Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, June 24, 2022

Forgotten Friday #183 - 虹音詞 / Nijine Kotoba

 I'm now a lost media person for some reason.

Forgotten Friday #183 - 虹音詞 / Nijine Kotoba

This utau seems to be part of some collective or something. Like a whole cinematic universe, except for in your voice folder. I'm not all that interested in looking and seeing all of the back story, so all I really think anyone needs to know is that this utau looks really pretty and does not like tomatoes.

Who is Kotoba Nijine?

Official art from Bank 

Is it less problematic than kidnapping someone and holding them hostage or more problematic for Jonah to force his will into Belle's treatment?! She was laying, completely outside of the human realm of consciousness! On to Beauty and the Puppy!

"Mr. Roberts," Jonah took a deep breath. Blaine had picked up on the first ring. Jonah was hoping it would go to voicemail due to it being so late.

"What happened?" Blaine's voice was filled with worry.

Jonah turned so that his back was to the wall before slowly sliding down it to sit on the floor. "Belle had an episode, and we're in the hospital. We're clear to leave, but it's a slow night and they're letting her sleep it off here."


"We were having dinner, and then she just… stopped existing," Jonah sighed. "I was so terrified. I brought her to the hospital and… Why didn't you force her into treatment?"

"We had an agreement," Blaine sighed. "I was wrong, but even if I legally could force her, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't stand even imagining her lashing out at me for ruining her life. After my oldest daughter stabbed me, she was forced to take the medication."

"Stabbed you?!"

"Even though I was able to get the stabbing off of her record, she still lost all hopes of going to a prestigious school." Jonah could hear Blaine crying as he continued on. "She slept through classes. She had to quit sports because the medicine made her sluggish. She barely finished virtual school in time to graduate with her class, and that was because I did every scrap of work that I could for her."

Jonah looked down at the floor. "What happened after that?"

"She quit treatment and went down to the mainland. I haven't heard from her in years." Blaine paused before reassuring Jonah, "But my other two daughters who were diagnosed happily took treatment as soon as they were offered. Jen struggled a little and went from an A student to a C student, but she was able to go to a decent school and now she's a very successful clothing designer. Allie was diagnosed in the summer and was able to adjust quickly and is now a professor of robotics who runs her state's robot death match tournament!"

"So…" Jonah paused. "You approve of Belle going on medication?"

"According to our agreement, she has to now." Blaine tried to let out a small chuckle, but he couldn't. "The agreement was, if she ever ended up in the hospital because of it, she would go on medication. And, well, you know where you are now."

"Do you mind if I take her to my place?" Jonah nervously looked up at the ceiling. "I know it's against the rules, but I just… want to make sure she's okay."

Blaine was silent for a few moments before answering, "We have a guest bedroom. You can spend the night here."

"Thanks," Jonah sighed. "I'll see you when she's released."

"Thank you for being there for her."

Jonah stood as he ended the call. He began to walk back to Belle's room as he noticed the nurse from earlier chatting with another nurse at the nurses' station. He cleared his throat before asking, "excuse me…" The nurse looked up at him. "Why didn't you react to me being a monster?"

The nurse shrugged. "You'd be shocked how many curse victims come through here! You have to learn to treat everyone the same if you don't want to get written up."

Jonah nodded before going back to check on Belle.

How will Belle feel about her newly medicated life?! Find out next time on Beauty and the Puppy!

How is Nijine Kotoba's bank?

It's mentioned in the machine translated version of the archive page that Kotoba does things that are illegal for minors to do, and her design looks like an adult. While adults can have younger voices, I didn't expect it with this design.

The Bank is a one pitch vcv. You need to add a suffix to use it, and I have no idea why. Her voice is nice, but it is extremely kawaii, which is fundamentally different from cute.

Where can I download Kotoba Nijine?

The link to her distribution video is on her visual archive page. She's a nice utau. 

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