTAU is one Reddit account. It would be unfair to link the two people together if they are separate people, so I'm leaving it at that. (If it is the same person, my assumptions about the creator of LemonJay based off of the website and bank were really wrong.)

LemonJay has no character art and only has a few random tidbits of character information. However, after listing the character information, the writer of the Wiki page tells us we are allowed to disregard that information as it is just suggestions. 
The closest thing this bank has to art.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Forgotten Friday #22 - 筑紫野スイム / Chikushino Swim

Who is 筑紫野スイム ? Where can I download Swim Chikushino? I'm sure this really doesn't help SEO.

Forgotten Friday #22 - 筑紫野スイム  / Chikushino Swim

This is another case of swearing I should know this UTAU, but then having no memory of it at all. She has been used a few times by overseas users, but rarely and all over five years ago.

As late as 2014, the character has had some attention to say the least. Swim does have an MMD model.
Image Used to Promote Swim's MMD model

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #11 - GALON / ガロン

Who is ガロン? Where can I download GALON? Is GALON a boy or girl?

Wiki Wednesday #11 - GALON / ガロン

So, I've tried to organize my workflow for this blog in many ways. Mostly, they have failed and I've ended up with a folder filled with UTAUs with no idea what goes where. I decided to change that, and now I have over thirty UTAUs for Wiki Wednesday downloaded and written down in a spreadsheet to make sure I get to everyone.

On a super happy note, I have gotten through 2018! Once all thirty or so of these UTAUs are written about, I will begin downloading UTAUs who qualify for Wiki Wednesday from 2017. Downloading is my favorite part, but my computer is running low on space. But, no one came here for an update! They came here to learn about GALON.
Official art packaged with bank

Friday, May 17, 2019

Forgotten Friday #21 - 壊れた音カシ / Kowaretane Kashi

Who is Kashi Kowaretane? Where can I download Kowaretane Kashi? Who made 壊れた音カシ? 

Forgotten Friday #21 - 壊れた音カシ / Kowaretane Kashi

I'm kind of confused by this UTAU user. When I say kind of, I mean really confused. Her YouTube channel is FandubsRus, but she's obviously a native English speaker! Maybe her name has "Rus" in it? Nope! It's Sammi. (editor's note: I had just pressed submit and went to get some candy when I realized . . . "fandubs are us." Not my brightest moment.)

This UTAU is really, really obscure, despite her most viewed video having over nine thousand views.
Kashi's most viewed video
The only place with any information on this UTAU is the UTAU Visual Archive, which is strange for an overseas UTAU. I couldn't find a wiki dot or wikia page on this girl.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #10 - Mak1 / mm0th's マキ

Who is Mak1? How can I download mmoth's マキ? Is it moral to use an UTAU when the accounts listed for the creator are deactivated? 

Wiki Wednesday #10 - Mak1 / mm0th's マキ

I did really consider not writing this article until after Mak1's CVVC was released. However, there is no telling when that will be and I can update the article afterwards. Besides, the download links will likely still be in the same place. But let me tell you, this CVVC is lit. 

So, with the knowledge that a CVVC bank that is really good is in the works, let's talk about Mak1.

Who is Mak1?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Friday, May 10, 2019

Forgotten Friday #20 - Michiko Nikora / 二コラ美智子

Who is Michiko Nikora? How can I download Nikora Michiko? Who made ニコラミチコ ?

Forgotten Friday #20 - Michiko Nikora

In researching for this article, I found Michiko singing "Uraomote Lovers". I was quite a bit confused, as this was a Forgotten Friday article. That song is still super new in my head, so I got quite a shock when I found out the cover was from nine years ago. 

Michiko is a case that is both common and strange at the same time. She was created while her creator, Michicookies, still went by her original name, Rasha. Michicookies is still active to this day on YouTube. However, no UTAU content has been uploaded to her new channel. However, Michicookie's deviantArt proves that she does not fully disown Michiko. This piece of art was drawn only a few months prior to the writing of this article.

