Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #156 - Scourge Dreemur's Candy / キャンディー

 I have such a huge problem with "falling behind". I'm constantly freaking out because I'm so insanely behind and everything is going to fall apart! That's just because to me, everything has to be sorted months in advanced. This article will be posted in March, and it's January 12th. But that's still so far behind!

Wiki Wednesday #156 - Scourge Dreemur's Candy / キャンディー

What is it with Yanderes? They are this unstoppable force that never goes away. You would think people would have gotten tired of them by now, but no. Candy was released in 2019 according to the wiki page, but she's still a yandere.

Candy is either fourteen or fifteen. She likes knives and candy. She has unnamed parents, an unnamed crush, and likes cleaning. Her personality is a criminal yandere who also hates long car rides and the cold.

Who is Candy?

Official Art from Bank
Hey again, pals! It's Franz, the fictional mountain man!

Last week, I told the truth that stories from my time on Mars are boring compared to stories from my childhood. But I'd feel bad if I didn't give at least one story from Mars.

Early Martian exploration was exciting. People died to make the planet a safe refuge for humanity. But then they made it a safe refuge for humanity.

I left Earth as soon as I could. I was eighteen years old and desperate to get away from my old life. My mother was desperate for me to get away from it, too. She had went up North and been chewed up and spit out. She had no idea out West was the promised land - she thought Mars was the only way for me to be happy.

I'm in that nostalgic mindset that I'd never be happy if I hadn't met my wife. Surely, I could have met someone else if I had went out West instead. They, logically, could make me just as happy. But I can't imagine a world without Marissa by my side.

University on Mars is just high school. That was great for me! I had dropped out of school to do the Martian Certification Program, so I had missed out. But, at the same time, it wasn't exactly fun.

We all took the same courses on the same schedule. There weren't many of us, and keeping a habitat livable was energy intensive. As many people in as few spaces as possible was optimal. The only thing that would have made it more like high school would be being forced to walk in single file lines.

I did love it. Most of it was just rehashing what I taught myself for the certification, so I didn't feel lost or behind. That is so major for someone like me with dyslexia.

My wife, however, hated it. She was, on all accounts, a miserable person. I never went out of my way to speak to her, and she stayed in her corner as if there was a rain cloud over her head.

The first time we ever spoke was on a field trip. Field trips were rare. Not only was it energy intensive to drive everyone out to a specific location and give them each a spacesuit… There was nothing really to see.

We had all gotten ushered out of the transport vehicle and were standing in front of Olympus Mons. All of the voices on the public radio band were oohing and awwing at the volcano standing in front of us. I turned away from it - big whoop - a tall mountain. I looked up at the sky. I was taken by surprise when I felt something pressing on my shoulder and the excited murmurings gave way to a single woman's voice.

"You're new. Why aren't you impressed?"

I turned to her. I didn't know who she was, as our visors were mirrored. Her voice was so unfamiliar, but I was afraid to ask who she was. I shrugged, which was hard to notice inside the suit. I mumbled something about living on a mountain.

She hummed a bit before she started to tell me about all of her family trips to Olympus Mons. How she had hiked it several times and that it was so much taller than any point on Earth, but was painfully boring and pointless.

I'm not sure what it was inside of me, but I just knew that this woman was special.

How is Candy's bank?

Candy is a one pitch, romaji encoded CV bank. 

Her average pitch is C#5, and my own throat hurts in sympathy when I hear her samples. Poor Scourge Dreemur was screaming at the top of their head voice. I lost my head voice after years of making sure my voice didn't whine while speaking, but even when I had it, screaming at C#5 hurts.

The OTOs would need t... what... th... there's... there's no hiragana aliases. The OTOs are bad and there's no hiragana aliases. I felt bad saying that outright, that they are not very usable, but the lack of hiragana aliases kind of ... broke me a little. (Jessica, if you read this, I will happily teach you how to do it more correctly if you haven't already learned.)

The voice is one of those ones that's like... oh... okay. The idea of the voice is really nice! But the act of screaming will cause parts to just not have pitch, which really screws with UTAU. I used the best resampler and swapped out two notes and... I can see that the voice could be great, but there's just errors inherent with recording like this. (Scourge Dreemurr, if you read this, I will happily help you as much as you need to get Candy to be the best Candy can be!)

Where can I download Candy?

You can download her from her UTAU Wiki page. I am really shocked this bank is so recent - the mistakes made were really normal for 2010. I don't think of that as an insult - just as a genre. People who are really into the 2010 aesthetic will love this UTAU!

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