Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, October 15, 2021

Forgotten Friday #147 - teiravani's -OGATA-

 This will be my tenth article today! Wow! And then there will only be about 12 left before I reach my goal if I am good at counting. If I kept this pace tomorrow, I would reach the goal! If I could only do six a day, I would also reach my goal! I am hopeful.

Forgotten Friday #147 - teiravani's -OGATA-

I’ve got a question for you, Teiravani. Do you think I resemble a juvenile specimen of Felis catus? Do I look like a young member of the family Felidae?


Then why are you kitten me?!

Who is Ogata?

Official art from site

There is no biography. The profile section is two lines. His name is -OGATA- and he was first seen in a video on the twenty-second of July in the year of our Lord two-thousand-and-twelve. 

See me padding by using the words for numbers? Because like. 

Ogata has two designs. I don’t know why he has the second design, but he does. 

His first design makes him a chimera of a human and a goat. He has a goat leg with a golden band around it and an arm covered in the same brown fur that has a black band around it. Grasped in his furry hand is a rainbow lollipop. In his other, gloved human hand is a pink bunny rabbit plushie. He wears a sleeveless top, as vocal synths often do. His human arm is covered in one of those sleeves that vocal synths tend to wear. He has black stockings. On his human leg, his black stocking is covered by a light purple leg warmer that covers the heel of his shoe. He wears purple shorts and has a blue design on his chest.

His hair is white and he has two pink goat ears. It took me a while, but he has a long, green reptilian tail and blue wings that could never realistically generate enough lift to get him off of the ground.

What’s his other design? It’s an attractive businessman with white hair, red eyes, and goat ears. He’s wearing a charcoal suit, charcoal shoes, a brown belt, and a baby blue shirt. If you lean really close, you can see he has a fluffy little tail that is the same color as his hair. 

Is one the CV design and the other is the VCV design?

He has a bot on Twitter. I looked. I learned nothing from it. I don’t understand this at all. I try to understand it, but I don’t. 

I just finished writing up all of the vgm UTAUs that were clustered together due to being released before the archive had been created. And I was so excited to see the next one! I was excited to see inside the creator’s head and how they just… made things the way they did like. I want to be their friend because I love their work.

Then it’s this and I’m like, okay. If I had been doing nothing but 2010, no biography UTAUs I would have probably seen this and thought, cool! I can rant on my personal life. But vmg got me spoiled. I want to go deep into the UTAU, or at least go deep into things that are educational. 

Who wants to hear about Capra aegagrus hircus? Did you know that antelopes, sheep, and goats are members of the family Bovidae?! I always thought an antelope was a weird horse. But it does not belong to the family Equidae. 

Antelope isn’t actually a species. Everyone was just too lazy to take the time to name all of the antelopes in Africa. Literally, an antelope is any member of the family Bovidae that isn’t already sheep, cattle, or goats. Impalas are a species of antelopes. They look almost just like Odocoileus virginianus, which is the white tailed deer. The white tailed deer is not a bovid. It comes from the family Cervidae. 

I don’t know why my go to for vamping is now taxonomy, but it works.

How are Ogata's banks?

So, let me start by saying that I hadn't already downloaded his VCV on accident. And... It was on axfc. Great. But using the pepper trick, I was able to download it! But it was downloading really, really fast. When I unpacked it, it said it was completely corrupted. I think I have access to half of the samples. I don't know if this is an issue with axfc corrupting the archive, or if the manager uploaded it corrupted. Why would they do that? That's why I want to blame axfc, though I have no idea how they would manage to do that.

His VCV has a wonderful, deep, calm voice. It is a really good UTAU. I don't know how or why the archive is corrupted, though. So, I had to make a lot of substitutions. If you can get an uncorrupted version, it's a really good UTAU.

His CV should be totally fine, though! Well, define fine. The "me" file has its consonant clipped so short, it sounds like "be". There are a lot of clipped consonants. The recording quality seems a little worse... This UTAU is so frustrating.

Where can I download Ogata?

First, I have to do an obligatory snarky "why". Not because this is just a garbage quality bank. If the consonants weren't clipped in the CV, it would be an amazing CV bank you could do amazing things with. If the VCV wasn't corrupted, then it would be one of the best deep male one pitch VCV banks. But I don't know if it's possible that it was just axfc completely ruining the bank, and it may have been uploaded that way somehow?! If you're able to get the VCV to download fully, then this is an amazing UTAU you should definitely try out. Otherwise... Either way, you can download him from his distribution page

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