Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Forgotten Friday #60 - 鉄音コナル / Konaru Tetsune

So, I failed at pushing Wiki Wednesday out an entire year, but I did get all the way to June! So, pushing this out to June also will keep me safe for half a year about, and then I'll be able to try and push Wiki Wednesday out to January, and then I can push Forgotten Friday to January... I wanted to go all out and achieve my goal, but this is being written on the 27th of January... Cutting it really close here.

Forgotten Friday #60 -  鉄音コナル / Konaru Tetsune

So, real talk here. Forgotten Friday is a lot less fun than Wiki Wednesday. With Wiki Wednesday, I can literally just click on a random link on a random site and find an UTAU with ten five pitch VCV appends that just never got a video uploaded to YouTube. That bar of "Just not YouTube famous" (in the most basic, lowest bar sense) means that there is an entire, beautiful world out there for me to explore. With Forgotten Friday, I'm limited to banks that are like... Old. I have one source to go off of, and I can't stray from it until I hit 2013 and get to choose between two different spreadsheets. (Joy!)

Forgotten Friday is more integral to this blog than Wiki Wednesday, though. Forgotten Friday is about nostalgia and the 'memberberries. If I had to cancel one series, it would be Wiki Wednesday, regardless of how much more fun it is. My internet just got reset, so I can't have fun searching for forgotten banks until I stay up past 2 AM again. So, I just have what's in my download folder to play with.

Who is Tetsune Konaru?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

My struggles with reading words meant that this UTAU and every UTAU with the name "Tesuto" got jumbled up. I actually have no idea if I interacted with Konaru (the human) at all, because like I said, jumble.

He's a male Japanese demon who only likes sour candy. He loves spicy foods and will throw down when someone disrespects his friends. His birthday is Halloween. He's seventeen and his character items are Chopsticks, Goggles, and Weed wacker.

Ever notice how old UTAUs got assigned genres kind of based on what the voice provider wanted the voice to be suited for? Like, has this UTAU ever been used for rap? Rock? Those genres don't fit the voice particularly. When playing through my tester Meltdown UST, he sounds more suited for folk than rap.

I'm not saying that to pick at this user in particular, because this was an everyone thing. You get asked to pick one, and it's like "why would I know?? I would like to sing rock... So he's rock."

How is Konaru Tetsune's voicebank?

Only one bank was available for download (that I found). It is listed as version three and that the OTOs were done by SkyIsland. It was 2009. Everyone was bad at OTOs. But, to make life easier, I'm running this bank through Moresampler. If it's worse, I can just unzip the provided OTO again.

... Moresampler OTOs were infinitely worse due to recording quality. Unzipping the original OTO...

This sample is really short because I didn't want to upload a clip with really bad OTOs, but I didn't want to take the time to fix the OTOs beyond a second or two. I don't feel you're particularly missing out on anything, because this was a pretty common voice type with pretty common recording conditions back in the day. You'd mostly use a bank like this for the novelty of literally being a 2009 UTAU. 

Where can I download Tetsune Konaru?

You can download him from his UTAU Wikia page. He is completely and utterly abandoned. There is a request that you not use him unless you have your own UTAU, but what is the voice provider going to do if you break that rule? Just pop up after nine years of being missing?

I'm kidding. It's a good idea to follow that request. Most people reading this blog would probably qualify to use him. Is he great? For 2009, he's pretty darn good. But if you're not interested in history, I don't think you'd be too interested here. 

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