Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #173 - Airi Amane / 天音愛莉


Wiki Wednesday #173 - Airi Amane / 天音愛莉

16 year old girl with pretty pastel design. Airi means Love White Jasmine.

Who is Amane Airi?

official art from wiki

Friday, June 24, 2022

Forgotten Friday #183 - 虹音詞 / Nijine Kotoba

 I'm now a lost media person for some reason.

Forgotten Friday #183 - 虹音詞 / Nijine Kotoba

This utau seems to be part of some collective or something. Like a whole cinematic universe, except for in your voice folder. I'm not all that interested in looking and seeing all of the back story, so all I really think anyone needs to know is that this utau looks really pretty and does not like tomatoes.

Who is Kotoba Nijine?

Official art from Bank 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #172 - Ainslae Doomsday


Wiki Wednesday #172 - Ainslae Doomsday

The url of the wiki page is Owen. 12 year old boy with anxiety who hates furbies. Self conscious about wings and hides them. 

Who is Ainslae Doomsday?

official art from wiki

Friday, June 17, 2022

Forgotten Friday #182 - 白群ものは / Byakugun Monoha

 new パソコン, who this? Kidding 🤣 I bought a Windows tablet! I have no idea how well it will work, but the on screen keyboard will take some time to learn my swiping style.

Forgotten Friday #182 - 白群ものは / Byakugun Monoha

Monoha is a seventeen year old who is dressed in a very traditional style but it isn't a traditional style. It's the traditional and futuristic kind of style that someone like Goku Boyd has and I am very shocked that I am using text to speech no not text to speech I'm using speech to text and I'm not gonna edit this.:)

He doesn't care about anything that he can't eat.

Who is Monoha Byakugun?

Official art from Bank 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #171 - Ky Lan / Kỳ Lân


Wiki Wednesday #171 - Ky Lan / Kỳ Lân

Her biography has the "funny numbers" and we are told to not take it seriously. She is a very old alien (or possibly angel) who dislikes Otamatones, romcoms, and monarchies. Those are really strange things to explicitly hate out of all of the things in this world.

Who is Ky Lan?

official art from wiki

Friday, June 10, 2022

Forgotten Friday #181 - 音雅オウ / Inga Ou


Forgotten Friday #181 - 音雅オウ / Inga Ou

Ou is a grey wolf girl who is somewhere around 18 years old. Her hair is dark violet and she wears a light blue bow.

Who is Ou Inga?

art from utau archive

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #170 - YA-01 ARTEMIS

 Lightening outside.

Wiki Wednesday #170 - YA-01 ARTEMIS

Thirteen year old boy. Doesn't like singing, does it anyway. He is an android, but he was born. My brain is not good enough now to ask questions.

Who is YA-01 ARTEMIS?

official art from bank

Friday, June 3, 2022

Forgotten Friday #180 - 白音ミア / Hyakune Mia

 Listen up friends, let me tell ya. This blog does give me some anxiety when it's halfway through May and the articles run out by the end of May. But having the blog and that deadline does help so much with my mental health. It is something I must get out of bed and do, though if my plans go well, I will be able to use UTAU in bed - at which case getting out of bed will be optional.

Forgotten Friday #180 - 白音ミア / Hyakune Mia

I wish there was an easy way to depict that a consonant is palatalized. Like, h with a ~ on top of it. Hjaku looks just as strange as Hyaku. And, I don't know how to type the unicode tiny "j". Caku? (the correct IPA representation of "ひ" is actually "Ci".)

Mia is 19 and she loves strawberry daifuku. Which, being completely honest, daifuku is one of the best foods. Though, I will always prefer red bean everything.

Who is Mia Hyakune?

official art from bank

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #169 - Kai Takahashi / かい たかはし


Wiki Wednesday #169 - Kai Takahashi / かい たかはし

Kai is a fifteen-year-old woman. Bad childhood. Really specific likes and dislikes. Unfairly maligns the color brown.

Who is Takahashi Kai?

official art from bank