Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Forgotten Friday #47 - 阿井植男 / Ai Ueo

Remember last week when I said that there is a maximum number of Jiisans that you need in life? This one is different! He has a ReaPeaks file in his voicebank!! Just one, but it's enough to see that this Jiisan uses REAPER! And he called out Grandpa Nakamiya as his inspiration!! Grandpa Nakamiya is the best Jiisan, and this guy was giving him props! How can I not be excited for this bank?!

Forgotten Friday #47 - 阿井植男 / Ai Ueo

Usually I switch up the order of the names when I'm writing the article so that, if Google crawled my blog, there would be instances of "Kasane Teto" and "Teto Kasane" (If I broke all of my rules and wrote about Teto, that is.) But I am not messing with Ai Ueo. Ueo Ai is just wrong. 

I believe that his name is written with Ateji, but I'm not smart enough to know if this is the proper time to use that terminology. Regardless, this UTAU actually has some form of character! So on to that section!

Who is Ai Ueo?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank
Ueo is fifty-seven years old. He actually has no character information other than his age, height, weight, and gender. Well, that's still more information than last week!

I believe that his rules allow for his design to be drawn however the person using the bank wishes to draw it. Which is cool! Even cooler? Someone made a duet between him and Grandpa Nakamiya! His design looks so awesome in that video, even though you can only see half of his face.

There isn't much to say here... So on to the next part!

How is his bank?

His OTOs are worse and his voice quality is worse than the ossan in the previous Forgotten Friday article. 

But I don't care! I'm not even fixing the OTOs because the iffy OTOs make him even more charming! Now, this probably seems really silly. But I just love those muffled voices that sound like they're coming from the past! It's just... One of those things that I really can't rationalize or explain at this point. I really like this bank, even though it's a muffled one pitch CV. He can't outshine Grandpa Nakamiya, but he can live beside him.

Where can I download Ai Ueo?

Ai Ueo's download link is on his release video. (Which is still up! Yay!)

Am I weird for just fangirling over banks like this? Is it just me? Oh well. Maybe someone else will feel the same way I do about this bank.

But word of warning: extract this to its own folder. If you don't, the samples will flood your voicebank folder. 

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