Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #21 - Daigiri Roko / ダギリロコ

Woah, this name looks really Japanese but there's no Kanji version! 大喜利  (switching o to dai to fit) would mean something like great love, and ロ子 could be almost anything!

Wiki Wednesday #21 - Daigiri Roko / ダギリロコ

Finally! A simple, one pitch, romaji encoded CV bank... And it's the user's first UTAU! This is what this blog is for. I get hurried in my "research" and let things that shouldn't slip through slip through, but this. This is why I'm still here. There's even no OTO file! Wait... Whoops. I really got what I was asking for.

All I know about Roko's voice provider is that Toastling is a young person who identifies as female. That's literally all I can figure out.

Who is Roko Daigiri?

Icon packaged with bank

Friday, July 26, 2019

Forgotten Friday #31 - Toyo Aya

Yeah, I realized I'll never get anywhere with SEO. So, I'll write fun things here. Nothing fun right now, though. Can't think of anything!

Forgotten Friday #31 - Toyo Aya

Give it up for 2011! This bank has samples dating from December of 2009 to August of 2011. This UTAU has three acts, but I only downloaded one bank. That bank was the combination VCV-CV bank. It's insane, though. The ZIP file is 160MB, but the Wikia warns that it is very large in size. 160MB! I remember back when that was giant for an UTAU. Part of me misses that time.

I have no memory of this UTAU. I feel like I should, but I don't.

Anyway, on to the article.

Who is Aya Toyo?

Thumbnail by QuietButHappy, Aya's voice provider

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #20 - Ryuko Blair / 流行ブレア


Wiki Wednesday #20 - Ryuko Blair / 流行ブレア

For comedic effect, I include a bit where I'm 'spiraling' trying to figure out how all of the pieces fit together. I hope I made it clear in the article, and in this section itself, that I do not suspect Ashuri Reddo / Mougeki Mero of any foul play. Please do not Nancy Drew Ashuri Reddo, because the only conclusion you can come to is that Ryuko Blair is exactly what she is described as.

Alright, I think I thinned my readership with plugging my Patreon so much. But, as I said, I'm not holding these two series hostage.

You can't really tell unless you look at the timestamps on the audio I upload, but I had been taking a bit of a break. I should note that I literally have another month from the writing of this article before I run out of content. But, you know something? My anxiety plays hardball. If I didn't get this sorted for at least another half month, I'd be going crazy while trying to study.

So, nyoom.

Who is Ryuko Blair?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Friday, July 19, 2019

Forgotten Friday #30 - 鈴木リコ / Suzuki Riko

This one was really forgotten. I won't really touch on it in the body, but this UTAU shares a name with someone so controversial, they got banned off of YouTube.... I think. Not entirely sure how it all works out.

Forgotten Friday #30 - 鈴木リコ / Suzuki Riko

So, I won't lie. I am trying to avoid writing about banks with multiple appends and multi-pitch VCV. Life is picking up, and I'm just squeezing in these articles after getting burnt out from studying. I'm trying to shove as much writing into as little time as possible, and one CV bank to poke at is a lot easier than several VCV appends that you know I gotta fix the OTOs on, because I legitimately have problems. (Unrelated to UTAU, but still problems.)

But, this has left me in a weird spot for this UTAU. It is really, really weird.

Suzuki Riko only exists within the Japanese fandom, but her ZIP archive name is in romaji. She has pseudo-VCV which is the typical romaji-hiragana combo, but the rest of her bank is CV encoded in romaji.

Or at least, it was extremely confusing until I found the ReadMe file, which is in awkward English. The voice provider is listed as "Choi Seo Yeon", which is a Korean name. I'm sure I could find her in the Korean fandom somewhere, if only I knew one lick of Korean. Regardless, let's get to it.

Who is Riko Suzuki?

The only art I could find online, from a てってってー cover

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #19 - Kimi Yamamoto / 山本君

Guys, please ZIP banks that are already inside of folders please. My folder just got flooded with samples, and I'm like "oh dang, the heck."

Wiki Wednesday #19 - Kimi Yamamoto / 山本君

This is actually a really interesting case! According to her voice provider's deviantArt page, Kimi had existed for six years before she was publicly released. I was really confused at how an UTAU that felt 2010 ended up in my Wiki Wednesday spreadsheet, but now I know why. Though I assume the samples were rerecorded or remastered at some point, as the date modified says 2016 on the samples.

I'll get into why this bank is a delightful find for an UTAU nostalgia enthusiast in the "How is this bank?" section. However, let's start by talking about Yamamoto Kimi.

Who is Yamamoto Kimi?

Official Artwork Packaged with Bank

Friday, July 12, 2019

Forgotten Friday #29 - zontan

Who is zontan? Why does she have no last name? Who made her?

Forgotten Friday #29 - zontan

After last week, I needed something simple. Nothing that required using the console. Just a regular hiragana encoded bank.

So, I picked a random Japanese bank I have never heard of before. There isn't much information on her, and I have no idea who made her. But I don't care because I don't want to touch Moresampler!

Who is zontan?

Art from UTAU Visual Archive

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #18 - Shizuko Sano / 佐野静子

Who is 佐野静子? Where can I download Sano Shizuko? Why am I only covering Shizuko?

Wiki Wednesday #18 - Shizuko Sano / 佐野静子

So, if I had taken the time to research the manager of this UTAU, Kiku, Sano would have never ended up on my Wiki Wednesday Spreadsheet. Kiku also manages Mani Hatsu, who is very popular. However, I had already downloaded her bank and every time I looked at her design I thought "I love it!" So, I'm writing about this UTAU despite technically it being against my rules for this series. 

Now, let's get on with the article!

Who is Sano Shizuko?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Friday, July 5, 2019

Forgotten Friday #28 - Melon's Yasu / ヤス

Who is Melon? Why is there no Wikia page? Why was the distribution link on a NicoNicoDouga Video??

Forgotten Friday #28 - Yasu / ヤス

Again, I'm talking about an UTAU that doesn't fully fall into this category, but for a good reason. Finding out that this UTAU didn't fall into this category exactly took way more research than most people would be willing to do. 

There is basically no information on this UTAU floating around, so I'll re-appropriate the "Who is this UTAU" with "Look at this research I did!" (Though I'll keep the title the same, because I'm like Jazza over here with consistency.)

Who is Yasu?

Art by melon-ramune-freak

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #17 - Aiko Nyoko

Who is Aiko Nyoko? How can I download Nyoko Aiko? This is a force of habit.

Wiki Wednesday #17 - Aiko Nyoko

Aiko wasn't very high on my list of UTAUs to write about until I just randomly picked her voicebank to test my Moresampler to Uniform program. At the time of writing (because I forget to come back and edit with relevant links) the only video regarding that program that is uploaded is the tutorial on how to do the same method by hand using spreadsheets.

Ironically because all of my testing was from within Intellij and BlueJ, the first time I heard a sample was when I was making the spreadsheet video! However, when I heard the sample I instantly was impressed and knew I would enjoy writing about her.

Who is Aiko Nyoko?

Official Art by FlutteraliviaNL