Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, January 31, 2020

Forgotten Friday #58 - 忘音ナル / Wasurene Naru

AAAA!! This article is literally only possible because of my friend Smoke! They were kind enough to download this bank because I couldn't get the file sharing site to work and send it to me. I had literally been trying to get this UTAU since January of 2019, and I finally got him on November 8th, 2019. I could have kept up the illusion that it took an entire year, but ya gotta be transparent. (But that's still a really long time, even if it isn't over a year.)

Forgotten Friday #58 - 忘音ナル / Wasurene Naru

This bank is from February of 2009. I'm not pulling your leg! If my "counting cells" is correct, this was the 60th UTAU ever released. (Or 59th or 61st. I'm really bad at counting, and the cells on Ruto.yu aren't aligned well when it comes to the numbers indicating order.)

According to the readme, this is an incomplete bank. I think they probably meant that there were some errors the voice provider, Sifi, didn't fix. It seems to have all of its samples, so it doesn't feel incomplete at all to me. (Really, so many old banks are missing samples!!)

I am just so excited to jump into reviewing this bank!

Who is Naru Wasurene?

Art from Meltdown Video
there was no icon in the bank!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #47 - 美波うり / Minami Uri

Another hiatus gone! I have a feeling that a rather large one may be coming, so I am going to nyoom nyoom as nyoom as I can nyoom.

Wiki Wednesday #47 - 美波うり / Minami Uri

So, I usually don't like to go really out of order, but this little pumpkin only has one voicebank, and that is very helpful to my nyooming. Her sisters, Kon and Mato, come before her in the Vegedol download page, but wow they have a lot of voicebanks.

This is an UTAU that previously would be shoved in an investigation, but I am so grateful those things no longer exist. I can nyoom even faster!

Who is Uri Minami?

Official Icon from Site

Friday, January 24, 2020

Forgotten Friday #57 - 銀歌リュウセイ / Ginka Ryuusei

So, it feels like I took a month long hiatus, but it has only been a few days. Time is weird when you're manic. I was getting dangerously, dangerously high because I would take my meds around midnight and toss and turn until 4 AM. Once I finally fell asleep, I would wake up like clockwork around 11:30 AM. That's a normal and healthy amount of sleep for someone my age, but it wasn't enough. I was getting higher and higher and more and more disorganized. I actually started a crusade and thought it was a good idea. It probably wasn't and I realize that now. But I'm not constantly vibrating and laughing at nothing after staying up until 8 AM and sleeping twelve hours.

Forgotten Friday #57 - 銀歌リュウセイ / Ginka Ryuusei

Before I even rendered off a sample of this UTAU to see if I liked her, I sent her voice provider Tsubaki a DM on Twitter asking if she'd record my English list. Do I have a problem? Yes. Will I stop? No. No one ever actually records the list. I have one person I fully trust that will do it, but is ill. My friend Ere-ese-ere has already recorded three banks for it and I love them to death, so I am exaggerating a bit when I say no one. But not counting people I consider friends? Yeah, no one. 

But, no banks means that I won't feel pressure to release USTs, meaning I have less work on my plate! And that's good. UTAU is a really, really time consuming hobby if you let it be. So yeah, on to an actual article.

This UTAU actually was recorded by a legit singer who is still in the game! Her voice is very cute and nice and she responded saying that she is too busy and recording an UTAU would be difficult now. But she said it with so much kanji!! Like, she used "為". That's a level 35 kanji on Wanikani! It's kind of one "feel" when you write in Japanese and receive a response in English, but it's a different kind of "feel" when you write in kindergarten Japanese and receive a response in doctorate Japanese! But I'm grateful for the prompt response!


Who is Ryuusei Ginka?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #46 - 薄歌 / Showoh Ryuka's Hakka

Fancy pants kanji time! 薄 means "dilute" and its level on Wanikani is 40. That's a really high level kanji. There are two kinds of UTAU names when it comes to kanji. You either pick the most accessible or go all out with obscurity. Anyone knows that 重 means heavy. It's level nine! But who knows what this UTAU's name means?! Well, anyone who reads a Japanese newspaper.

Wiki Wednesday #46 - 薄歌 / Showoh Ryuka's Hakka

Please do not make your UTAU voicebanks explode into my folder!! Please include everything nicely put into its own folder and then zip it! I just had a spill and when I tried to press undo to undo, it just moved the ZIP file back to my downloads folder! It's a real mess, I tell you what. I was able to delete everything and then unzip it to its own folder. It's really just the difference of moving your mouse slightly lower to extract to its own folder. No real extra work. But you don't expect you'll need to, and them bam. Flooded folder. 

Anyway, I got distracted for a few hours and lost my train of thought.

Who is Hakka?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Friday, January 17, 2020

Forgotten Friday #56 - 紫音メキ / Shine Meki

I can't find the name written in kana anywhere, so I'm just going with what Google Translate told me was correct. Jisho says that it probably should be Shion, but Shine is infinitely more UTAU.

Update, 20200124! I had used the wrong video. The correction has been made. I feel really awkward linking directly to the download site, especially when it is something like that lists everything available for download. But if the video goes down and the banks are still up, the getuploader is erisofmeki.

Forgotten Friday #56 - 紫音メキ / Shine Meki

Last week, I was all complaints about a random one shot UTAU with little to no information about the voice provider. Now, I'm just excited to bite into a very unknown UTAU! This UTAU is the male counterpart to 紫音エリス. They have the same voice provider, and I can't find much on her. Apparently, the voice provider was an actual, literal elementary school child. That's really cool!

