Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #49 - Inane Love / 伊奈音ラブ

Is it normal to eat one pound of food in one sitting?! How much even is a pound? When I drink two bottles of water in a row, that's apparently two pounds? Is that normal? My stomach is yelling at me for eating an entire pound (and some change) of lasagna and I'm just like, is this normal?? It was made for one person to eat!

Wiki Wednesday #49 - Inane Love / 伊奈音ラブ

When I double checked that Love and her sister were eligible, I was going off of the Forgotten Friday rules on accident and I don't know why my spreadsheet said "you know better than this". What does it even mean.

So, Love and Soul were created by AoToRiii. It's a bit confusing to look into who made them for a second because AoToRiii started out seeming to be an average overseas user with decent English, but now their Twitter is 100% Japanese. The answer is that they are from Hong Kong, but they live in Japan now.

So, let's jump into this!

Who is Inane Love?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

I dunno. I really, really am struggling with Japanese bios that feel slightly obtuse. Google Translate isn't a very good friend, but I've gotten to a point where I only manually translate it with a dictionary when it seems really, really wrong. This UTAU was made by someone who is more embedded in the Chinese UTAU fandom than anything else, so there are things that I haven't seen pop up before. I believe that "口頭語" is meant as catch-phrase, despite meaning spoken language according to Jisho. When redirected to the version with one less kanji, it means colloquialism. (How did I spell that right on the first go?!) But, her catch phrase is "First, love yourself." (awh!)

Love is eighteen years old loves loving people, and hates self harm. I believe she's bubbly and great at listening to advice. She also possesses bandages? Specifically adhesive medical strips. (haha, 'member ZIM?)

(... It's because she's carrying a first-aid kit. Didn't realize that until just now.)

The reason I'm just vaguely squabbling over translation is because there's no English Wiki or Wikia page for AoToRiii's UTAUs as far as I'm aware. Then how did I find them?! Is this why I told myself I knew better? Did I find them through a link on a Chinese UTAU's page? My memory is kind of shot right now, so I don't know. I would be well posed to make the Wiki page, but... Also, I don't want to be the one who posts up a really awkward translation of the bio. Anyway!

How is Love Inane's bank?

I'll circle back to my normal technical discussion after I say this:

I love this UTAU. I'm saving her for some USTs I'm working on because I love her and I want to hold her and protect her from this cold, sad world.

Inane Love is a one pitch, hiragana encoded CV bank. The file size is pretty average, at roughly 13MB unzipped. Let's just pivot back to me loving this bank. The OTOs are a style that I think is popular in the Chinese community. I kind of recognize them, but not enough to definitively say if that style exists. They're not perfect, but they're good enough. The microphone quality is outstanding. You can kind of tell that there is a forced sense of accent going on to give it an "onee-chan" or "kakkoii" kind of voice, and I am here for it. 

I mean, I could go on about how much I like this bank for a few hundred words, so I'll cut myself short to just show you how great she is.

Where can I download Inane Love?

You can download Love from her download page. I think you should do it, because she's a lightweight addition to your UTAU folder that could brighten up your day. I really, really like this UTAU.

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