Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Forgotten Friday #49 - 甘い音カリテ / Karite Amaine

Why does this UTAU looks so familar?! I remember seeing that face around, but I honestly have no idea. Maybe it's just that she looks quite a bit like Ankoku Kenmotsu drawn in the style of that one girl who was obsessed with USloids?? Either way. On to the article!

Forgotten Friday - 甘い音カリテ / Karite Amaine

Karite's voice provider now goes by Kuripu on Deviantart, but uses her legal name on her Twitter. I've been having a tendency to just ignore the fact that the voice provider exists recently, but I bring her up because her art is amazing and I love it. In under a decade, her art went from the icon you will see shortly to the masterpieces on her dA account.

Don't feel like you'll never be a good artist, because hard work and dedication can make your art into something you never imagined!

Who is Amaine Karite?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank
Karite is a REAPER. Oh, sorry, force of habit. Karite is a reaper. I understand that the intent is that she is an incarnation of the Grim Reaper, but the definition of reaper is that it is a machine or person that harvests a crop. I want to make a joke, but I'm not having much luck. (Maybe something like... I got nothing.)

To prove that she is a Grim Reaper and not a farmer, her birth date is set as April 17th, 1669. At the time, that put her age at 341 years old. And I really wish I knew the significance of those numbers!

Either way, there isn't much information on her out there. Let's move on!

How is her bank?

Her only bank that I could find was a one pitch romaji encoded CV bank. Her "e" samples suffer from dipthongization and a few consonants are wonky. ("ta" sounds like "ha")

She has hard English "r"s and, as you all know, that is enough to make me instantly love a bank I was on the fence about. The voice sounds voice acted to be "ultra-kawaii"... But then I hear the "r"s and I don't care. It's not perfect and you may run into issues using her, but I really like her regardless.

Where can I download Karite Amaine?

You can download Karite from the UTAU Wikia

Her voice provider has much better things to do than use UTAU, and I'm sure even if she didn't, she'd want to move onto a new character who isn't eternally fourteen years old. But, banks like this are little pieces of history. Some people get trapped in this fandom and can't get out, but some pass through like ships in the night.

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