Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #136 - 馳音ユト / Yuto Hasene

 I can't fully go one hundred percent in order because I somehow forgot to download one of the UTAUs... and now axfc just won't let me download. What is even with that site?

Wiki Wednesday #136 - usa-utau's 馳音ユト / Yuto Hasene

So, let me tell you what's what at this moment. I'm working on writing all the articles for the usa utau group. I can't post them all in a row because of my spamming single families rule. There's about nine more of these I think? These will just randomly go between other articles. So, other than these usa articles going in the order I wrote them, there's no continuity here. I might post two in one month. I might post one in two months. So, whatever feelings I say I have in them, it will be surrounded by something different. I kind of didn't fully think the situation through, still using these as a diary but having no logical thread of what starts where.

Anyways, there's nothing really to say about this guy.

Who is Hasene Yuto?

Official Art from Bank

This is an UTAU who was created as a foil to another UTAU, who I haven't written about yet. Aside from his connections to 馳音ヤタ, there's no real personality besides being a derivative of the vocaloid IA. 

The guy likes the ocean and he likes playing with albino crows. I googled IA to see what the outfit was like, but I don't know. I guess they look similar. Yuto's is dark cool tones and the skirt is shorts.

I cannot believe how hot it is. I guess usually I wake up and it's cool, and then it slowly heats up. But I slept in til three pm when I had been waking up at like five am. It's so gross feeling to just wake up miserable and sweaty, but I think I do feel better in some ways. Honestly, I'm not a being awake during the morning person. I'm not a fall asleep comfortably at a normal time person, either. My clock works the way it works, and I listen to it. If I don't, I feel icky.

It would be silly if this goes live in the dead of winter. "Chica, you're complaining about the heat when the high has been minus five for a week?!" 

Naw, it's August 20th on the day of writing. I think it's going to get up to 89°F this week. Which stinks, because summers used to be nice here.

Oh man, summer used to be so fun. But now school starts on August 1st, and global warming makes everything so miserable. When I studied Japanese and German (one year in high school and I retained nothing), I just kind of rolled my eyes when the textbooks bragged that Japan and Germany had four distinct seasons. Doesn't everyone? I mean, part of me knew that the tropics didn't have four seasons, but still. These were materials for Americans!

I want four distinct seasons back. I really, really do. Other than summer being oppressively hot, you can rarely tell the season by stepping outside. Middle of winter? Wow! What a cool autumn night! Middle of fall? Oh boy, it's chilly this winter!

And guess what. It can't get better within my lifetime. If it was too magically get better at my home, the next state over would be in deeper of a catastrophe. Every effect we're feeling right now is from a decade or two ago. We won't feel the effects of what we're doing right now until I'm middle aged. Everything we do to fix it can only slow it. We need to slow it, and we need political stuff to happen to make sure it slows the heck down. 

But dang it. You see why I'm okay being the little old lady with no children? I don't know how bad it's going to be in twenty years.

How is Yuto Hasene's bank?

Yuto only has one bank... But it is CVVC! CVVC is my favorite thing ever! It's not just CVVC, but also a three pitch bank! 

The OTOs aren't very good. (I really don't understand the choices made.) Not bank breaking bad, but not very great. The high pitch is just iffy though. It's extremely tinny, even though I can't see clipping. I did find a way to show off his beautiful voice using the two lower pitches, and then including the more iffy upper pitch. I really do like the voice! But it may not fit the character.

Where can I download Hasene Yuto's bank?

You can download him from his distribution page. Just be warned, the OTOs need to be completely redone to use him as a CVVC bank. The VC seems to be properly uniform, so it's a matter of just shifting things around. But, it is likely three hours of work just to get the bank functional. 

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