Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Forgotten Friday #29 - zontan

Who is zontan? Why does she have no last name? Who made her?

Forgotten Friday #29 - zontan

After last week, I needed something simple. Nothing that required using the console. Just a regular hiragana encoded bank.

So, I picked a random Japanese bank I have never heard of before. There isn't much information on her, and I have no idea who made her. But I don't care because I don't want to touch Moresampler!

Who is zontan?

Art from UTAU Visual Archive
I think she's a ghost? You know how sometimes people write things, and you just think "Even if I was fluent in this language, I don't think I'd understand."

This is one of those cases. She died at age 15. I guess she's a "guardian spirit" or something?

But I really, really love the design at least. I love the color scheme and the little outfit is just adorable!! 

How is the bank?

Hiragana encoded with a decent OTO that uses negative overlap. Seeing that negative overlap made me so happy! 

The OTOs aren't perfect, but they're so much better than what I had been dealing with. 

I love the voice so much. I guess you could say that it is a little generic, but who cares? The design makes up for it. It is a little more mature than the design, but I love more mature voice types.

I do have to say, though, I thought I had messed up my spreadsheets or that I had downloaded a new append. This UTAU sounds and looks like it came from 2013 at earliest, not 2009. This bank was recorded and released in 2009.

Where can I download zotan?

Here is zotan's release video. I love this UTAU and I hope people start using her. This is one of those UTAUs that I would email the voice provider over, but I don't have any information on who made this UTAU. Not even reverse image searching the design will get you anything.

I can basically promise that there will never be an update to zotan, so anyone holding out for VCV will be disappointed. However, if you still love CV banks, zotan will be perfect for anything where you need an adorable girl with a voice that is a little more mature than her face. 

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