Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #35 - 芽目めめこ / Memeko Meme

Sadly, her name is not pronounced as "meem", the way it is pronounced in English. It is, in fact, pronounced the way that lame grandparents pronounce meme. (Well, as opposed to their mei-mei, this is just meh-meh.) This is getting away from me.

Wiki Wednesday #35 - 芽目めめこ / Memeko Meme

So, the Twitter given in Memeko Meme's ReadMe has been set to private, but it has KuroNeko's new handle in the bio. That is really awesome and considerate! I don't really have much else to say, other than I can't wait until I can read Japanese so that I can understand what her tumblr bio means.

Who is Meme Memeko?

Illustration under the break. The girl has eyes all over her body and one cyclops eye on her head. I did this before with Maron-chan, because I don't know. I have no problem with a character only having one eye, but cyclops eyes freak me out. (Fun fact, it is believed that the legend of cyclops comes from people who found elephant skulls and confused the nasal cavity for an eye socket.)

Official Art Packaged with Bank
So, this girl here loves macarons and plums. She is nineteen years old and has eyes all over her body. I just really don't like this kind of stuff. I like cute stuff that has nothing objectionable or scary. 

I am confused about something on her UTAU Wiki page. It says that she dislikes "Eye drops to sweeten", but both Jisho and Google Translate return that "スースーする目薬" means cool and refreshing / soothing eye drops. But then it's like, you're an eye monster, Memeko! Why don't you like eye drops?! (I hate eye drops because I don't like things touching my eyes, but I only have two eyes. Memeko has at least six.) I edited the Wiki page, but I still have no idea where that mistranslated bit came from. Now on to the next section!

How is her bank?

Memeko has a one pitch VCV bank. Yay for VCV! I've been dealing with a lot of CV lately. 

This may be strange to say, but I'm annoyed. I adore this voice. But I can't with this design. However, KuroNeko has retweeted art where Memeko has two eyes. So, I could use her and say "whoops! I accidentally drew two, and only two, eyes!" Which is cool, but still. 

I'm kind of glad I'm not in this moral dilemma right now! The voice is adorable and good.

 How can I download Memeko Meme?

From her download page! Instead of linking to the page that directly takes you to her download links, I've linked to the page that will house to the links to the pages that will house the download links in case she adds more banks in the future or deletes the one that I'm showing off. Of course, you can find the link on the UTAU Wiki also.

Does anyone like cyclops UTAUs? If you do, this sure is a cyclops UTAU. 

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