Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 19, 2019

Forgotten Friday #30 - 鈴木リコ / Suzuki Riko

This one was really forgotten. I won't really touch on it in the body, but this UTAU shares a name with someone so controversial, they got banned off of YouTube.... I think. Not entirely sure how it all works out.

Forgotten Friday #30 - 鈴木リコ / Suzuki Riko

So, I won't lie. I am trying to avoid writing about banks with multiple appends and multi-pitch VCV. Life is picking up, and I'm just squeezing in these articles after getting burnt out from studying. I'm trying to shove as much writing into as little time as possible, and one CV bank to poke at is a lot easier than several VCV appends that you know I gotta fix the OTOs on, because I legitimately have problems. (Unrelated to UTAU, but still problems.)

But, this has left me in a weird spot for this UTAU. It is really, really weird.

Suzuki Riko only exists within the Japanese fandom, but her ZIP archive name is in romaji. She has pseudo-VCV which is the typical romaji-hiragana combo, but the rest of her bank is CV encoded in romaji.

Or at least, it was extremely confusing until I found the ReadMe file, which is in awkward English. The voice provider is listed as "Choi Seo Yeon", which is a Korean name. I'm sure I could find her in the Korean fandom somewhere, if only I knew one lick of Korean. Regardless, let's get to it.

Who is Riko Suzuki?

The only art I could find online, from a てってってー cover
Riko is... I literally have no idea who Riko is. She's supposedly twelve, her mascoat is stroberry, and she grew 10.7 centimeters between her character file and her readme file. Her voice provider, who listed her age as "12/襞" obviously struggles with English and Japanese. Which, obviously, makes sense given her "CV" is listed as a very Korean name. I contacted one of the users who used Riko over Twitter, so I'll just have to see what she says. 

How is the bank?

This UTAU committed one of the worst UTAsins. When I extracted the bank, it puked all over my folder as opposed to extracting to its own folder. bleh!

The OTOs are an absolute mess, but this is an overseas bank from 2009. What do you really expect?

The voice is actually pretty mature (in contrast to the character information), which you know means I instantly like it. She does have some problems, such as 'bi' sounding a lot like 'ki'. She sounds like she has some clipping issues when listening to the samples, but it doesn't come through too much when rendered. I liked her enough to actually fix the OTOs for the sample, so that probably says all you'd need to know when it comes to my opinion on this bank.

Where can I download Suzki Riko?

The only "official" place to download her is her release video. NicoVideo does this weird thing where it deletes the video, but not the description. Just think - if her release video had been on YouTube, the one link to download this girl would have been lost to time forever.

She's not perfect, but if you wanted to do a Korean UTAU medley, I think this girl would deserve to be in it. Unless I'm wrong and she isn't Korean. It just seems with all of the signs, she probably is.

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