Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Forgotten Friday #156 - 森音むぃ / Morine Mui

 I'm going all out of order again so that I can end the year with strong articles that don't go into rants about that time I went voting back in November!

Forgotten Friday #156 - 森音むぃ / Morine Mui

I did and didn't work on my blog today. I wrote five drafts if I'm counting correctly! That means that surely I'll be able to push my blog out until 2022 before 2021!

That is if I don't get sicker. Quick recap. Stepdad caught the virus at work and gave it to my mom. My mom has been militant about not coming within ten feet of me and always wearing a mask, but I still think I have it. I was like la di da, I have tummy problems and my throat is sore!! I'm sure that I'm infected but asymptomatic, as 80% of people who catch it are! But now I'm honestly feeling sick. If I had a thermometer, I would take my temperature. But I don't have one, or at least I have no idea where one is. I recently used painter's tape as a bandaid dang it.

Who is Mui Morine?

official art from site
alt title: hat go monch!

Let me ask. み is m' i. Is むぃ m i? Or is it m M i?! Because if it's m M i, his name is obviously Mui. But it could be Mi. Who knows?

Mui is an Android that is like, probably a dude. No one knows. It's not really a sex thing as much as how the world perceives Mui because like, Androids aren't humans and do not have natural differentiations like that.

Mui's first person pronoun is jibun as opposed to something like watashi or boku. So I bet he's super formal! Naw. His second person pronouns are Kimi, ○kun and ○chan. He is timid and senile, despite the fact that he looks as if he was twelve years old.

He absolutely loves the taste of pumpkin and he has two plushies he really loves. 

He is quiet and really bad at talking. He cannot interact with humans to save his life, but he loves animals and can talk to them until the cows come home. His favorite snack is seaweed. If you take his plushies, he will bite you. He is always sleepy because he cannot sleep.

Mui has literally no right to have such an adorable design. First, he has a beige hat, but the hat is a cat with red eyes and a really pretty blue as the inner ear. It is so adorable and fluffy and go monch.

His hair has that wispy anime Fringe going on, and it's rendered so nicely in a pretty pretty blue, but he also has shoulder length red hair on the back of his head. He wears a pale blue romper with puffy shorts. They're like little clouds! The shorts do have a white cuff thing that match his hands which are big cat paws. I don't really like that part. But since he can't hold a microphone!! He has!! A little Siamese cat with a jet pack!! Holding the microphone!!

He has blue robot legs and I think they have jet boosters on them. He has a white Kitty plushie and a pink bunny plushie, and his tail is a USB dongle with a hamster on it.

I am so easily won over by the idea of plushies. I love plushies so much! I think I like cartoon plushies the most because even though I can't hug them because they aren't real, I can imagine hugging them and it being awesome. I mean, as I spend most of my time online, I'll never be able to hug the majority of the plushies I see even though they are real.

How are Morine Mui's banks?

His original, normal bank is sadly lost to the sands of time. The file sharing website gave an error. However, he has two other banks! Asthma and Nocturnal. Nocturnal is VCV, whereas Asthma is CV. Good for the voice provider for not wrecking their voice to do a whisper VCV! The append sounds painful enough as a CV.

Speaking of that, let's start by looking at Asthma. I didn't expect it, but the tone and everything is basically perfect. Soft and sweet and argh! It's just so nice and I can't give words beyond it is a soft, whisper type bank with a youthful male voice. The voice is a bit more mature than the design, but the design is an android and not a human.

Next is the VCV, Nocturnal. It... I don't get the name. But, it's a really nice bank if you like bright and youthful male voices! It's less adorable because it's less soft, but the higher average pitch means that the bank fits the design much, much better. 

Where can I download Mui Morine?

His website is a maze. However, once you go here, you'll see in the sidebar a link that says "DL" after some kanji. Click that and scroll down, and you'll find Mui. I literally did not expect him to be this good!

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