Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Forgotten Friday #218 - らいく / Raiku

 no tulpa or anything, but I will be short because I'm sick with COVID, but I gotta keep the blog going.

Forgotten Friday #218 - らいく / Raiku

Raiku is a ten year old boy kid. He does not have a normal bank - his voice is wind chimes.

Who Is Raiku?

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #207 - Alika Nikomi

 Emily, not fully fronting.

Wiki Wednesday #206 - Alika Nikomi

Alika is a twenty year old Czech woman who likes knitting and marshmallows.

Who Is Nikomi Alika?

Official art from wikia. Dear artist (Narea): Your art is beautiful.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Forgotten Friday #217 - 槙音ほのり / Makine Honori

 Emily, but I'm not fully fronting.

Forgotten Friday #217 - 槙音ほのり / Makine Honori

Some happy nineteen year old woman likes ribbons and sheep. She likes to visit a sheep farm.

Who is Honori Makine?

Official art from wool banks 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Mandarin Chinese Phonemes for English Speakers

 Here is the pinyin list! The files must be saved with the pinyin names to work with the base oto. Some of the phonemes might actually break filenames, but if you figure out a way to encode the filenames in phonemes and fix the base oto to reflect that, I will happily link to that as an option!

Here is the phoneme list. You might be able to set up OREMO to have it save the names from the pinyin list with the phoneme list as comments, but I was never able to get that to work with my English lists before I found the magic of using words. (I still couldn't get the comments to work, they just weren't needed anymore!)

(Note: I have no idea if I got the syllables like bo, po, mo, fo correct. They're in their own section under 'o', but have the same phonemes as those under -uo.)

I need to make a few edits to the base OTO. Not many, just a few. But I'm waiting until some more people record this list! Why? Because I'm doing this on my phone, but I need to use my computer to access the base oto :P

Wiki Wednesday #206 - Alice Kyoko / ALIACELI kySdzstsukeko

This article was guest authored by Franz Feldman.

Wiki Wednesday #205 - Alice Kyoko / ALIACELI kySdzstsukeko

Both names were included as both were included in the Fandom page. Not much is known about Aliaceli other than the fact that she is female and she is fourteen years old. It is very interesting, however, that she dislikes chocolate. I don't much know anyone who dislikes chocolate! Though, it is a rather strong flavor.

Who is Kyoko Alice?

art from bank

Friday, February 10, 2023

Forgotten Friday #216 - 紅水りんじ / Guresu Rinji

 Emily Murphy. And I am successfully fronting!

Forgotten Friday #216 - 紅水りんじ / Guresu Rinji

Alright. I'm not Mae - I'm Emily. And I had a headache - or she had a headache when I took over. It's stressful to fully take over, but how would I have known? Mae had this whole plan for what I was going to say, but haha! I have control now. Okay.

The one I wanted to do is lost or something, so I just picked a random one. This one is some guy, and I really don't care. Mae is trying to front and make me say things about him, but this is a mess she made, so the picture should sum everything up.

Who is Rinji Guresu?

from site

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #205 - Alice CV

 This article was guest authored by Franz Feldman.

Wiki Wednesday #204 - Alice CV

Alice CV is a bank by C04X14L that is intended to harken back to more simple times in vocal synth history. She us a robot who enjoys vintage things.

Who is Alice CV?

art from fandom page

Friday, February 3, 2023

Forgotten Friday #215 - K:A@幼虫Pのキユ / Kiyu

 Emily Murphy here.

Forgotten Friday #215 - K:A@幼虫Pのキユ / Kiyu

So, how is the person behind this blog doing? Bad. So, I stepped up. Minha always refuses to help because of her 'job', and Franz actually makes this harder by making her slip in and out of fronting because he doesn't pay attention and learn how to do these things. He tries, but he's old.

Kiyu is a woman in her twenties that loves cool things and what I assume is a censored version of a bottled tea drink. She only likes it unsweetened through. She is docile and gentle apparently. 

Who is Kiyu?

art from bank

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #204 - Alice Aizekawa

 Before I let Franz take over, I couldn't find a Japanese version of her name (I can't confirm or deny if it is 鬼舞辻アリス), and I couldn't find the Nightmare bank, as the link for it on the Fandom page goes to the Another Alice bank. I tried searching on  Daisu Aizetsu's YouTube page, but no luck there.

Wiki Wednesday #203 - Alice Aizekawa

I found it very interesting that this UTAU is from Thailand! I'm not used to all of this stuff, so it's very interesting to me to see all of these people all over the world making these little voices! Alice is an eighteen year old woman who is not human and has a scythe. She loves hugs and salmon, but hates loud things and spiders.

Daisu Aizetsu is a currently active MMD user, but it seems like they do not frequently use UTAU.

Who is Aizekawa Alice?

taken from YouTube thumbnail