Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Forgotten Friday #34 - 蘭歌ロサ / Ranka Rosa

Still not functioning 100%, but this isn't too painful and will let me spend more time not being afraid of time catching up to me.

Forgotten Friday #34 - 蘭歌ロサ / Ranka Rosa

Ranka Rosa looks like a legit name, not going to lie. Of course, Rosa probably was a tell it was an overseas name, but I didn't expect what I got.

So, little backstory. Legendmaker was like obsessed with getting girls to make UTAUs for him and then just kind of... letting them die. That sounds awful, but, I don't know. Maybe kind of? I don't know if the girls were expecting their UTAUs to get used more than once and then have their videos deleted. Maybe they didn't even care about UTAU and recorded the recording list in Audacity to shut the guy up? Meh. That's all I'll say on that.

Who is Rosa Ranka?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank
No one knows. The only information available for this girl on the NicoPedia is that she is a girl. Everything else is just a ton of question marks.

Is there a reason her skin was yellow? What is her personality? The only information we get other than Legendmaker being involved is that her voice provider is "MAKEPEACENOTWAR40977". MakePeaceNotWar went on to provide the voice for Saki Awane, whose UTAU Wikia page was pulled down because the UTAU be dead.

I was really annoyed that I couldn't figure out how to access the history of the deleted page until I remembered what I said in the last Forgotten Friday. Those people did take their UTAUs out of the nursing home so that they wouldn't be paraded around in all of their cobweb covered glory. 

(oh dude! MakePeaceNotWar ditched Legendmaker to hang with Myst! Cool little facts.)

How is the bank?

It sounds like a bank that Legendmaker got a girl to record for him. It's not great, but it's really 2009.

I don't really have much commentary because, well, it would be more respectful to MakePeace to use her newer UTAU. However, I think it has been taken down for the most part.

Why am I still writing this, then? Because Legendmaker's UTAUs are an important part of overseas utau history, even if I don't like to say it. It's an okay bank for what it is, but its main use is as a piece of UTAU history. 

Where can I download Rosa Ranka?

Of course, on her NicoPedia page. Like I said before, this isn't really a bank you use because you like it or the design. This is a bank you use in a historic context. No matter how small or unknown they are, uncovering old LegendMaker UTAUs gives us a glimpse into what UTAU was before anyone took is seriously. 

If you're not interested in ancient history, you can sit this one out.

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