Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 30, 2019

Forgotten Friday #36 - 貴野アキ / Takano Aki

This technically should be a "recovered" UTAU, but I'm not doing that series anymore due to the whole not having enough time thing. It's not really an interesting story, even. I just checked the internet archive because the domain was for sale.

Forgotten Friday #36 - 貴野アキ / Takano Aki

Sometimes you get into a lucky stride where you can just write about UTAUs that only have one one pitch CV bank for a bit. No VCV. No multiple audio files. You can even hand fix the OTOs and spend as much time as it would take rendering off five different samples from five different banks!

The down side is obviously that half of those times, there's just not much to say. It's an old UTAU that was abandoned after one CV bank.

In addition to the fact that this is technically recovered and not found, apparently Aki has a sibling named Yuki. However, I believe that by some magic, only Aki was able to survive. I've checked up, down, and all around and could only get the link for Aki to work, sadly. Regardless, let's get to this.

Who is Aki Takano?

The only image I could find; From Release Video

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #25 - 魔論ちゃん / Maron-chan

This article will probably be pretty short. I'm pretty sure this is a joke UTAU. Some tiny research shows that this UTAU breaks my rules for Wiki Wednesday, as "na" has a ton of UTAUs apparently. However, as I could only find them using a method that rarely works, I didn't even bother looking until just now. Like I said last week, I'm breaking my rules because nyoom. 

Wiki Wednesday #25 - 魔論ちゃん / Maron-chan

I really debated whether I should include this. I have a really weak stomach for horror, but I just reminded myself that I have no problem with Mike Wazowski, so I could stomach this girl.

Her voice provider has been missing from NicoVideo since 2013, but amazingly she is still on Twitter to this day. At least I think? When you search the Twitter handle given on NicoVideo, the account has been suspended. (What the heck did they do to get suspended?!) However, when you search that handle, the only time it comes up is when this account tweeted the name. I sent that user a tweet asking if the Okota in the ReadMe was the Okota using that account. I'll update this when I get a concrete response. (The only one I got so far was "んー?" and that doesn't tell me yes or no.)

Who is Maron-chan?

I usually put the picture above the break, but don't click "read more" if you're freaked about limbless spheres with only one eye.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Forgotten Friday #35 - Ironai Yoti / 色ナイヨチ

Who is this UTAU? When doing research I found out that this UTAU was made by someone really, really cool. But that doesn't fully explain why this UTAU only exists on Nicovideo.

Forgotten Friday #35 - Ironai Yoti / 色ナイヨチ

Okay so, before even listening to this UTAU, I found the creator. Their name is Yotty, and they are amazing at art. Not just that, they have some of the best prices vs value ratio on their commissions I've ever seen. If I ever got money and made an OC, I would be paying them their insanely low prices to get beautiful art. Seriously, I had to close the tab with their blog on it like five times because I just kept going back to look at their art. It hit me in the feels. 

Me giving a shout out is completely pointless. I'm lucky to get five views on an article. But still, I have to fawn when I feel like fawning. Regardless, this has nothing to do with the UTAU in question. Let's get to that!

Who is Yoti Ironai?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #24 -夜鷹センリ / Senri Yodaka

In a rather deserted area of town, there was a bar. They didn't get much traffic, but they did get a lot of non-paying customers. Due to those non-paying customers, they hung a sign that said "No jokes allowed." One day, a chicken walked in. Of course, chickens don't even have pockets to hold money. The bartender asked, "Are you a joke?" The chicken nervously clucked. The bartender responded, "Go to the bar across the road."

Wiki Wednesday #24 -夜鷹センリ / Senri Yodaka

Let me start by saying that there might be more than a few banks that break the rules that I downloaded in my latest binge. There were one or two I didn't even look up on YouTube when I saw how abysmal the views were on the linked Nicovideo videos.

I'm not really going to double check, because I've binged enough for fifteen articles and I need to get them all out so that I can feel like I accomplished something.

Anyway, I noticed the cutest thing on this UTAU's distribution page. Senri's voice provider spells "download" as "downlord". Which does make sense, in the fact that sometimes a long vowel in Japanese is used to represent a rhotacized vowel in English. Anyway, on to the article.

Who is Yodaka Senri?

Official Art Packaged With Bank

Friday, August 16, 2019

Forgotten Friday #34 - 蘭歌ロサ / Ranka Rosa

Still not functioning 100%, but this isn't too painful and will let me spend more time not being afraid of time catching up to me.

Forgotten Friday #34 - 蘭歌ロサ / Ranka Rosa

Ranka Rosa looks like a legit name, not going to lie. Of course, Rosa probably was a tell it was an overseas name, but I didn't expect what I got.

