Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, May 28, 2021

Forgotten Friday #127 - 薪宮蒔人 / Makimiya Makito

 It is now Halloween as I write this little introduction. The last time I worked on my blog as far as processing was September 23. I've written a bit since then, but no big push like before. That lead to me having way less Forgotten Friday articles than I had thought I had. I'll try and do all the Forgotten Friday I have, and then try to do all the Wiki Wednesday. I'm a mess at the moment, haha.

Forgotten Friday #127 - 薪宮蒔人 / Makimiya Makito

Well, I just wrote an article where I was deeply offended by an UTAU's biography. It may have been posted last week, or it may have been posted the week before. I have to put the split up members of families somewhere, of course.

This UTAU has basically no biography. Nothing to get annoyed by, but you know, also nothing to write about.

I would know if I had long term memory that functioned, but I have no idea why out of the four UTAUs on that download page, Makito was by himself in the spreadsheet. The obvious answer is that the others were pre-2013 or were created after his page was created. Or, one of them was popular. Maybe I'll learn some day.

Who is Makito Makimiya?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #116 ティエル・ディアール / orangestorage's TL;DR

This UTAU says "use at your own risk"... uh, that freaked me out a lot, won't deny it. But then I stopped being completely paranoid about everything! So, yeah, I don't think my PC will explode from using this bank.

Wiki Wednesday #116 ティエル・ディアール / orangestorage's TL;DR

Did you have any idea there was a Korean UTAU fandom / wikia?! They have 188 articles, and most of them are from Korea if the tags are right. Cool! I only found out because I still have no idea what TL;DR's gender is. The pigtails make me say girl, but boys can have pigtails and wear dresses. If they were wearing a dress, I'd just assume it was a girl. But it's a futuristic, gender free outfit. And you could tell me to listen to the bank, but that's not even a good method! Also, on my phone with a data limit. I'm using gender neutral pronouns, is what I'm saying. I would use gendered pronouns, but the Korean wiki had no more information besides transcribing the picture.

Who is TL;DR?

Taken from Official Reference Sheet

Friday, May 21, 2021

Forgotten Friday #126 - 愛琉家のヒステリック / airuga's Hysteric

 Well. On to the article.

Forgotten Friday #126 - 愛琉家のヒステリック / airuga's Hysteric

I do not like body horror. I do not like Yaoi hands and I do not like Yaoi feet. The character art for this UTAU makes me feel kind of sick. Thankfully, I don't need to show anything more than an icon here.

Who is Hysteric?

official art from visual archive

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #115 - 香織ホシ / Hoshi Kaori

Whee! It just so happens that going down the list from the top, there's quite a bit of one pitch, CV only, one bank UTAUs. I would kind of like to get ten articles done today to make up for ditching the blog to do OTOs yesterday. That would be dope! I'm only about ten articles from being half-way done with the spreadsheet!

Wiki Wednesday #115 - 香織ホシ / Hoshi Kaori

I actually edited this UTAU's wiki page so that I could write this from my phone! I added the character art and pasted the readme into the article itself. I made sure to do that for every UTAU until number seventy on my spreadsheet. Isn't that amazing?! I mean, I'm on article 112 at the time I'm writing this on my phone. I've done way more than seventy. But to be like, look! I'm making progress and not just ignoring stuff! 

That's what feels good. The list starting with a really high number.

Who is Kaori Hoshi?

icon taken from demo reel video

Friday, May 14, 2021

Forgotten Friday #125 - teiravaniの海麗 / Urara

 I am going so insanely out of chronological order. I kind of have to so that I don't paint myself in a corner and have to write more articles before I can finish processing the current batch. There are so many UTAUs that belong to a family. vmg has seven in a row in my spreadsheet.

Forgotten Friday #125 - teiravaniの海麗 / Urara

So, the Visual Archive when translated wrote his name as Kairei. That is a really cool name! Naw. The reading is Urara. Way less cool, but also way more original. 

Who is Urara?

official art from bank.
the art is so much more adorable close up!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #114 - 挨拶電気 / Denkine Aisatsu

I still can't get over the weird dreams I've been having. I was dissociating badly, so I turned on the first random video on my YouTube feed and almost instantly fell asleep. It was a video of a guy playing a custom version of Mario 64. Well, I dreamed that an entire school was trapped inside a video game, and if you died in the game, you died in real life. One of the winners was a rice cake. The snail that was meant to trap her and let the villain get her loved her so much, he moved out of the way while she rolled down a hill.

Wiki Wednesday #114 - 挨拶電気 / Denkine Aisatsu

I'm reminding myself that you need to go to her website to find what the kanji are. I've already tried editing a page, and wiki dot wouldn't let me in. Rude. (update: I edited the kanji into the wiki page on my computer.)

Who is Aisatsu Dekine?

From Official Reference Sheet by Grayslate

Friday, May 7, 2021

Forgotten Friday #124 - Monster Gire!のHUYA

 I kind of realized that today wasn't a speed-run kind of day. I was going to get bogged down in the fixing of OTO files, so I just went straight to writing for the chiquita with seven banks.

Forgotten Friday #124 - Monster Gire!のHUYA

HUYA had sisters, but then she got famous and got her own site. 

A little annoying is the site is broken on mobile. If you don't switch to desktop view on my phone, the links to the pages just don't show up. It's just a few taps to switch, but wix shouldn't be doing me dirty like that.

For some reason, neither her new site nor her old site had her biography written in text that I could copy and paste without Google translate's read text feature. The Visual Archive seems to have scraped that information, and I am grateful for that.

There is no issue with her CVVC banks that cause the correct pitches to not be loaded. This is an issue with the Automatic button in Shareware UTAU. The automatic button cannot parse VC samples, so each sample after those is just ignored, meaning not even the prefix map works. To fix this, just turn off the automatic button and edit the "V" samples into "VV" samples by hand.

Who is Huya?

Official Cyber Costume art from Site

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #113 - 青嵐アキラ / Seiran Akira

Whoo! Yesterday, I didn't write any articles. I spent about ten hours, with some breaks in between, working on OTOs for MEL+ Zuii. A lot happened. So, first, I checked our internet to see how many gigabytes we had left. It was upgraded from fifteen to fifty without us knowing?! My understanding is just that we had the second-best tier, and a decade ago when we got the plan, the second-best tier was a fifteen gigabyte data cap. Now, they aren't abject sadists and know that fifteen gigabytes is nothing. So now it's fifty!! I'm so excited! I'm not afraid to work on my blog during the day now!

Wiki Wednesday #113 - 青嵐アキラ / Seiran Akira

This one is from the same family as the other ones I have just written about. Why? Because I'm going in order according to my spreadsheet! So when I say that I'm back in bed, that might conflict with the article before this one where I might have been in bed for writing it also. No one cares about the continuity of my articles and where they were written, but I'm happy to be in bed. The chair on the porch is really tiny. It's too small for me to sit with my legs crossed like a frog, and I keep forgetting to wear socks so that my feet don't get cold.

I mean, imagine if I got a camping type chair with a cup holder! The chair we have migrated away from the table, but the table is tiny. I could literally just move the chair and be able to use the table as a cup holder, but I forget to do that so I just don't take water with me.

Who is Akira Seiran?

Official Icon from website