Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #143 - kibousingers' MIYA

 There were two articles in a row that I had to skip because I hadn't downloaded all the banks. The really odd thing was that the second one... the name wasn't even in my spreadsheet. And I hadn't downloaded her. So strange!

Wiki Wednesday #143 - kibousingers' MIYA

Alright, so, kibousingers is gone. Their tumblr was taken down. Googling the name just brings up this UTAU. Googling the name of this UTAU brings up other ones that have Miya as a given name. Because, ya know, Miya is a pretty nice name for an UTAU.

Her wiki page has almost no information at all. With all the information scrubbed, I really thought that the bank would be gone too. It isn't!

Since you can still download the bank, the article is still on. It's just, you know, there's nothing really to say. I can say things about other things, and I definitely will. Just. You know how it is.

Who is MIYA?

Official art from Wiki

In a previous article that featured an UTAU with dark skin, I pulled out some resources to describe the skin color exactly in poetic terms.

This time, I'm just saying the first descriptor that comes to my mind. Sandalwood. I don't know if that's right exactly. If you Google "sandalwood color", you get everything from brown to pink. Unless a company copyrights a color or is it a web standard color, it can be almost anything!

Miya has yellow hair and yellow eyes. I would usually say blonde hair if an anime character has yellow hair, but saying she has eyes that match her blonde hair sounds really weird.

She wears black and green. I don't know if her shorts have lace on the hem or not. I can kind of recognize the edge as a lace brush, but by the same token, I can tell that it was likely the intention to just be ripped and ragged, and some of the lace pattern was left accidentally unfilled.

She wears black knee high boots and arm warmers. Her black shorts have green designs, and I have no idea what's up with her shirt. I think the green cutouts are meant to have a light green design, but it kind of just looks awkwardly sheer.

Random stuff to talk about, because I checked her bank and there seemed to be no more information than is on the wiki. I mean, she's a twenty year old woman and her legal name is given along with her height and weight. That's not really much.

I tried the fancy version of Ruffles chips. Reduced fat, simply salted. It was strange! They didn't feel like potato chips. They weren't very greasy at all. The issue, I guess, was that it didn't really taste like potatoes. But, they were. The only ingredients were potatoes, oil, and salt. 

Pringles are only 42% potatoes according to Wikipedia. Lay's baked potato chips have soy ingredients. I know those don't taste like potatoes either, but I had no idea how far they had strayed from potatoes.

I have to eat stuff like potato chips now. I know that sounds silly, but it's true. Huel has such low sodium, I need to supplement. On top of that, I need to have four hundred calories of other foods every day! I eat the single serving bags, which are only like 160 calories. I really like the fact that not only am I allowed to eat them, it's encouraged!

However, I have quit eating Little Debbie cakes. I'm gluten intolerant, and I'm learning that is not worth it to hurt myself by eating foods in intolerant to. However, I've found a way better replacement. (Editor's note: I was never gluten intolerant. I was extremely intolerant of all animal products.)

Coffee Clif Bars. Each bar is the equivalent of a shot of espresso. (Editor's note: I am intolerant to soy, and had to give these up also. But now I eat flour tortillas every day, and those are way better.)

Don't get me wrong, clif bars are more or less candy bars. You would have to be a weight lifter for that amount of carbs and sugar to be healthy. But, you know, sometimes you just are nearly passing out from the strange things your body does to you, and you need something right that moment or you will feel as though even breathing takes conscious effort.

I have brought this up to a doctor. They had no idea what was going on.

How is MIYA's bank?


The honest truth is that blah blah blah blah. And because of that, blah blah blah. But it all comes down to the recordings themselves. A CVVC recorded in the "proper" stringed method could emulate Japanese worse than one recorded like this. It all comes down to how the articulations were articulated, and this could be better than a normal version. 

MIYA does include some VCV samples for places where CVVC may sound iffy, as in "h" samples. Though, the OTOs are surprisingly good! 

You will need to edit her VCV OTOs to include the VC for those phonemes if you want to use her for premade CVVC USTs, but she has a nice voice! She has a bit of a slur, and I'm too out of it to poke and figure out why! Using "opt" really helped, and switching to wavtool4VCV (I almost never do this, but I felt like she deserved it) got rid of mostly all of it! Still a few slurs, but really nice! She has a more mature voice type, but it's still bright and fun.

Where can I download MIYA?

You can download her from her Wiki page. She is a very nice UTAU!

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