Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #185 - Aka Futagongaku

 it is it makes me sad because I was going to make a kanji version of the name but the problem was that it added a G before the word for music and the way Japanese works, you can't just put a random consonant in there. It would be possible to find the kanji for you know what sounds like gone I'm using text to speech. But that's a whole other effort that adds an entire word that isn't meant to be there. And that makes it not work and I can't make kanji for it that would mean what they wanted it to mean because that g there means that it can't be the Japanese word for music.

Wiki Wednesday #185 - Aka Futagongaku

Aka he was born on the 4th of July. He loves fun and parties and he doesn't like party poopers. And I forgot already. His thing is being a twin and that is very important to him. And his design is really really cute. The face really reminds me of My Little Pony, and that makes me happy.

Who is Futagongaku Aka?

Official art 

"Supposedly" fictional Chia here.

I'll get back to the pet training, probably. But I really want to talk about humans.

There are no humans in the Union. We are utterly terrified of you all. Do you have any idea how few sapient species develop nuclear bombs? They don't develop nuclear bombs because developing the sense that you shouldn't make nuclear bombs comes long before the knowledge of how to make nuclear bombs.

Humans create some of the greatest art in the universe. Something about that black and white circle with dots in it. But, seriously. There are plenty of species that are entirely militaristic and sadistic. Some even made it into the Union with a pinky swear that they would behave. That's different than humans. You know what will happen when you meet a Doregheth soldier outside of a nightclub at closing time. You never know what would happen with a human.

However, I have been to Earth 2 Zoo. I've seen Earth animals recreated from DNA lifted during spy missions. So the question is, why didn't they steal away human DNA?

They did. Just like the cats illegally yoinked while archiving the internet, they found and stole away human DNA while archiving as many animals as possible.

There are humans born to Union members. The children are, by all accounts, legitimately illegal. Their creation broke the law. Most homo sapiens born to Union members live their lives in refugee camps because their birth parents were brought directly to prison.

All of that background to explain why I was awkwardly sitting behind a formal and imposing desk in the sick bay. Across from me was a young woman with golden hair and tan skin. She was popping her chewing gum and randomly spouting off Valley Girl catchphrases.

The psychologist had run-ins with Claire. It did not go well. Before transferring her somewhere else, Katherine suggested 'that freak with no name' handle it.

Claire was from a strange colony on one of the moons of one of the founding civilizations of the Union. The only media they consumed was American media. They learned from American textbooks. Most that are able to serve in the Union never truly believed they were American… yet, magically, Claire did.

I was blunt. Her behaviors were making others uncomfortable. She laughed and told me that everyone else was just jealous of her intelligence. She knew that the mitochondria was the powerhouse of the cell. 

I couldn't with her. My eyes were blank as I told her that not a single living creature on the ship had a single mitochondria. We all had cell structures that functioned similarly, but calling them mitochondria would be like calling my spools of genetic information chromosomes.

She huffed.

I stayed silent as she muttered nonsensical quips that even I knew were painfully dated. Gag me with a spoon? I didn't want to be cruel, so I didn't ask her how well Reagan was doing in her eyes. She thought she lived in the state Caliseagon. If I was really cruel, I'd ask her to show it to me on a labeled map.

She let out an exaggerated sigh before asking if she could go. I looked up at the ceiling. My exact orders were to make her stop being insufferable.

I'm not sure exactly what that meant, but I would try.

How are Futagongaku Aka's banks?

There are three. Two one pitch cv and one one pitch vcv.

The title of one of the banks is fixed otos, but the otos are really not correct. The voice is really not what I expected.


The next bank is act 2. These otos are made with a misunderstood notion of how it is supposed to work. This bank sounds much more natural, and for that I prefer it.

The Last is realistic, the vcv. The Otos are good!! He sounds super awesome!! The voice is calm but mature and deep.

Where Can I download Aka Futagongaku?

The download links are on his Fandom page. His vcv is super awesome!

1 comment:

  1. They might have mix the O of 双子 futag[o] and 音楽 [o]ngaku, to create Futagongaku. It's clever to english, but it would not sound very great in japanese if we try to give it a meaning similar to what is intended
