Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Forgotten Friday #114 - 浅尾木タダミ / Asaoki Tadami

 I'm keeping on pushing, making these articles for as long as I can. I only had written about twenty, and I'm processing the 11th article. So, dreams are in reach if your dreams are small??

Forgotten Friday #114 - 浅尾木タダミ / Asaoki Tadami

This UTAU kind of… I think he's based a bit on Buddha?

It's weird. That's not my religion, and I have no horses in that race. Regardless of who I am now, I was raised hybrid Church of Christ and Southern Baptist. (Yes, I was insufferable.) Someone making an UTAU based off of Jesus, even after years of undoing that toxic upbringing, would make me say, Ayo, that's jacked up. 

But, Buddhism isn't my religion, and I'm not Japanese. I don't know what they think. 

As a note, Gautama Buddha is depicted with hair on all the images that showed up on Google. I think that Tadami is just a monk that identifies very much with Buddha and not based off of him. But, I found out that legend says that when Buddha shaved his head to become a monk, it grew into neat curls that never had to be cut again.

Who is Tadami Asaoki?

Official Art from Bank

Does anyone ever draw anyone looking like the right age in anime styles? Looking at the art on the Visual Archive, I thought Tadami was like… thirty. It was the bald head and muscle tone. He's fourteen. I don't think most fourteen year olds have that muscle tone, but what do I know.

He is bald and wears a riff on traditional clothes. He also has blue items on his person that I believe are of religious significance, and I think some kind of papers in his hand.

I can't even with this kid. It's like, I look at his favorite things, and it's like, meals! Drowsiness! … I'm not writing that on my blog, especially in reference to a literal child. He hates milk and sermons, which is like, why dress like a monk, then?! Is anyone forcing you to do this?!

Google Translate being wonky. It translates the first word in his personality section as "twister". However, the dictionary I use defined it as "contrary person, sourpuss, dog-in-the-manger".

That last one made no sense to me. But apparently it comes from a fable! I think even Jesus used it. It basically means that there's a dog who starts living in a barn and refuses to let the horse in. All of the horse food is in the barn, and the dog isn't eating it. But the dog just doesn't like the horse, so he just guards it out of spite. He gains literally nothing from keeping the horse food away from the horse. 

Man, I just don't like this kid. If he were real and we met in person (and he spoke English) I would yell at him to repent and that he was a horrible perversion of what he was meant to represent. That's… actually kind of rare for an UTAU. So few have biographies that are スケベ to the point of me feeling gross just reading it. If he was thirty like the art suggests, I would just be like, oh look at silly Tadami being a lecherous piece of garbage! He doesn't exist so he doesn't hurt anyone! But giving those same attributes to a child? What in the heck is wrong with y'all? 

Bleh. Maybe I'm just extra sensitive for some reason at this moment. I think I'm just cross because I'm hungry. Maybe. 

How is Asaoki Tadami's bank?

His bank is a two pitch VCV bank. The voice is one of those that you just kind of have to like to enjoy. It's like SRS's Psychotic Psycho, only less obviously pronounced.

It's okay if you like that kind of thing. I haven't seen any problems other than the voice type being unique.

As a note, he does sound a little "slurry". The way to fix this is to actually increase the distance between overlap and preutterance so that overlap always hits a place where the vowel is stable. Making the voice less "drunk". 

Where can I download Tadami Asaoki?

You can download him from his website. I'm not a big fan, but you may be. 

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