Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #139 - 甘音セト / Set Amane

 Hurrah hurray! This is the last usa-utau bank in this word document! So that means, going in order of the word document as I have been doing, no more usa-utau banks for almost twenty articles straight! Pretty cool! 

Wiki Wednesday #139 - 甘音セト / Set Amane

Just one more article tonight. If I do five a day, I'll hit my goal of winning Nanowrimo during the wrong month by not writing a novel! Also, the daily exhaustion kicked in and my current computer chair requires effort to sit in because there's no arm rests or back. It's a roll-y stool at this point.

Who is Amane Set?

Official Art from Bank

I'll describe the UTAU in a bit, but does anyone else watch 90 Day Fiance? It is so frustrating seeing Colt and Larissa on Happily Ever After because, well, Colt is human garbage and Larissa is just… she's Larissa. It's hard to morally pass judgement on her because of what she's been through. You can, but there's a part of you that feels bad for it. I do want her to end up happy, but maybe she should be in Brazil with her children.

This comes up because Set has acrophobia, just like Larissa. When Colt proposed, he took her to the highest place he could. She was freaking out. Part of fear of heights is freaking out when you're not even that high up. They were extremely high up, and he was trying to make her sit next to a window. Panic attacks can be physically painful. He was causing her pain when he was supposed to make her feel like a princess. So yeah, there's not really anything to say other than Colt and Debbie are monsters, and they should be on Smothered. Also, Debbie really needs to get her mole checked. It's growing, and that's a concern. 

I have lazy old bones, full of green dust right now. So, my words might be a little off, but I'm not sure the biography of an usa utau with nearly no backstory is required to have the best articulation.

Set is twenty-four years old. He is apparently a virtual body, but that doesn't make sense to me. How does someone inside a computer cook? How does he make a mess? You see, no one has consensus on what a virtual body is. Some people consider it someone inside a computer. Some people consider them people who aren't fully human, but exist in the real world. I think this guy is one of the ones who lives in the real world. I think the person making him didn't specify, and the default is virtual body. I think this is a normal human.

Set reminds me of a famous UTAU. Not a specific one - his name and design just get confused with some composite of UTAUs from 2009. 

I'm actually kind of worried about Forgotten Friday to an extent. The reasoning is really simple. Once you get past 2010, that charm is gone. There's nothing really different from a 2013 UTAU and a 2018 UTAU. But, I can't go back in time and make more people make UTAUs in 2009 to have more retro content. So, there's nothing to be done. 

It's something about his name. I think he was released in 2010, so I thought maybe I messed up and had written about him already. He just feels familiar! But I hadn't. 

He has a cream color scheme with green accents. He's dressed like some prince riding around the countryside. Looks like he stumbled out of a Disney Movie. 

I kind of wish I could put a name on who I was confusing for him. It was a combination of that one with orange hair and the one with brown hair, most definitely.

How is Set Amane's bank?

Set only has a one pitch CV bank, of course. Other than liquid consonants being a bit short, it's a pretty good bank with no issues that I've found. It has a very lo-fi, 2009 sound to it. So, it's not the most realistic or high quality, but if you really miss 2009, this semi-low male voice will be music to your ears! It's kind of like Kenta Chikune.

Where can I download Amane Set?

You can download him from his distribution page. I think the reason I was okay with doing all of these usa-utau utaus in a row was because they were all so different from one-another. For example, some were like "this is perfect download it now" and some were "there is literally no reason to bother." And then there was this guy, who was like, do you miss Kenta Chikune? Here's Amane Set!

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