Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Forgotten Friday #323 - Itsuhoshi_P's ぴよ吉 / Piyokichi

 I actually might just start writing more stories for Forgotten Friday before I even finish processing all of these.

Forgotten Friday #323 - Itsuhoshi_P's ぴよ吉 / Piyokichi

If I understand correctly, Piyokichi is a quail. 

Who is Piyokichi?

Photo from bank 


"You know," Lisa closed her eyes, "we weren't as truthful as I would have liked to been." She opened her eyes. "This is a beautiful planet. By the time we verified contact wouldn't violate Union laws, the plants had mostly grown back. We explored a lot of the mainland before we decided to contact you. It's stunning."

"Really?" Megan looked surprised. 

"My home world was a nightmare." Lisa shook her head. "It was ugly and scary. This place is so sweet and inviting. So..."

Samson saw she was struggling. "What Lisa is trying to say is that a lot of people would want to live here. If there's not enough people left, any population will collapse after a few generations." Samson cleared his throat. "If there were enough survivors, we would leave you alone. Your people could rebuild and get to the point where the Union will contact your people about joining up."

"And if there aren't enough survivors?" Megan was shocked.

"Well..." Lisa looked down at her hands. "This planet becomes a colony."

Megan stood up and walked away. She went outside and sat down on a chair on her porch. 

Lisa gave her a minute before coming outside and sitting down next to her. 

"I..." Megan shook her head. "Can I trust that you didn't kill them?"

"We would never!" Lisa gasped. "No, you're the only living sapient being that we have seen. We found hatches to bunkers, but... We couldn't get in and there were no signs of life."

"What does this mean for me?" Megan looked up to meet Lisa's gaze. "What do I lose in all of this?"

"You'll get neighbors." Lisa smiled. "I know you don't like that, but think about it." Lisa pulled a small foil wrapped brick out of her pocket. "This is chocolate. If this becomes a tourist destination, you'll have all the chocolate you could ever eat!"

Megan shook her head. "You've tried chocolate on me before. It's nasty."

"Well, yes." Lisa sighed. "I'm sorry. If we can't come up with at least a hundred people, there's nothing I can do."

Something dawned on Megan. "If I said we need to go to the mainland to search for survivors, you wouldn't be able to go forward on making this a colony, would you?"

"Well..." Lisa looked confused. "Would that be something you wanted? You don't like me."

Megan laughed. "I'm sorry. It was obvious?"

"But... Yes." Lisa shrugged. "Stealing a planet would be bad for the Union."

"I miss home." Megan looked away. "If it's safe... I want to go home. There's no way to do that with the technology I had access to."

"If it's in the service of finding any survivors underground..." Lisa smiled softly, "then let's take you home to the mainland."

And that's about where this story ends! I can't decide which is better for this story: a ton of survivors or no survivors at all. Either way, Megan will have a lot of people in her future! 

How Are Piyokichi's banks?

There are two banks with one sample each. One is the noises from a baby quail and one is the cries of an adult quail. This isn't like a typical one of these. There are tons of options of different sounds!

I'm Using both banks at once. Sometimes these banks sound like music and sometimes they don't. This one is more on the side of not sounding like music... But it's nice bird sounds.

Where can I download Kichi Piyo?

Here is the blog post with the links!

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