Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, April 22, 2022

Forgotten Friday #174 - 歌十言葉 / Utato Kotonoha

 Whoo! I'm actually going back to my roots, and I'm going to focus on banks from ruto dot yu as opposed to stuff from the Visual Archive. Here's a fact from my research: 56% of UTAUs released during October of 2010 are lost and gone forever. I kind of want to get people together and start putting together a post 2013 version of ruto dot yu, because I can't do that all myself!

Forgotten Friday #174 - 歌十言葉 / Utato Kotonoha

Despite being a 2009 UTAU, the only bank I could get my hands on was a 2012 VCV! Not even kidding, that's so cool! Now I just have to decide if I'll include her in my VCV to CVVC conversion project...

She has a grey counterpart who looks like a mermaid named Utagane Sakana, but I don't think Sakana has an existing bank as it was packaged with Kotonoha's original bank. That one, I don't know how to find.

She is apparently a fifteen year old ghost. She wore a kimono, but now she wears a hoodie.

Who is Kotonoha Utato?

Official Art from Bank

This time on a Spectrum of Apple Skins… we have an intermission! I posted a fanfiction idea on Twitter, and people liked it! Meet… Beauty and the Puppy!

It was a cool and grey day on the outskirts of International City. Of course, it was an extremely silly place. Built in the middle of post Climate Change Alaska, it was a rolling verdant field of the one percent. As remote work became more and more necessary, the filthy rich could settle anywhere. A large group lobbied and was able to create a city where anyone with money could immigrate immediately. They couldn't get on the highway and drive outside of the city without getting deported back to International City… but what was there to do in Alaska in general?

While it was started by people with white savior complexes as a way for wealthy Africans and Southeast Asians to escape the climate crisis, it became one of the best school districts in the world. International City was called the Highway to Yale, the Tube to Oxford… pick a university that was famous and smarmy, and there was a cute slogan. Beyond that, a high school degree with honors classes from International City could replace a college degree in most American small towns. 

Belle knew that was why her father sold all of his real estate to move there. It was hard, but people with too much money tend to have blind spots. They had assumed that they could use robots as janitors and garbagemen, but the robots did poorly. International City was so isolated, there was no bussing in workers. They had already completely absorbed the Reservation they were planning to exploit.

He was amazing at his work. He was one of the top robotics engineers in America, but now he picked up after spoiled brats. He had promised that he would create a team of sapient robots to do the work, but he was lying because that was wasteful. He did an amazing job with only robots you could buy off of store shelves. He literally taught children that humans need janitors, and that janitors are humans. 

He genuinely loved his job. But, not all of his children loved the city. 

Belle was special. Beyond the fact that she was very autistic, had an unspecified personality disorder, and was a binge eater, she just had a light inside of her that was genuinely something most people didn't have. While her sisters did amazingly in school, she did online courses. Her blazing fast intellect meant that she crammed a year's worth of coursework into a week and then spent the rest of the year wandering the outskirts of town where no one really even existed anymore. She liked when no one existed.

There was one house that Belle had always noticed but never visited. But it was a long walk, and she never got there before sundown and always had to walk back when she was halfway there. But she prepared herself this time. She was racing down the bramble paths to the house on a mountain bike. She had asked her father if she could leave at the break of dawn, and he hesitantly agreed. She was halfway there and it wasn't even noon! At least, she assumed. She couldn't see the sun and she never brought a phone with her. She wore a GPS tracker, and that was enough electronics for her.

As she got closer, she realized that there was an extensive garden. She had a hard time staying in reality, so she started to imagine what the garden could be. Once she was sitting outside of the gates, she saw the roses. She let out a small squeak of excitement as she jumped off of her bike. The gate was locked, but had a wrought iron design that she could use to climb it. So, of course she climbed it!

The fact that the main character is Belle and the story title is Beauty and the Puppy, you probably know who is inside the house! Find out next time!

How is Utato Kotonoha's bank?

Her average pitch is listed as A#3 and... the OTOs are not very good. Well, that doesn't matter, though, because she's getting added to my VCV to CVVC project. Her voice is quite low quality for a 2012 release, but you know how I feel about "muffle babies". (I love them and they are perfect.)

I probably should say more about the voice. It's feminine, slightly youthful, and soft. It's a muffle baby!

Where can I download Kotonoha Utato?

The download link is on her Nicopedia page. As said earlier, she is perfect and I love her.

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