Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #205 - Alice CV

 This article was guest authored by Franz Feldman.

Wiki Wednesday #204 - Alice CV

Alice CV is a bank by C04X14L that is intended to harken back to more simple times in vocal synth history. She us a robot who enjoys vintage things.

Who is Alice CV?

art from fandom page
The… oh. Minha wants me to introduce myself every time I start a new chapter. I am Ouura. I… don't understand why she wants me to say I'm fictional.

The Madian people are wonderful. Kind and sweet and always accepting.

I was young when I was enrolled into their school. I didn't understand a single word of their language and only knew a few words of English. This was before the electro larynx was popular, so most teachers didn't even know it was possible to speak English. (Thankfully, that only lasted a few years.)

I was grotesque. The children around me looked like the ideal sapient forms. I… I should clarify what I looked like.

I was awkward and lanky with skin whiter than the paper we wrote on. I had pitch black eyes. There were whites in my eyes, but they were only noticeable when I was shocked. That was the part of my surgery I was most nervous about - fixing my eyes. My long black hair seemed to trap light inside of it.

And then there was my face. Madian people never said anything about my face, other than it made me special and wonderful. They never gawked at me when I ate. They only asked kind questions that related to function. How could they all be like that?

I dread writing it. From where my new cheekbones are to right above my chin, there was just a hole. Not a gaping, black hole to match my eyes… an orifice that displayed for everyone the inner mechanics of my mouth. My mother didn't care for me enough to teach me how to hold my tongue in the least grotesque way and still be able to breath. I was a child - I tried to learn through practice. But I so often was in discomfort due to it. The children around me would plead for me to stop. They weren't offended by my esophagus. Everyone deserves to breathe as much as they want.

So I listened to them. This made visits to my home world a nightmare due to my 'flagrant lack of manners'. We're not supposed to be comfortable and breathe freely.

So, I went to school and slowly learned the language. Once Minha left for training, Madia gave me her room. I almost never saw my mother as she jetted about.

Madia refused to speak her own language due to the pain of switching between languages, so I learned English from her and her favorite television shows. She introduced me to video games and comics.

The more I learned to communicate, the more I started to realize that outside of Madia and Minha, the people seemed as if they weren't even sentient. 

They were always kind. So… intensely kind. In English class, I couldn't make any of the consonant sounds. Instead of sending me away, they encouraged me to practice pitch and stress. When I was able to make the correct vowel sounds and use the right timing, they fawned over me. They even told me how jealous they were at how natural I sounded compared to their robotic voices.

But it was a struggle to feel like every conversation was just… making noise.

How is Alice CV's bank?

Of course, the bank is CV. It is encoded in Latin characters. I don't understand why, but there was an issue that even I could notice was off.

Thankfully, Mae had edited a plugin to change the computer sheet music from Japanese to Latin characters. The pink and blue screen thing is really off, but Mae said that sometimes people would do it wrong to get a specific robot sound. It would make sense since this is meant to be nostalgic. 

Alice CV is meant to have an American accent, which I figure she does. The description on her Fandom page was right, the best word I can think of for the voice is cloudy. However, even Mae agrees that she sounds absolutely wonderful!

Where can you download Alice CV?

It seems that her website is down, but you can still download her from her Fandom page. She is very nice!

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