In researching, I also found a bank that no one seems to realize exists from 2011. This is a bit of a huge deal as Michiko's act three (which is the only one linked to on her wiki page) is from 2009. 
Official icon packaged with bank.
She is a cat/bird/human.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #9 - Kurenai / 紅

Who is Kurenai? Where can I download 紅? Who made Kurenai? 

Wiki Wednesday #9 - Kurenai / 紅

Not every UTAU needs a detailed backstory or character description. Sometimes "this is my UTAU. Use female pronouns" is just enough. However, when there's a tiny bit of backstory that is brought up and dropped within a few words, I feel a little confused. 

This UTAU is a case of "They said something and now I'm confused."

Who is Kurenai?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Monday, May 6, 2019

Investigations are being suspended until I have more free time.

Hi there! I'm not going to use any of the fancy SEO stuff I learned at LearnMMD. I'm just going to jump right into it.

Thanks to the wonders of post scheduling, it has seemed like I've been consistently churning out articles. Sadly, that is quite far from the truth. A lot has happened with my physical and mental health, and money issues are on the horizon.

I really considered just giving up on the blog. But then, I got approved for AdSense! Losing AdSense on my YouTube really messed with me and caused me to just kind of stop making stuff. Believe me, in the entire time I had AdSense on my YouTube channel, I made just over $30. Because it's beneath their threshold for paying out, Google just owes me $30. It wasn't about the money - it was the idea that what I made had some monetary value, even if it was just ten cents. (As a note, I don't think any AdSense ads are showing up on my blog, regardless of if "Show Ads on my Blog" is ticked and the "gadgets" show up. No earnings yet.)

So, I didn't want to give up on my blog. However, I needed to find a way to maintain the blog with less free time. 

Less Fluff.

I like writing. I really, really like writing. I especially love the chance to tell a story. However, that's not the purpose of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to showcase obscure UTAUs, not to listen to story time. If I cut down on just trying to say something and get closer to an austere "Look. Listen. Download." aesthetic, I'll be able to pump out more articles. It hurts my creative soul to do that, but I am fully aware that if my creative soul was particularly profitable, I would actually have time to be as fluffy as possible. 

This also means using the same UST over and over again. I'll be on the lookout for something new, though.

All that being said, every really weird and bad decision I continue to make is because no one leaves comments or sends me an at on Twitter telling me to stop doing those things. 

No More Investigations (For Now)

Investigations are legitimately my favorite part of this blog. Instead of presenting one UTAU, you're presenting an entire little universe. My second favorite is another Monday feature: recovered UTAUs. Investigations are long and take a lot of time, and there are only so many UTAUs that can be recovered. As my free time gets more sparse, I can't take the time to do my favorite thing.

Of course, I will have stretches of time where I've got no pressing matters in my life. During that time, I will be able to return to investigations. Instead of displacing a Wiki Wednesday, I'll just post it up on Monday as a bonus article. If I ever win the lottery and have nothing but free time, I will for sure resume investigations at once.

Still Two Articles a Week

There will still be two articles a week, unless there are three articles. Unless I mess up the scheduling, you can always expect one article on Wednesday and one on Friday. Monday articles will just randomly pop up when time allows for an investigation or another ancient UTAU is found reuploaded. 

That's all!

I hope you guys stick around even without the investigations. I'll get right to work writing and rendering so that there will be a consistent output. 

I'm really grateful to everyone who reads my blog :) Thank you <3

Friday, May 3, 2019

Forgotten Friday #19 - 蛙歌ナク / Kawazuga Naku

Who is Kawazuga Naku? Why are there no images of Naku Kawazuga? How do you download 蛙歌ナク?

Forgotten Friday #19 - 蛙歌ナク / Kawazuga Naku

So, there isn't much information on Naku's voice provider. In an upcoming blog post, I will go into further detail about not having enough time. I am presented with a dilemma. Spend an hour tracking down every lead to see if his voice provider, listed as sanzan_yamato on the NicoPedia, still has an online presence . . . or, you know, not care and just write an article pretending that Naku was birthed out of the ether. I'll go with pretending the guy doesn't exist.

Another problem with Naku is that there are no surviving images of him. His Nicopedia entry says he has glasses and brown eyes. But, there's text art of a cute froggy on his Nicopedia page, so that's how I'll imagine him.