Forgotten Friday #197 - 中語音水 / Mizu Nakagone
Who is Nakagone Mizu?
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gotta go fast! I have an unrealistic idea of how much I can get done.
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There are many ways to work around the limitations of using this tablet. Buy a USB hub, use my combination keyboard / trackpad... But, I think maybe all of the weird ways I have to lean over to get around the keyboard to touch the screen have to eventually count as exercise.
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it is it makes me sad because I was going to make a kanji version of the name but the problem was that it added a G before the word for music and the way Japanese works, you can't just put a random consonant in there. It would be possible to find the kanji for you know what sounds like gone I'm using text to speech. But that's a whole other effort that adds an entire word that isn't meant to be there. And that makes it not work and I can't make kanji for it that would mean what they wanted it to mean because that g there means that it can't be the Japanese word for music.
I has keyboard! Which sounds like a silly thing to be excited about - but the Windows touch keyboard is so, so awful, it actually caused me pain. Mental pain that became physical, kinda. It was impossible to get used to because it never suggested the correct word, even when it should have learned better.
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. I really hope the text to speech works today. (it didn't.)
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I was really happy about depression, but my mania was so bad, I feel like I have lost personhood. But oh my goodness, it is so much better than where I was.
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I... I don't know what I'm supposed to say. I am so tired, and so hungry, even though I just ate.
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