Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #2 - London KEI

Who is London KEI? How can I download London 圭? 

Wiki Wednesday #2 - London KEI

Alright, I'm going to be honest. I mashed the download button at light speed because the name given for the voice provider was "thelonelyneko". I've been searching for this one person for years. I think their username was "thelonelyneko", they really liked USloids, and their profile picture was a 2010 style shakily drawn black and red UTAU icon picture. (You know that one, right? The same pose every female UTAU was in unless you were a great artist?)

I'm pretty sure Ryan Fletcher / pe0pleallergy isn't the person who I was thinking of. (editor's note: it was KanashiiNoNeko I was thinking of.)

Because I was so drawn in by the name of the voice provider, I didn't stop to realize that the only image I can find of London Kei's design is a YouTube thumbnail. Thankfully, a kind stranger on Twitter was able to find their full design!

London Kei's Official Design

The little information we have on London KEI comes from their UTAU Wiki Dot page. London is apparently a faerie who wears a dress. Good to know! From the small bit I knew prior to reading that blurb, I was sure London KEI was a young boy, not a faerie who wears a dress.

How are the banks?

Obligatory OTO "WHY?"
London KEI has two banks, Cloudy and Humidity. Cloudy hits me in the heart. While London KEI is non-binary, this bank punches me in the guts with a sweet "Onee-chan" kind of feeling. 

I will ignore all flaws if a bank can give me that feeling. It's a simple, romaji encoded CV bank with a few extra samples.

London KEI Humidity does not give me the same feeling, but it's not a bad bank. For example, the "r"s are honest attempts at doing the flap. If you don't like that, there's "l" files and "American r" files.

How can I download London KEI?

London KEI's website brings up a 404 with no archived versions on the WayBack Machine. The only place to get the banks is by clicking links on the UTAU Wiki Dot page for London KEI.

Hopefully, we'll someday learn what London KEI looks like!

update, 201910. A user on Twitter with the handle smoke8675 kindly sent me London Kei's full body design! I replaced the original image with that image. Thank you smoke!!

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