Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #146 - 歌苗ダダ / Kanae Dada

 There is a small chance I messed up the dates and will need to move this back, but!! I am writing this on 12/22/20, but if all goes as is planned, this will be released on 12/22/21!! A palindrome! And exactly one year out! Just two more, and these articles will be pushed out into 2021! I'm happy!

Wiki Wednesday #146 - 歌苗ダダ / Kanae Dada

So, here is a huge difference between utao and usa utau. With usa utau, if one UTAU is the counterpart to another one who has a full biography, their biography is just "oh, and he's just here to protect so-and-so."

Dada, however, has a full biography, just like Yaya had a full biography. 

Who is Dada Kanae?

Official Art from Bank

So, this line in his biography when translated with Google gave me a little laugh. That is so rare! "He is a meat wrapped asparagus boy."

The next line impressed me, because it said so much about his character. I knew him just from this line: "In the meantime, I rubbed again with Yaya and mango pudding or pine jelly. You're a mango pudding, right? that's true? ......What? Do you like almonds? No, it’s two choices.”

The translation is really rough. Without reading the Japanese, I still understand it. "I've been fighting with Yaya over which is better between pineapple jello or mango pudding. You like mango pudding, right? You're on my side? …. What? You like almonds? That's not an option. There are only two options."

Just like Yaya, Dada has the original design that feels a bit typical of a vocal synth and one that looks better. The second is something you can see an actual, in real life person wearing if their style is offbeat. His color scheme is more or less the same as Yaya aside from the fact that more yellow was added to his hair and hoodie to make the feminine peach into a more gender neutral orange. 

His design is so simple, and I love it so much. He wears a white collared shirt with rolled up sleeves. He wears a bracelet on each wrist that is made up of beads that are shaped like musical notes. Yaya had musical note shaped buttons, so it's so awesome to see that he has something that ties that theme together. It would feel way more feminine than intended if he also had those buttons, and it would break up the simplicity of the design by making it crowded. His pants are two toned, with each leg being a different shade of pink. His shoulder length orange hair is the same color as his boots and the hoodie around his waist.

His hair does have one braid near his face. He has a fringe with one lock that goes between his eyes in that anime way that I don't think would really work in real life. In general, he is disheveled at most times.

Aside from mango pudding, which he loves, he likes working and playing. He hates asparagus and can't handle not having a task to complete. He will not stay still, unlike Yaya who loves naps.

He is a fancy pants and uses the "ore" first person pronoun. That's a pronoun for grizzled old men! I guess he tries to be really tough and cool. His character phrase is "だだるな", which is an abbreviation of the word "do not knead" apparently? 

He hides it under his disheveled appearance and insisting on acting before he thinks, he is a very nice and kind person.

I switched to Japanese to translate the meat wrapped asparagus boy comment, but it's literally just that he's the asparagus wrapped in meat kind of guy. He hates asparagus, so how… But, he really hates being called that. I very much dislike mashed potatoes, and would dislike being called mashed potato girl. But why would anyone have any reason to call me that?

How are Kanae Dada's banks?

It's kind of silly that I held up my rule of no families in a row for so long, and now I'm basically posting a genderbend of an UTAU right after the original. But at the same time, I'm wondering, where would be a better place?

Just like Yaya, he has a CV and a VCV. I believe Neneko was the voice provider for both of them. So, it will be very similar. 

As far as his CV goes, I love it enough that I'm just rendering it straight from the bank, no OTO edits. It's obviously a neechan voice, even though they desperately wanted it to be a young male voice. If you don't know what a neechan voice is, it's a calm but stern voice and older sister would have. But, it's still a tiny bit muffley to make it feel sweeter.

Can the VCV live up to that hype? Well, first, the OTOs are horrific. And bad VCV OTOs are painful to me, whereas bad CV OTOs are just like, hmm, there are issues. 

I did use a higher UST this time, but eh. It's good, but it doesn't make me feel happy the way the CV did.

Where can I download Dada Kanae?

You can  download him from his distribution page. I do love him very much as long as I pretend the VCV doesn't exist. But I'm being silly, he's a very nice UTAU. 

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