Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, January 21, 2022

Forgotten Friday #161 - 01001001 / ASCIIコードで"I"

 I love and hate this keyboard so much. The keys are clicky and bouncy and feel substantial, but the layout is wrong. I don't mean Dorvak, it's still QWERTY. It's just that important buttons like shift and backspace are too small. I also just make a lot of errors. I mostly love it.

Forgotten Friday #161 - 01001001 / ASCIIコードで"I"

This is a fun joke UTAU. It's a time traveling robot who warns everyone of the great voice losening. No one listens, but he's excited for his 'I told you so!!' It was implied it was made with a text-to-speech voice as opposed to a human voice, but I'm pretty sure that was Emoto singing. (He likes blueberries.)

Who is I? (that's what the numbers spell out)

official art

I wonder when this bit of writing will be published. It's February of 2021. The blog is pushed out to 2022, and I have thirty or so "old man rambles" from before I just spectacularly threw up my hands and said, naw, I give up. I'll probably use those first, meaning… this will probably be published mid-2022, but depending on a lot of stuff it could be 2023. Who knows! (note from current day Mae: the "old man rambles" went in the trash. Some nice friends are helping to replace them.)

So, in the spirit of abject surrealism, here's A Spectrum of Apple Skins.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath with a small smile on her lips as she rested her head on her desk. Maybe it was age, but teaching friendship lessons to all of the colts, fillies, and young creatures was more tiring than being a Cutie Mark Crusader. It was the end of the day and she knew Twilight would lower the sun soon. However, she needed a small nap, as she did everyday, before she went home. Applejack always gave her a list of chores to finish off. She didn't mind it - it was just things like putting up the chickens. But, she needed her nap regardless.

As she began to fall asleep, she felt the strangest sensation. It was as if her body was blown backwards as the rest of the world was blown forward. As she threw herself back into a sitting position, she realized that she wasn't in her classroom at the Friendship Academy. No, everything was grey and white, with only a few pops of muted colors. Her eyes adjusted as she looked down at her desk to see larger, hairless versions of opossum paws. As she tried to move her hooves, she realized that the paws now belonged to her. She started shaking as she began to hyperventilate.

"Apps?!" An unfamiliar voice rang out. "Apps, are you okay?!"

Apple Bloom made a conscious effort to slow her breathing as she slowly turned her office chair towards the direction of the voice. Her jaw dropped when she saw the figure standing before her.

All of the Cutie Mark Crusaders had snuck into the world of Canterlot High at least once. What's the point of being connected to the Princess if you don't get to try out all of the magical artifacts?! She had seen the Technicolor version of humans with lithe limbs, but this woman was stocky with skin the color of… she couldn't think of the color. She glanced down at her own hand, then looked back up. They had the same skin tone! That was wrong! Her understanding was that her skin color as a human would be the same pale yellow as her fur! Instead, it was a strange, pale color with blotches of pink and lines of blue. 

She squinted as she looked back up at the woman. Her eyes were so small, and her nose was large. Instead of a beautiful round face, it was in the shape of an oval with bones jutting out. 

"Apps… I mean, Ms. Bloom, I'm sorry," she shifted her weight as she looked down to the floor. "I know we're not to the point of nicknames yet… we haven't even been introduced."

Apple Bloom slowly nodded. "Uh-huh…"

Who is the woman?! Why is everything so different?! Find out next week!

How is I's voicebank?

It basically is what it aims to be. It's a low quality CV bank that has fuzz as if it were generated by a computer. Was it? Maybe it was! Or I really want to know how the processed the audio. It is a really cool effect.

Where can I download I?

All of the links are on his Visual Archive Page.  This is a fun UTAU, and his name actually slightly broke my spreadsheet because of the leading zero. I added an ' to the beginning and that fixed it. Be warned, unzipping directly in your voicebank folder will make it barf all over your folders and you'll have to clean that all up.

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