Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #134 - 余音ジュン / Jun Amarine

 I'll probably know in a few articles if I'll be able to, at the very least, get Wiki Wednesday to 2022 before New Years. I have like ten days, I think. Maybe nine. I don't know how to count time.

Wiki Wednesday #134 - usa-utau's 余音ジュン / Jun Amarine

The last usa UTAU article I wrote was insane. There were so many questions, and so little answers. But it ended with me wanting to read a novel about it to learn all those answers in due time. I mean, the novel doesn't exist… but if it did! I'd even take the time to read it in Japanese!

Wait. Why did a woman created in a lab in the European Union, based off of a socialite from the UK, have a Japanese name?! You see the questions that needed answering?!

This isn't one of those cases. There's no questions. 

Who is Amarine Jun?

Official Art from Bank

Jun is a corrupted copy of KAITO who looks sixteen, but is sixty-four. You might think that brings up questions… until you remember that this is usa utau, where the whole thing is making copies of vocaloids. Of course, they have plenty of UTAUs that have deep and meaningful back stories. Then you have ones like this.

He is KAITO, but younger and with a pea green color scheme. His coat is sheer and he looks like he got into a fight.

I translated his "image" and it makes no sense. His image is leap day. It's also fantastically… fleetingly? What does this even mean? Is his mental perception of himself that he is as fickle as a day that doesn't happen every year?!

What is a parasite stone? Why is it his item? At least I can understand that he loves plants, and forget-me-nots are his favorite. He likes gardening and stargazing.

He is a gentle person who knows how to speak the truth without upsetting anyone. 

Okay so, I'm actually extremely grateful for what Dominic Noble said in response to JK Rowling being a bad person. 

Regardless of how much money he spends or doesn't spend, every time he mentions that series, he is giving her influence. He is giving her power.

Don't get me wrong - my fave is problematic. Flannery O'Connor was straight up racist to the point that even people of her era were asking her to tone it down. But, she's dead. She has been dead for a long time, and it's completely possible to download all of her stories for free.

The only Flannery O'Connor book I ever bought was second-hand. Teachers always printed her stories out and handed them to us to read. Those teachers teaching her works, and my talking about her all give her clout. But she's dead, and everyone makes sure to point out that her racism was bad.

Now, that out of the way, you don't need to stop enjoying Harry Potter to be morally right and take power away from JK Rowling. How's that?

First, never give another cent to her. Never buy a new copy of any of her books. If you get a used copy from someone on eBay, she won't see a penny of that. There is a chance that she could get paid if you borrow it from a library, but you'd be giving her clout by being seen with the book in public. Same with used copies of the movies. You can enjoy everything you want as long as it's secondhand or you fare the seven seas with your dearest parrot. 

Second, you don't go support her other projects or attractions at theme parks. This is a moral conundrum, though. Do you punish developers of a Harry Potter game by not buying it because part of the money will go to Joanne? That's months and years of blood, sweat, and tears of those developers. Do you spite them in the process of shunning her?

Yeah. Kinda. 

Don't get me wrong. No one is required to be morally perfect. We all strive to be the best we can be. She didn't kill anyone, she is just morally abhorrent and hurt a lot of people who used her works to become someone she hates. You're not funding some authoritarian regime by giving her money, you're just giving her power.

If you can't handle shunning her, just stop buying cheap polyester clothes or go detrash a nearby park every few months. Or even donate to charities that help the people she hurts. No one needs to be perfect, we just gotta try.

How are Jun Amarine's banks?

Dang, past Mae. You went into left field with that one!

Jun has only one CV bank. Other than a misunderstanding about how plosives work, his OTOs are pretty good! I haven't found a single bank breaking mistake, and he is such and adorable muffle baby!! And his design matches his voice!! Both are soft and sweet and he has a young voice and he looks young in his design and all these things make me so happy!! One hundred percent recommend if you like young male voices!!

Where can I download Amarine Jun?

You can download him from his distribution page. Usa-utau is just really inconsistent, and sometimes put out stellar banks like this one!

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