Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #117 - 山とサイト / Saito Yamato

Can I type with my wrist brace on? Very barely. I actually can type faster with only one hand with the brace on my other hand. 

Wiki Wednesday #117 - 山とサイト / Saito Yamato

The design of this UTAU is familiar feeling. I'm like, oh! Didn't I draw this UTAU in 2011?! But no! It's from 2018!

This isn't a dig on the design. I don't think I can point at an UTAU or anime character with the same design to say it's derivative. It's just that it feels comfy and known. I like feeling like I'm somewhere I've been when it's nowhere I've been before. That's why I loved Stardew Valley so much. It was like I was playing Harvest Moon all over again!

As a huge note, oh my goodness I love Harvest Moon DS. I played Cute when I was younger, but all of the bachelors stunk to high heavens, and you couldn't even do a friendship ceremony with the special bachelorettes in the American version! My plan was to marry the sleeping princess this time around, but after getting to level 255 once and then falling through a hole and missing it the second time, I decided Celia was way better, anyway.

Who is Yamoto Saito?

from official art

Saito's web page has Dekine Aisatsu's name in the title, so there's no doubt they are related!

Dekine was created with a purpose, but Saito just was kind of made to be made. 

Saito is just kind of one of those people to will not be told what to do, will not trust people who are in a position of authority, and just wants to be alone. He hates going outside most of the time, but his most precious moments are collecting shells on a moonlit beach. It's not outside he can't stand - it's people.

He dresses in black and has grey eyes. He never takes off his black jacket because it hides exposed wires on his back. I imagine that at one point, he was nearing system failure and had to be opened up. It was an emergency because there was a short circuit and if it was allowed to go on, it could heat his batteries to the point of rupture and cause him to literally explode. He was fixed, but they had completely broken one of his functions. He was okay with people before, but something snapped with that mistake. He went to get it fixed, and had his back opened. But then he just felt a bad feeling and stood up. The mechanic begged to at least close the port, but Saito left and refused to let anyone touch his port since then, even just to close it.

But I made that up. He really just won't let anyone work on him.

One of his favorite smells is brewing tea, so he often hides away in a teahouse, though libraries are a best second option. 

He wasn't built to sing, but before he stopped letting anyone touch him, he had the singing ability added to him. I like it imagine it was a major surgery to give him a functioning diaphragm so that he could sing naturally like a human, while most androids who sang simply sent sound though a speaker in their mouth. 

Also, his character item is black licorice. That's one of my foods I just don't want to touch. I don't think I've ever had real licorice. Just licorice flavored things… which I always found nasty. I liked all the flavors of Jelly Belly, even if they weren't my favorite (looking at you popcorn), but I just couldn't with licorice flavor.

How is Saito Yamato's bank?

What. Dekine upset me because her OTOs were bad. Saito has no OTOs at all. That might have been okilydokily if the leading silence wasn't half a second long on some samples. Did I download an old bank?

The voice and all that is just fine. Anyone can remake the OTO no problem. But, eh, that's life. Not all are won.

Where can I download Yamato Saito's bank?

I actually had to open google docs on my phone to write this part because my wrist does not like typing with a brace on.

You can download Saito from his website. He does have a nice voice, but pressing CTRL + G was really not comfortable with my wrist feeling bad.

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