With that being said, let's jump in!

 Who is Meki Shine?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #45 - Yochina Oto / 幼稚な音

This (NSFW lyrics) is one of my favorite songs. I can't name a favorite, but "Girl From Ipanema" has been my most consistently favorite. But, like, "Girl from Ipanema" is one of those things that you just feel complete when you listen to. "Mercy" is just straight up the kind of music that expresses every emotion in separate parts. Like, "Girl from Ipanema" you gently sway to. "Mercy" you convulse violently to. Is it happy convulsions? Mad? Sad convulsions? All of them. Not every time, but most times. 

Wiki Wednesday #45 - Yochina Oto / 幼稚な音

This UTAU is named Baby Sound. Okay, technically infancy sound. But Baby Sound sounds cute.

Just like last week, I have some serious vamping to do. However, this is an UTAU with a detailed backstory. So, that's nice. 

Again, I'm not looking at any information about the user because I don't know if our paths have crossed and I don't know if we are cross with each other. This is a happy place where no one is mean, dang it! If it turns out that they are mean, then I wouldn't have a fun time writing this article. But, I'm going to assume they are a big sweetheart. If they aren't, then it doesn't matter because I don't know! So, I'm going to say that Yochinone is probably a sweetheart.

Who is Oto Yochina?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Friday, January 10, 2020

Forgotten Friday #55 - 澤音カヨ / Sawane Kayo

I won't make accusations I can't prove, but when I saw the "^u^" I instantly thought "not legendmaker... not legendmaker.. please do not be legendmaker". And I have literally no way of proving if it was legendmaker or not, meaning this could have been legendmaker. "MINRU" uploaded two videos and ran off, with the second one complaining that it didn't get into the rankings. And that's it. No UTAU Visual Archive. No Wikia. Just two videos from someone who neither existed before nor after the videos were released.

Forgotten Friday #55 - 澤音カヨ / Sawane Kayo

As you saw in the preamble, I'm not going to just blame this on someone. I tried to find proof it wasn't who I thought it was. In the ReadMe, I found that the voice provider was listed not as MINRU, but as "ケホキ・wkaaks1)". I tried Googling in several ways and this was the only thing I found that hinted at that being a real person. Which, you know, is just weird in general.


Who is Kayo Sawane?

Official Art Provided with Bank 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #44 - Toriga Happi / トリガーハッピー

So, I just got pushed out of the fandom again. It really feels like it doesn't matter how good you are as a person, or how much your works help. I wanted to just straight up quit the blog and YouTube over this. But, my YouTube channel is scheduled out until mid February, and I should be able to feel better and put the trolls aside by then. It will just take a few hours of work to get the blog sorted until February, so I'm pushing through. 

Wiki Wednesday #44 - Toriga Happi / トリガーハッピー

So, this bank comes packaged with another bank. Literally, same DL, same ZIP. But, I'm just going to treat them as separate entities and get to the article on his counterpart next time. 


Who is Toriga Happi?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Friday, January 3, 2020

Forgotten Friday #54 - ReVoiceLoids's 夢幻 / Mugen

So, this UTAU is listed as deceased and discontinued, but the download link is still up and available on the current Wikia page. I didn't have to stalk the history page. If you don't want me to write about your UTAU, don't leave the download link up on the Wikia! Or if you do, take down the file entirely. If it's still available to anyone waltzing past with no knowledge of anything, I feel I can write about it. I'll remove this if asked, but to have your UTAU completely scrubbed from the Wikia, contact Myst on Twitter. She'll talk to the admins and make it happen. 

Forgotten Friday #54 - ReVoiceLoids's 夢幻 / Mugen

Yay! For the first time in a while, Forgotten Friday has caught up to and overtaken Wiki Wednesday. I really struggled writing these for a bit because I kept turning up UTAUs that had one poorly recorded CV bank and almost no backstory. I can pad articles with random facts about fava beans if the UTAU's backstory says anything about fava beans. But if the entire character information is "n/a", what am I supposed to talk about? How it was funny that Ed Begley Jr. has played doctors and professors, but his character thought anonymous was spelled "Any Mouse" in a different show? (It was funny. He thought that the phrase "Any Mouse" meant that it wasn't him.)

Anyway, this is one of the UTAUs I wouldn't need to pad anything out for. I wasted that anecdote on Ed Begley Jr. for nothing!

Who is Mugen?

official artwork packaged with bank

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #43 - 真歌ジョー / Joe Manaka

Guys!! Guys!! I found a jiisan! Oh man, I would have been over the moon about this bank a decade ago. Now I'm apathetic. But there's a part of me that still dances around on the inside when I see a jiisan UTAU that I never saw before.

Wiki Wednesday #43 - 真歌ジョー / Joe Manaka

Happy new year! I wrote this entire post without wishing all of you a happy new year! So I came back up here to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Guys!! His name is actually "jou" and not "joe"! It took me all these years to realize that Joe Hisaishi is actually pronounced as "jou"! I always felt so lame when I read it as the good ol' American "Joe". But it was! That was it all along!

Super fun fact about Joe Hisaishi. He took his name from Quincy Jones, who co-produced "Bad" and "Thriller" with Micheal Jackson. Jones's daughter played a character in The Office. But yeah! This is an UTAU blog, so I'll talk about the UTAU in question!

Who is Manaka Joe?

Official Artwork Packaged with Bank