Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 14, 2023

Forgotten Friday #238 - 禍威音イルガ / Magaine Iruga


Forgotten Friday #238 - 禍威音イルガ / Magaine Iruga

It keeps AutoCorrecting to magazine! Iruga is a 19 year old guy. He loves French dressing and hates ghost stories. I don't know what the other thing is meant to mean.

Who is Iruga Magaine?

Art from site


Aliyah opened her backpack. She glanced back at McKenzie. "Don't be shocked, but this will be kind of loud."

Once McKenzie nodded, Aliyah stuck her hand into her backpack. There was an minute of popping and flashing, and then it was done. Nothing looked too different to McKenzie until she noticed a blocky thing on the desk at the foot of Aliyah's bed.

"Once you've moved into one room, everything is set up so that you can pack everything up and unpack it instantly." Aliyah opened the closet on her side of the room and gestured at the half empty rack of clothes. "This is so much more space than I had!"

McKenzie nodded and opened her bag. In front of her, a chest appeared.

"I remember that! Do you want help?" When McKenzie nodded, Aliyah made her way to the chest and opened it. It was very empty. The chest Aliyah had been given when she moved was nearly bursting open from all of her books and gifts from the teenagers she met when she snuck out.

Whereas Aliyah had a full wardrobe of fashionable sweaters and leggings when she first unpacked, McKenzie had two sets of the archaic robes and uncomfortable shoes that Miss Constance had given her. She had a stack of books... And that was it. Aliyah instantly wanted to help by giving McKenzie clothes, but she wasn't a seamstress, even with magic, and she was much taller than McKenzie. Aliyah pulled the robes out and quickly hung them in the closet.

"You can use my soap and shampoo." Aliyah gestured towards the bathroom. "Miss Constance had a spell placed on her house that kept us from getting dirty. We don't have that here, so you will need to shower. We have hot water here, so it's really nice!" She paused for a moment. "I'll bother one of the rich white girls to give you some shampoo specifically for straight hair once they move in... Though you might have a wave pattern under all of that magic."

"Oh, right." McKenzie nodded. Of course, she knew about showers and shampoo, but a part of her thought it was made up and not real.

"You have a Latino last name." Aliyah mused as she sat down on her bed. "But it might be Spanish. Miss Constance puts a spell on kids to make them whiter. It takes a few months to wear off."

"Really?" McKenzie didn't understand most of those words. "This isn't what I'm supposed to look like?"

Aliyah shrugged. McKenzie was pale, but she had black hair and very dark brown eyes. Her facial features looked a little strange - she had unusually large eyes and a very small nose. Aliyah had the same large eyes and her nose grew after the spell started to wear off.

"If you are Spanish, it doesn't really matter," Aliyah shrugged. "But if you're Latina, I think I need to explain some things."

How Is Magaine Iruga's bank?

Iruga has a one pitch CV bank. I believe he and Soreha have the same voice provider, so I was shocked when he sounded like a normal guy, and Soreha sounded like a normal girl. He has a very nice voice that is energetic.

Where Can I download Iruga Magaine?

You can download him from his official site. He is nice.

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