Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 21, 2023

Forgotten Friday #239 - karanoze りょくも / Ryokumo

 that fun game ended up less fun when I saw this utau had so many banks. I needed to make more CVVC testers!

Forgotten Friday #239 - karanoze りょくも / Ryokumo

Ryokumo is a algae themed fourteen year old girl. She has too many banks to look at to question that.

Who is Ryokumo?

Art from site

McKenzie didn't know what Latina meant. Most of the books Mr. Elf brought her were written by white people about white people before the 90's.

"Look," Aliyah sighed. "They're all white, Ken. The only BIPOC..." Aliyah saw the confusion on McKenzie's face. "The only non-white people here are the ones Miss Constance raised. And you might have noticed, you're the last one."

"But there's got to be a lot of witches out there of all shapes and sizes, right?" McKenzie looked out the window. "Like, what if you had a kid? Wouldn't they be a witch and go to this school?"

"I asked that too, McKenzie." Aliyah sighed. "But magical parents aren't forced to send their children to this school. There's hundreds of private magical schools all over the world." She looked out the window. "And there's literally no way that I'm staying in Montana once I graduate. My kid would go to a normal school in a normal place, even if it meant using artifacts to suppress their powers."

"There were a few others still with me after you left, though!" McKenzie looked back at Aliyah. "Were they white?"

"Some weren't, but they're white passing." Aliyah looked up at the ceiling. "Even if you're not Spanish, you might be too. Yeah, there were a lot of minorities that have passed though Miss Constance's nightmare house. But I was the last one who couldn't pass as white, even with the whitening spell." She paused and looked back at McKenzie. "I did have black friends here who really helped me. One of them actually wasn't Spontaneously Gifted. She hated it here and moved to Atlanta to go to Spelman College as soon as she graduated."


Aliyah studied McKenzie's face even further, trying to get any clues. She stopped herself and laughed. "You're white passing for now, at least. What's the point in getting into this now when there's a chance you won't even need it in the future? I don't even need to warn you about getting close to anyone who's racist, either. They'll already judge you for being spontaneously gifted."

"That's not great..."

"Oh, of course it's not!" Aliyah nodded. "But it's a good thing that they will stay away from you. The people who would judge you poorly for being spontaneously gifted are bad and hateful people. It would be awful if they didn't avoid you!"

Aliyah knew better than to get into it - McKenzie looked frazzled from all of the warnings. She looked around the room to try and think of something positive. Then it hit her. "The dining hall won't open until the other first years get here. There's a communal kitchen downstairs... But would you like for me to order some pizza? I have a few coupons saved up."

[for the sake of brevity, they order pizza and McKenzie awkwardly doesn't understand how to eat it as she was not given a fork. However, she figures it out with help and is very much in love with pizza.]

How are Ryokumo's banks?

I think there are thirteen. Whoo! On her site, they are categorized by seasons. Let's get started!

Season 1

V1.2: Two pitch CV, but no prefix map. This is a 2010 bank that was rereleased in around 2017 according to the file names. I wasn't expecting this voice, but it is nice. It is very spunky and youthful. 

V2.1: this may or may not be the same as 1.2.

Dry 1.1: A weak CV append with two pitches. Very soft and nice, but consonants can be sharp.

VCV 1: This is a two pitch VCV, but it looks like it's unintended to use the high pitch. The prefix map is set to only play the low pitch. It sounds nice together, but I can see why it would be good to use them separately.

Season 2

Splash V 1: Splash is a two pitch cv bank with a stronger and thicker tone than dry. Still no prefix map. I like this bank more than the previous ones because of the thick tone. 

Dry Ver 2: A two pitch CV bank. The voice is noisy, but it is still nice and weak.

Ver 3: This is a three pitch cv bank! There is no prefix map. Sounds great, but some weird things are going on, like the ku on the low pitch. Things like that can be fixed by swapping samples between pitches. 

VCV 2: Four whole pitches!! The name could have been Flood. The voice sounds great, the pitches blend really well, and she sounds unique.

Season 3

CVVC Ver Proto: This is why I made new test usts! It is only one pitch. I really like the sound of this bank.

Dry CVVC: A two pitch CVVC bank. I love CVVC! I think her otos may need work, she didn't do well with some usts. But, her voice is very nice.

Ver 4: A three pitch CV bank. Otos aren't the best, but her voice is wonderful. 

VCV 3: A two pitch VCV bank. The voice sounds more androgynous than before, but the voice is still very nice.

Season 4

Finally! Thankfully, season four has just one bank. There may be more in the future, but for now, it is just CVVC ver 1, made in 2022. It has four pitches. This list actually has an interesting solution to get the VC for palatalized consonants. Just... Add vowels in front of them.

I couldn't get more than one or two notes from the highest and lowest pitches in there. The otos sadly do need work for the kind of stuff I do, but the voice is really awesome and could really shine with a little bit of oto work!

Where can I download Ryokumo?

You can download her from her official website. She is pretty awesome!

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