So, little backstory. Legendmaker was like obsessed with getting girls to make UTAUs for him and then just kind of... letting them die. That sounds awful, but, I don't know. Maybe kind of? I don't know if the girls were expecting their UTAUs to get used more than once and then have their videos deleted. Maybe they didn't even care about UTAU and recorded the recording list in Audacity to shut the guy up? Meh. That's all I'll say on that.

Who is Rosa Ranka?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #23 - 菖蒲・ヴィルジニー / Ayame Virginie

Okay, making good headway. I'm feeling better. Maybe the sun went behind the clouds and it stopped being as stupid hot.

Wiki Wednesday #23 - 菖蒲・ヴィルジニー / Ayame Virginie

I won't lie. Seeing the name Ayame Virginie made me think this UTAU was from a former Soviet Bloc country. But, the character file and the readme file make it obvious that her voice provider, Peka_Chi, is in fact Japanese. 

Now, Ayame (as the word I won't even try to spell is her last name) has really big banks for a one pitch CV. Her second bank is over eighty megabytes because her samples are five seconds long. Ouch.

Who is Ayame Virginie?

Official Icon Packaged With Bank

Friday, August 9, 2019

Forgotten Friday #33 - ユウイト / Yuuito

Hi there. My brain is broken. There is no telling when it will get fixed. This article will be lacking, and I apologize.

Forgotten Friday #33 - ユウイト / Yuuito

This is a doozy, and could result in me spending quite some time tracking down leads to figure out why the only time this UTAU was ever used or mentioned was on Nico, but it's romaji encoded with an English character file. Why is "oto.txt" a character file?

Now, the answer to all of this may surprise you.

Yuuito was uploaded to NicoVideo by someone going by Fuku, who used manly pronouns. (Not male - MANLY. ORE.) So, okay, Yuuito is an UTAU by some dude.

Not so fast! There's a reason that there was no trace of Yuuito on YouTube. He had been on YouTube! How did I learn this? Well, Yuuito's bank is packaged with the most dA box art possible. That isn't an insult to dA or the box art - it's just like how you know a Sonic OC is a Sonic OC by taking one look at them. So, I looked it up and found his voice provider. Do you want proof? Check the description of some of his art. Another nail in the proof coffin? Remember Fuku from before? Now her name is Fyukue on her new dA account. (Her art is really good.)

It all became a circle.

Fyukue has obviously distanced herself from Yuuito. That asks the question - should we write about him? Yes. It's not hard to delete files from Mediafire, guys. If you don't want me sneaking into nursing homes and dragging out your geriatric UTAUs... This metaphor is ending badly.

Who is Yuuito?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #22 - Rumi Osone / 遅音ルミ

Two one pitch, romaji encoded CV banks in a row?! In. Heaven.

Wiki Wednesday #22 - Rumi Osone / 遅音ルミ

I've been getting a little personal in my introductions lately. But sometimes, it's a little hard to avoid. You morally have to hit a certain word count, and there's not really a deep story behind most one pitch, (seemingly) one-and-done UTAUs.

Osone Rumi's voice provider, MURI, had posted three videos within the span of a month and vanished. Her dA is equally as sparse. But, at least I have learned that both MURI and Ru... MU-RI, RU-MI... huh! Neat! Both Muri and Rumi are women from Switzerland. I left a comment on Rumi's info sheet because I just really like this UTAU. 

Who is Osone Rumi?

Icon packaged with bank

Friday, August 2, 2019

Forgotten Friday #32 - 溶懸想ガロ / Tokesou Garo

Oh my goodness, this design is out for my heart! Will the rest of the UTAU also be after my heart?

Forgotten Friday #32 - 溶懸想ガロ / Tokesou Garo

So, this is a random UTAU from 2009 with a voice provider that, on first glance, is the same kind of tier as the Level Up family, with their blog being mostly Pokemon. It is bad to Nancy Drew people's genders, but a case like this makes it really hard not to really wonder. The divide between male and female is a lot more pronounced in Japan than it is in America, so seeing a blog and persona that feels exclusively male contrasts with the fact that Garo is, in fact, a fourteen year old girl. I mean, the name Garo's voice provider gives on their blog is "GROWLITHE". Now, they go by "Snow-viewing Radish", whereas they were previously "G-Dog". Yukimi Daikon sounds super feminine to an American.

Anyway, G-Dog was an Utaite. The main thing that would make me Nancy Drew Radish's gender as female is that their voice has basically remained the same between 2009 and 2012. That's not a long time, but it's enough time for a young boy's voice to crack noticeably. But do you know why that doesn't matter? G-Inu could identify as male! However, Japanese women who sound like "tom-boys" tend to sound the specific way that Yukimi does. It sounds boyish to untrained American ears, but feminine to someone who eats up Japanese content.

Sometimes, I just want to click buttons and learn, not study or do work. This was all pointless because I just won't bring up the voice provider again, meaning I didn't even have a reason to fret over pronouns.

Who is Garo Tokesou?

From Nicopedia Page