this name makes my dyslexia hurt.
Forgotten Friday #321 - ズキュンズキュン / Zukyunzukyun
So, this one. One of the links in the snapshot of the video description looked like a 404 error. But the link shortener linked to a redirect from a site that no longer exists. The full link that I wanted was in the URL of the error page.
Zukyunzukyun is the galaxy's number one female idol I think?
Who us Zukyun Zukyun?
Art from Bank |
There was a thin line between eerie and peaceful. Megan felt peaceful as she looked out from her porch.
The grass was green and there were soft animal cries in the distance. She didn't particularly like the spindly trees, but she had to live with what she had.
It had been years since the crisis started. In an attempt to sequester carbon, a horrible chemical was created. It bonded the molecules in the air together so that it choked every living thing.
She was lucky. The one thing that could neutralize the effect was the pollen of one specific flower on one small island.
The world was too broken for them to fix it. She was happy living the rest of her life eating nothing but fish and tropical fruit.
But... Then the aliens arrived.
There were footsteps. Megan sighed. She didn't like the aliens.
"Megan!" One of the aliens called out. "I'm so glad you're up!"
She hated how their translators sounded. She didn't understand how they worked, but as far as she knew, they were fully accurate. But they always sounded so forced and happy. She could say the most venom laced things in her most threatening voice. The translator would make her sound like she's was the happiest girl on her entire planet.
"What a lovely view!" Samson was tall and wide with paper white skin. There were small round scars all over his face. (note: it's the same as acne scars.)
Lisa laughed softly. She was short even compared to Megan and looked like she could get snapped in half by a strong breeze. Her skin was an off-putting shade of grey that she tried to hide with fake tans.
"You know, it's so funny!" Lisa was smiling. "We chose our names based off of Union culture. You've never heard of us, but you have a pretty normal name as far as the Union goes!"
Megan rolled her eyes. They had the discussion. Her name wasn't Megan - her name was something that they couldn't pronounce or write in their language. They just picked what it sounded like and stuck her with it.
"So," Lisa did a strange little shake. "Should we go inside?"
Megan looked around. "Is there a reason you don't want to stay out here?"
"Well, you know," Samson laughed. "This skin isn't exactly made for a tropical climate. It's fine now, but in a few hours, I'll be frying!"
"Of course." Megan turned and made her way to the door. She didn't ask why they intruded on her space. She had already asked. It was all about how she had more space. She had better snacks.
She opened the door to let them in. Of course, they went straight to her kitchen table. "Help yourself to the fruit." She mumbled. She watched them both grab fruit and awkwardly open the fruits up. She taught them how to do it, and they were still not very good at it.
How Are Zukyun Zukyun's banks?
Zukyun has two one pitch CV banks.
Her CV 1 bank has a sweet and nostalgic tone.
しゃうてぃんぐ had me confused. What could that possibly mean?!
It's Shouting. It's a screamo bank. It sounds exactly as you would expect.
Where Can I download ZukyunZukyun?
Here is a working snapshot of her release video's description!
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