Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, October 1, 2021

Forgotten Friday #145 - サオリ・ウラスジンスキー / Sao-kun

 The family name isn't romanized anywhere, and the title was looking way too long already.

Forgotten Friday #145 - サオリ・ウラスジンスキー / Sao-kun

In the last article I wrote here on Google Docs, I actually was so excited by the UTAU’s design, I typed so fast that I had written nearly a paragraph before it showed up on screen.

This isn’t one of those cases.

Who is Sao-kun?

Art from Release video

I think his name is meant to be romanized as Wreszinski. This is because that is an actual name, and Googline the romanization given by the Visual Archive brings back literally nothing. Well, and least, we know that the “Zinski” part is right. 

Saori is a really, really gay vampire who loves homoerotic novels. He loves to dress up in pretty dresses and draw pictures.

He is mixed, being part Japanese and part Russian. But, in his case, Russian actually means that he’s a vampire. I mean, I guess Romania was part of the USSR at some point.

The reference is to Bram Stoker’s Dracula! Did you know that myths about vampires didn’t exist in Transylvania until he came along and wrote about them?! It’s hilarious, though. Stoker just wanted to write a spooky novel about a vampire. But people have just looked over it and over it and connected post-its with yarn to try and bend over backwards to make it deeper than it is. The original name of Dracula was freaking Count Wampyr. He replaced it on a whim while briefly looking over Romanian history. 

It’s theorized that Stoker just straight up yoinked from an 1872 novella named Carmilla. That novella actually started the lesbian vampire trope. Cool! 

Instead of reading stuff on Carmilla and how it handles homosexuality (vampire want, human do not want. Did they make it problematic or cute? It was the 1800s, so the bar for problematic in a historic context was really freaking high.) I will actually uh… So, Saori looks like he is sixteen or seventeen, but he is actually around ninety years old.

He can go out in the sunlight, but it hurts him a bit. So, no matter the weather, he bundles up in winter clothes. 

As many of you know, the trans colors are baby blue, baby pink, and white. Saori has baby pink hair, a baby blue scarf, and a white coat. The trans flag was created in 1999. But, I don’t really remember seeing it used widely online until the early 2010s. And that was as an American on tumblr! Saori was released by a Japanese person in 2013, so I don’t think the outfit alludes to the trans flag. Baby pink and baby blue (Which here is a bit more teal than true baby blue) are just really pretty colors that would give someone a soft and sweet look to contrast the fact that Saori is literally a vampire with blood red eyes. 

Clothes are clothes, and you can wear whatever clothes as long as it is enough clothes to not be violating public decency laws or offending your host. I want this outfit really badly. It looks so soft and warm and cute. Aside from the leggings being less modest than jeans that fit me twenty pounds ago, it’s just as modest as my men’s hoodie and jeans getup. And the shoes! The pose makes it hard to tell if the black shoes are ballet flats with a teal ribbon or if they are wedges. I freaking love wedges, and I hope they are wedges. The leggings are denim blue and may be skinny jeans as opposed to leggings.

The coat is the best part because it looks so warm and cozy. I think the visual symbols got mixed up and that it is meant to be a Lolita style one-piece or jumper. I like it better as a coat, though. There’s very light mint cuffs on the sleeves and light mint ruffles on the bottom hem. There are two ribbons going down the front of it, spaced apart quite a bit. I instantly read that as it being a jacket that is open, showing his long sweater with a waist tie. However, the thing that looks like a waist tie is just a ribbon, and you can tell that the parts are connected by the fact that the fringe of lace connected to that panel does not continue on past where the main part of the jacket hangs over it. His scarf is tied into a bow, and that is so adorable.

How is Sao-kun's bank?

Sao-kun just has one CV bank. It is the most whisper bank to ever whisper. It's nice, and I'm shocked at how well the resampler handled what I swore would just be a painful mess to listen to. It is a soft and reassuring androgynous voice, which I think will appeal to many people.

Where can I download Sao-kun?

You can download him from his distribution post. He is such a nice little whisper UTAU!

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