Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Forgotten Friday #140 - v.g.mのマヌー / Manuu

 I was curious, because this is stringed CV, if it could be used as a CVVC. I did run it through moresampler to generate a CVVC OTO, and I do believe if you are willing to mix palatalized consonants and the regular versions, with the exception of "n C" samples, you are able to use it as CVVC! But that was just a silly test, because it was intended to be CV, so I will treat it as CV.

Forgotten Friday #140 - v.g.mのマヌー / Manuu

I love singular they. I even conjugate it to be grammatically correct sometimes. That’s definitely not because I was raised around people who butchered the English language while being completely monolingual… haha…

Seriously, I did some Duolingo and had a few years of Spanish class in elementary school. Had an easier time talking to an old Mexican man who barely spoke English than my own grandfather half of the time. The real problem is that my grandfather doesn’t always wear dentures, but ya know, that’s less humorous.

But, sometimes he becomes default because Google Translate makes it default. Manuu is genderless and asexual. But Google Translate puts “he” in there. I’m going to try and make an effort to use singular they because I believe that Manuu is a three pitch bank with the pitches being labeled as “male, normal, female”. 

The design also makes me think singular they is better because the design is really androgynous. The outfit and curves make the design look male, but the visual symbols included in the face make the design look female.

This isn’t addressed in the biography because gendered pronouns are 50/50 a thing. Because I’m on my chromebook, I don’t know how to type Japanese. So, “kare” is “he”. I believe this is the same as the English singular they in that it’s the default when you don’t know. “Kanojo” is “she”, and only applies to women. “Karera” and “kanojora” make them plural. However, it was explained to me that “kanojora” only applies when every person referred to is a woman. If one man jumps into the mix, it’s “karera”. 

But those don’t really come up as much as you’d think, because once you say someone’s name and they know you’re talking about that person, you can just… not use pronouns or nouns to refer back to them at all. Or just use their name.
Japanese is confusing.

Who is Manuu?

Official art from Bank

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #129 - 伊佐田優志 / Yushi Isada

 I have no idea how it works out like this. I just prefer Wiki Wednesday to Forgotten Friday, even when the Forgotten Friday articles are virtually the same as Wiki Wednesday.

Wiki Wednesday #129 - 伊佐田優志 / Yushi Isada

The UTAU wiki claims that this UTAU has no set character. Well, yes and no. There's a characterization given as a starting point, with "I think this…" "Fans think this…"

However, I won't call out the person who wrote the article, because it's possible those characterizations were posted after the wiki article as posted.

Who is Isada Yushi?

Official Art from Site

Friday, August 20, 2021

Forgotten Friday #139 - v.g.mのルキ / Ruki

 I think this is the last article for a bit that has more than one bank! And even though it has more than one, it only has two. So yay!

Forgotten Friday #139 - v.g.mのルキ / Ruki

On the visual archive, the name is just Ruki, but on the website, Ruki is just the subtitle following “紫蜜庵”. I don’t know what that means. 

I actually adore the biography and design of this UTAU, but there is one major issue: the name. Though the name is longer on the menu on the website and on the URL, it’s listed as just Ruki on the Visual Archive and the biography itself on the website.

But, ya know how it is. Some UTAUs just have traits that will ban them from ever reaching notability. It’s lame, but that’s life.

Who is Ruki?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #128 - گلنار عطار / Golnar Attar

 Okay so, I'm breaking the rules for a good reason. My computer is really running low on space, and some of the Wiki Wednesday UTAUs take up like a gigabyte of space. Well, I need to write about those ASAP! But, I need to space them out so that not all the cool stuff happens at once! There are three really cool ones to write about, and maybe put two in between each... who even knows anymore! 

Wiki Wednesday #128 -  گلنار عطار  / Golnar Attar

Even though she's been on my computer for a long time, I had never seen her picture until I started writing for this article.

I love her. I don't know what she sounds like yet, and I don't care. I love her. She is an adorable cutie pie! I got in a lot of trouble with my ex because I love lamp.

I love everything that I like and enjoy, because I'm just that kind of person. Why use a word like "like" if I can love it?!

It's at times like this that I wish there were more words for different kinds of love in English. I love UTAUs the way I love cats. Kitty-love? That's the name of a dating simulator where you turn into a cat at night. So maybe not that either.

Who is Golnar Attar?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, August 13, 2021

Forgotten Friday #138 - v.g.m.のムラサキ / Murasaki

 It is Christmas Eve and Christmas is cancelled. Without losing a day to celebrating and two days to recovering from emotional exertion, can I process twenty-four articles in one week?! Unless the COVID gets worse.. I say yes!

Forgotten Friday #138 - v.g.m.のムラサキ / Murasaki

Okay. So, I go through phases. One day, I can listen to trap and the next day it gives me a panic attack. 

I'm going through a phase right now where it really bugs me when people don't research and draw animal legs correctly. 

If I didn't say this and tell myself to shut up and that no one cares, there would be a three hundred word rant on how a canid isn't a plantigrade.

Who is Murasaki?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Wiki Wendesday #127 - 未来狼 / Mirai Okami

 I'm just waiting for the clock to roll over to two AM to get some downloading done. This is likely the last Wiki Wednesday article I'm going to write for a good while. Simply because this article is pushed out almost an entire year from the time of writing, and Forgotten Friday is barely pushed out at all. Though, the next Wiki Wednesday article will show up one week from the publication of this one!

Wiki Wendesday #127 - 未来狼 / Mirai Okami

This UTAU is an Android! However, bring an Android has nothing to do with being an UTAU. She was taught to sing and survives from money gotten from singing, but UTAU doesn't come up in her bio. 

She's an Android that happens to be an UTAU, not an Android because she is an UTAU. The connections users make between humanity and being an UTAU always fascinate me.

Who is Okami Mirai?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, August 6, 2021

Forgotten Friday #137 - 黒丑ミキ / Kuroushi Miki

 I did take a pretty long leave of absence from my blog this year. But, I really want to make up for it with this final push to get it out to 2022 before 2021. But, there are more important things I should be doing with my time. Well, relatively. I need to make more USTs and stuff. Like, it makes no difference if the article going live in 2022 was written in 2020 or 2021... but I just feel the need to set seemingly impossible goals and then crush them and feel special.

Forgotten Friday #137 - 黒丑ミキ / Kuroushi Miki

Ninja! Miki is a female ninja!

So, nin always makes me think of 人. So I looked up the kanji for ninja. Because I was like, person-something, right?

Well, the kanji is 忍者! It basically means sneaky spy person. Apparently Shinobi is another term for ninja. I feel like if I actually watched anime, I'd know this stuff.

Who is Miki Kuroushi?

Official Art from Site

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #126 - usa-utauの轡 / KUTSUWA

I set my computer to hibernate last night so that I could just jump back into the articles. I woke up wanting to play Stardew Valley, but I also want to get started on Forgotten Friday articles like Yesterday, because I do love writing. I can't even do more Wiki Wednesday on Google Docs until I finish this batch, because I don't even know who I've written about by now!

Wiki Wednesday #126 - usa-utauの轡 / KUTSUWA

Kutsuwa means mouthpiece, or the bit you put in a horse's mouth. "猿轡" means gag. The last one looks like it fits the design more, but who am I to judge?

Who is Kutsuwa?

Official Art from Bank