Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, January 14, 2022

Forgotten Friday #160 - 浜音ユリ / Hamane Yuri

 I have put off working on this for so long because well, have no real excuses. Just paranoid ones.

Forgotten Friday #160 - 浜音ユリ / Hamane Yuri

So, I don't even remember when I started writing what I'll be posting in this article. It was a long, long while back. Reading it back, it is a little... unwell reading?

I am happy with the direction I am going, nyoom nyoom. 

Who is Yuri Hamane?

"temporary image"

Now, by the time these words end up published, I should have publicly posted the apology for this whole thing. In case I didn't, hi! I'm slowly pulling away from the place I was when I started this blog, and a part of me is just… thinking that I'm in a different place in my life - a place that the blog doesn't really belong. However, by looking at the analytics, I can tell that, at the time of writing, the blog belongs in the fandom.

Now, whatcha do about that? Pass the torch? Naw, everyone would feel cornered at this point, and you can't trust the torch bearer to pass it when they get to this point. So, I'll be doing something different and turning what began as a serious look at UTAUs you should know about into a frantic and chronologically inconsistent personal blog that also has UTAUs that you should know about. I was already halfway there, anyway.

It's not just "oh, it's wrong to take away the blog! Think of the children!" It's also that I'm a disabled adult who is extremely lucky to be taken care of as a child would be by my family. I don't have to work. I don't have any real overarching goals unless I make them for myself. And I need to impose grueling crunch time upon myself to feel alive. Yes, I am working on a massive project that will likely span, at the very least, a full year of uploads that will involve, at the very least, fifty-two hours of OTO files. (note from current day Mae: I never got past downloading some of the banks.) That is so mind numbingly boring. Even if I spent two hours on every article, split between writing and processing, that's two-hundred-and-eight hours on the blog in one year. (Some articles take forever thanks to many banks that need adjustments, but let's say two hours each.) That rounds up to literally nine days to do one year of articles. (As a human being, those nine days would need to be split up, of course. My pills don't let me stay up more than 24 hours anymore.)

But, I'm a writer. Writing was always the end goal for me… even though I thought I'd be a socially acceptable J. K. Rowling by now, and not some weirdo writing about Japanese computer singers. So, it's important for my emotional well-being to force myself to write. Not to force myself to write well, or anything useful, but to write in general. I also just really love exploring and seeing what UTAUs are out there to see and trying to make adjustments to make them sound fabulous! 

At this very moment, at one hour and thirteen minutes post meridiem on the second of February in the year of our Lord twenty-twenty-one, I do have a plan. (Note from current day Mae: So that's when it started!) I had kicked the can an entire year into the future in 2020 so that I would be safe to just forget about the blog for a bit, but I felt restless. My plan is to write one hundred and four of these. In previous files, I already have thirty. Then, I just scroll through and find the UTAUs I have nothing to say about. Use these, and then I have an entire year of articles. Just processing needed!

We'll see where I am mentally when I finish this weird goal of over fifty-thousand words. There's a chance that I'll snap back into my old method of writing on my phone and processing on my computer, but I think I'll try the idea of writing everything except this filler on my computer again. I'll purposefully chose UTAUs I don't really have much to say on in that case most likely. But that will be easier because I'll have everything at my fingertips and I won't be as blind.

But yeah! Things are changing!

How does Hamane Yuri Sound?

Yuri has two voicebanks. However, I was only able to find the password for the first one, sadly. 

I love this UTAU and she is perfect. Okay, it's not perfect. She's a one pitch CV bank with a wonky OTO file, but her voice makes me happy.

Where can I download Yuri Hamane?

All relevant links are on her Visual Archive page. It is possible that it may be possible to find and archive of the TM Box page and get the password for her second bank, but who knows? Regardless, the one bank I could try out was  absolutely wonderful.

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